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Everything posted by norolim

  1. Well, I can't really relate to the King's Landing - Königsmund problem, as I don't know the lore, but I researched the other example you gave and I'm afraid I must disagree. The surname Snow is one of the ways to identlfy bastad children in Westeros. The others are Stone, Rivers, Waters, Pyke, Hill, Flowers, Storm and Sand and all of them are derived from or simply are common nouns. This means, that from the localization point of view, they may and imo should be translated into the target language, on condition that the usage is consistent. So, all bastard children in The North should be called [first name] Schnee in the German version of the books. English is not a language used in Westeros so why would you want to use it in the German translation? It's actually very similar to what I described above: Westeros has it's Common Tonge: the Andal language and Martin is using English to represent it. Otherwise, he would have to invent a new language and write most dialogues in his book in it, which would in turn force the readers to learn the language. That would be a bit hardcore EDIT: Corrected The North, thanks Althernai
  2. I don't speak German, but I agree with the OP. What he mentions is true for all languages. Not just German. A fantasy RPG is usually set in a fictitious realm. The realm has its fictitious lands, cultures, races, pantheons and languages. To make things easier most fantasy worlds have one "common speech" used by the peoples of most origins and races to communicate. And this tongue is often used to name cities, regions, rivers, lakes, people etc. In case of literature, film and games this common speech is for obvious reasons represented by the language used by the authors of the work in question. In cRPGs it may, for example, be English (most cases), German (Gothic) or Polish (The Witcher). Therefore, it's natural for me that proper names that are made up of or include common words should be translated into the targed langualge. Example: a fictitious region called Golden Plains would be Die Goldenen Ebenen in German, Les Plaines d'Or in French (both google translator assisted, please corect if wrong) and Złote pola in Polish. Examples in actual works: Tolkien's Middle-earth (mountain range name) [sindarin*] Hithaeglir -> hîth (hith) mist, fog, aeglir range of mountain peaks -> [English] Misty Mountains -> [German] Das Nebelgebirge -> [French] Monts Brumeux -> [Polish] Góry Mgliste [*]The Witcher (character name) [Polish]Jaskier -> [English] Dandelion** -> [German] Rittersporn -> [Russian] Лютик * Sindarin - on of the Elvish languages created by J.R.R. Tolkien for Middle-earth * Dandelion - notice that the literal translation of of the Polish Jaskier is Buttercup; this was believed to sound too feminine and was changed to Dandelion
  3. Why couldn't they have prepared some of that at campaign start? Now, they desperately need an article on GameSpot or, as you mentioned, an endorsement from an Internet personality, maybe Angry Joe or TotalBiscuit. I hope you can change the name to somthing more suiting, when you decide to make him a her.
  4. Yea, I must have been pissed about something and I took it out on you I still don't think the'll make it, though. I hope they will, but the numbers paint a sad picture.
  5. Damn. The exposition in their new update is rather intriguing. They are beginning to win me over
  6. According to Kicktraq, yesterday PE registered the highest amount pledged per day since the 6th day of the campaign. The number of new backers wasn't nearly as good. So, it looks that the update worked, though it's more existing backers increasing their pledge than new people deciding to chip in.
  7. What is wrong with you people? We get an EXPANSION! It's great news, and all you can think of is how Obsidian is robbing you of your money and how they aren't better than bloody EA. Have at least a little trust and some decency.
  8. If you made an effort to read the thread, you would know why. It's been explained many taimes and in detail. Besides, you're not going to convince anyone, if you use arguments about "peasants."
  9. Fear not. This is form one of the recent the Kickstarter QA sessions with Fergus:
  10. This subject again? I thought it was dead and forgotten. The devs are spot on on this aspect. Some VO for main NPCs and companions is a perfect solution. And this: is shocking to me. Whe I read dialogues, be it in a book or an RPG, I know exactly how the characters are saying their lines. I know their intonation, their accent, even the tone of their voice. I can hear the emotions. Ther is no voice actor in the world that could possibly do a better job than my own imagination. A poet once said, "Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice." I guess nature recently decided to do the other way round...
  11. Good news: Russian has been confirmed last week. Bad news: it's likely 1C will do the translation and distribution.
  12. For me it means that either way you'll have an option to go DRM free with the box.
  13. I want to know if the $65 box is going to be just a plastic box with a DVD and sllim manual inside and nothing more, or a carboard box with a full manual? If it's carboard, i will increase my pledge. If not, I won't. At least not to that specific tier.
  14. You will get a DRM free digital version in addition to your boxed version at $65 tier.
  15. A good way to prevent abusing resting is to introduce hunger and thirst mechanics. If you need to eat and drink, you have to carry food and water and they: 1) cost many, 2) have weight. When you rest time passes and obviously party members become hungry and thirsty. Do it often and you'll quickly run out of supplies. As far as health is concerned, unlimited regeneration is a bad idea. It's not Call of Duty. My ideas related to health and resting/camping, which may compliment what the OP suggested: serious wounds don't heal themselves; powerful magical healing potions are rare and extremely expensive and/or can only help up to a certain degree; healing would be done by using special non-combat abilities, healing kits and spells when camping; powerfull spells can heal instantly during battles, but are associated with some kind of additional cost for the caster (e.g. HP); healing serious wounds would take a reasonable amount of time; you could also go to a specialist to be healed quicker for a price; minor wounds and olnly minor wounds would regenerate; setting up camps would allow the party to rest, eat and also cook their food over fire for additional bonuses; in camp characters could heal, repair equipment/make simple equipment (e.g. arrows), heal wounds, gather herbs for alchemical mixtures etc; the party should consist of more characters than the maximum allowed in combat; if e.g. your PC walks around with a maximum of 5 characters, the whole party should have 10 members, so that if some of them are too seriously injured (and remember: healing takes time), you can substitute them with others.
  16. There definitely isn't enough info for me to form a definitive opinion, but from what we know now, I don't really like the magic system. I hope it is better than it sounds, though.
  17. Hehe. He doesn't state anything here imo. He just refuses to share any info. But tbh, for me the way he does it suggests they indeed have a deal with Cenega/1C. One thing we know for certain (from update #15) is that they have a deel with some distributors in Poland and Russia.
  18. If this is the comment you are referring to: I don't realy see where "he stated that they haven't chosen a distributor in Russia and Poland yet".
  19. That is until someone spreads rumors about, hmm... streamlined equipment management in PE, at which point you'll write another goodbye letter? Sorry, mate. I just can't treat you seriously after that "integrity" post. And the OP doesn't help with that either.
  20. Don't forget metiman, that there is a third faction. One that won't be backing the project and probably won't be playing the game. I remember you decisevly stated that you belong to this third one, didn't you now.
  21. What exactly is the point of your post? I believe you need to calm down a bit, 'cause you're being very confrontational in this topic. And for no apparent reason. There is nothing to pick on in my post. It's just my prediction, based on statistics related to Old School RPG and other Kickstarters. By comparing the trending and projection graphs of this and past projects available on Kicktraq it is possible to predict the outcome of a Kickstarter campaign with a fairly high degree of accuracy. And that's what my post is. Not a definitive statement. A personal prediction based on my own observations. If it's wrong...I will actually be glad. But there is nothing to pick on for you. I'm not whishing them to fail. I'm just stating my concern. So, honestly, mate, and I say this after watching your involvement in his topic for a while...calm down a bit.
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