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hideo kuze

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Everything posted by hideo kuze

  1. Sorry for the minor offtopic here, but I think it's important in order to fit the concept of lore and identification in the world. I'm all up for realism, so for me it's important to have different qualities of swords/armors: rusty, bronze, steel and maybe something more mystic (star metal). This would also be a convenient and elegant way to avoid the boring and immersion breaking "+1" magic tag. Distinguishing between the first three would require a very low blacksmith skill. And identifying such items would give you information on its damage. The fencing skill would give you information on the number of attacks per round the weapon speed. Although for identifying something more exquisite such as star metal or recognizing a peculiar forging process (like the one in making a katana, it would require a higher skill level). And forging such items would require an even higher skill, obviously (and having the schematics for such). Now, as for unidentified items and lore. I'd like for it to be possible to use unidentified items and make use of its effects (*). However if it's cursed, tough luck pall, cursed girdle of gender and Edwina gives you T representation in the game. Knowing all about the magic associated with the item would require having a high enough lore skill or bringing it to someone with the necessary skill level. And please!, no uber lore master that knows it all on sh+ty town. It could also be that for a few items, there would be two lore levels. The first would uncover the more basic magic properties, with the latter give you information on some high level stuff (eg: performing a ritual, gives room for interesting side quests). IMO getting this information should be done in a convenient way like "identify everything on party", otherwise is becomes a tedious chore. Finally, the trader skill together with the lore and blacksmith skills should give you information on how much gold an item is worth. This saves you the trouble of playing the role of a mule carrying stuff that isn't worth a dime (this is really material for another thread about game world economics). (*) although I'm of the opinion that weapons and armors should play better or worse depending on the occasion, instead of a matter of simply being better in a one-size-fits-all (which is boring and provides no strategy at all). Furthermore, I'd love for some Diablo 1-ish items, where they had both advantages and disadvantages. tl,dr: no identify spell, use a lore skill, nice items descriptions and artwork like in BG2
  2. I've used the same expression as you as it "fitting the world", but the more I think about the, the more convinced I get that the fact is that we know nothing about it apart from the fact that it's a fantasy game with magic where the pinnacle of technology are firearms. Our pitfall is assuming that because because we'll have humans, elfs and dwarfs, every other race should fit according to D&D. Should we really trap ourselves in this?
  3. I think the point of having different races is that it allows exploring different social and cultural paradigms that are not possible with humans, due to our own fabricated idea weaved with history threads. It's a sad truth that I don't recall ever having seen such a thing. The strangest I've seen (as a playable) in any videogame have been the drow (in BG2), that where a violent matriarchal race. (technically I played with a troll in ToEE, but yeah, in terms of culture or dialog, it was as flat as it can be) When I was a kid, I remember seeing a cartoon episode (from Once Upon a Time... Space) where humans met a reptilian alike alien race. And while they exchange impressions the aliens said that they ate, like, 90% of their offspring (eggs). The humans where horrified. The aliens proceed to explain that due to their large number of eggs laid out, if they didn't do such a thing the planet ecosystem would collapse due to their numbers. And the human became more understanding, but still horrified. I'd really like to see some out-of-box cultures.
  4. What I'd like to see would be for a region to have been devastated by war some centuries ago. And through time it got filled with criminals, undead and any other type of wild and demonic critter. So you basically have a full region filled with ruins of a civilization whose knowledge is long gone... until someone risks his life scavenging it. Some of these ruins are completely isolated, while others interconnect with several others through simple tunnels or underground areas (dungeons). So you'll be able to explore some bits isolatedly, while others will be vast. And maybe on some of those the entrance crumbles and you'll have to find your way out. Neat or what? This would also allow for some connection to the main quest or some side quests.
  5. Yes, but a long time ago. I have forgotten about that. I had the idea that "time" paused during dialog.
  6. I disagree. The only problem with ToEE's UI was that the keyboard shortcuts didn't always work (due to bugs).
  7. This man speaks the truth. On another subject, I made this mockup due to a discussion at another thread, but it fits perfectly here due to its nature. What do you think if we had a dialog interface like this, where the player is spoiled with delicious artwork?
  8. I also have a preference for their in-house artists, I think that is only fair. Besides, the dwarf ranger as pretty good IMO. But in any case I'd love to see more artwork in the game. A lot more than we even had on old IE games. And if they need Justin to join the ranks, even better. To me this is a very significant add-on. It can give so much character to an NPC and to a location. And make narrations something memorable and exciting. True. But I guess the problem we are used to a certain type of interface. Now imagine we have something like this instead (adapted from the Age of Decadence UI): Am I the only one who would like to have such a thing? Note: this wouldn't be for all NPCs, just the major ones.
  9. Yes, I agree with this mechanic. Also, I'd like to see some type of learning curve for attributes (assuming these can be changed, I hope so) and skills, such that after a certain threshold you need to use 2 skills points for a 1 point increase, and then 3 skills points for 1 point increase, and so on. At end game I'd like to be a respected and known adventurer across some lands, but nothing epic or even close to god-like.
  10. I don't know, but I hope so. Gives an incentive to be a backer.
  11. some people have no sense of humor Besides, the idea would be for this to go along with something game related.
  12. Or you can do what I did The more important thing to ask is... do the devs even look at the polls?
  13. No problem. That is cool. The idea was exactly to make people chose. So that if there were a lot of yeses, the devs would go forward with it. I guess they won't.
  14. mmm... constructs that have no soul constructs that want to be human humanoid well, you get my point constructs that are searching for a soul (reference: Wizard of Oz) constructs that are willing to kill and cope with dark magic so that they can be imbued with a soul... so that they have access to magic too and be able to have feelings (cheesy I know) IMO this has room for a lot of cool questions and scenarios. It kind of opens the philosophical debate of what it means to be human and have rights (pro tip: AI and robots)... in the middle ages p.c. But I still want a matriarchal race damn it! It seems Sawyer only checks the Tropes vs Women thread Is there any dev out there? *there* *there* *there* We feel lonely! *lonely* *lonely* *lonely* I think that they simply went with those 3 traditional first to be able to draw into the game a less "hardcore" audience. So they're just winking. But I'm sure they'll give those races some interesting twists, at the very least at the sub-race level.
  15. Not to ruin the party, but there are already 2 threads about this http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/60535-some-thoughts-on-urgency-consequences-and-parallel-non-linear-missions/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/60235-urgency-please-have-it/
  16. I'm not sure about fairies... But I like the idea of constructs and even undead. I'm just not sure if it would work. What good RPGs have implemented these as playable races? edit: but what exactly is an undead race anyway? a skeleton? (if so then from which race? doesn't make sense) a zombie? (so tired of seeing zombies everywhere, even though I don't even play those games or watch those shows) a vampire? (wouldn't it strip away its powerful figure?)
  17. I think that should be done at a faction/country/area level and not at a race level. I have the same opinion as the race mentioned by OP. It is a nice idea, but it works better as a condition for a character of any race. OP, I also don't see insectoids fitting in this setting. But we know so little, so who knows. Assuming we will have tieflings as the godly race (which I'd love to), we already cover the demonic area, and its appearance somewhat also covers the minotaur aspect and even the reptilian look. (not that looks are the core aspect, but people enjoy variety) If we don't get the tiefling, I'm all up for a minotaur and a reptilian race. If we have tieflings as the godly race, would you still like to have one of those? Or do you see that ground as covered? Well, they said the 5th one would be for "the truly odd". I'm really curious on what they see as the truly odd. Maybe we'll get an insectoid race or a cthulhvian race I would have really enjoyed to have orcs or ogres as a playable. So it's a shame they won't be there. Alternatively I'd like to see a matriarchal race, with a culture similar to the drow (if we will have drow, then not so similar but still matriarchal). From a biological point of view, most of these tend to be from the invertebrate family. So maybe we'll get an insectoid race. Maybe a spider alike race? More cool stuff by Sweets: http://www.justinswe...047_mantis.html http://www.justinswe...130_goblin.html http://www.justinswe...S/136_ogre.html http://www.justinswe..._minotaur2.html http://www.justinswe...0_aslannew.html (sorry for the minor artwork derail, but when you look at it you do wonder "hey, this would be cool")
  18. Guys, don't forget to check this important stretch goal too http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/60610-production-beard-stretch-goal-for-the-4-millions-mark/
  19. Q: What is this production beard you speak of? What will the beard produce? A: Basically the involved devs do some funky things with their facial hair during game production. See here. Q: Why would they do that? A: Because they are cool guys who aren't afraid of anything. Q: What is the purpose of this anyway? A: It challenges the devs into accepting it. Which in its turn challenges the backers into reaching a funding of 4 millions. IMO a really amazing feat that will help in bringing the best game possible. Q: What does it all mean!? How does it work? A: Obsidian will have to announce that they'll go full Production Beard mode if they reach 4 millions of KS funding (includes KS and paypal). In its turn it's up for the backers to make the project reach a 4 millions funding. Q: Isn't 4 millions too low? A: Maybe. But I had to pick a number. Q: Isn't 4 millions too high? A: Maybe. But I had to pick a number. NB: challenge does not apply to female devs/artists. I hope nobody gets offended with this gender inequality issue, but I suspect that most will agree that bearded women are not cool. PS: if you vote, please bump the thread if it falls behind page 3 (at least until it gets some amount of votes)
  20. Well, isn't it obvious!? Completely naked as well also. So that she automatically casts charm upon horny male From http://www.justinsweet.com/ All of these are great in my book. Some may wonder about this last portrait "hey, she's showing her cleavage. You lying bastard! Get him!" The important thing to ask is: does it fit the character? When I look at these last two portraits, this is what I think of: 1st) vivid colored robe, staff, headband... She looks like someone that is a member of some magi order. 2nd) shows cleavage and legs, solid expression... She looks like someone that isn't afraid to resort to both wits and charms. Possibly because she isn't part of any magi order and as such is possibly on her own. And curiously enough, all of those first 3 pictures would work great as evil witches/wizards/casters. Just because they're evil doesn't imply they should have to run around half naked. Like I said: does it fit the world? does it fit the character?
  21. I'm really curious if the devs have looked into this thread and if the new goals will match anywhere near with the results we have here.
  22. Merin, I think you gave an interesting idea about point splitting on your thread http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/60602-combat-oriented-vs-non-combat-oriented-a-possible-implementation/ I would just say have the combat and non-combat skill points poll sizes differ according to your attributes or your class. Instead of being based on perks... which I'm not even sure if they'll be in the game. This way you could still have room for some min-maxing.
  23. That's really a position that doesn't make sense in a medieval context. What does it mean to free the eunuch slaves who ran the Ottoman Beuracracy? What does it mean to free the serfs who were tied to the land their lord owned? What does it even mean to be free in a medieval setting, when your life is foreit for anyone powerful enough to take it, when a king can strip you of your property and exile you from your homeland, when 80% of the population must spend their lives toiling in the fields for the other 20% to be able to do anything else? But it makes sense from a cRPG POV. And having the possibility to do something and see its impact on the game world, to me at least, is lots of fun. I agree that having an impact is really fun, but I'd prefer it if we had impacts that actually made sense, in conflicts that actually made sense. So, for example, say that we're dealing with a conflict between a top-down divine monarch who appoints lords who own serfs, and a germanic style monarchy where heads of households gather at Things and elect Lawspeakers and Shire-Reeves and Chieftans (who then go on to elect Kings / Emperors). Then, sure, you can side with the germanic-style state and think of yourself as promoting freedom, but while you're at it you're probably sowing chaos and instability, and you're not really changing that much. The heads of household will still probably have farmhands who can't vote, and the higher positions will still probably stay within one family most of the time. And what will most often decide how people vote at the Things and the other assemblies? The threat of force, and family loyalty. Compare this to, say, the simplistic conflict we had in BG:II:SoA, where there are Yuan-Ti peddling children and pit fighters for the enjoyment of the Ultra-Rich. Some may prefer the latter, and that's fine, but I'd prefer the former. Yes, this is exactly the type of things I want to see in the game. And I'm pretty sure we'll have those type of situations. And in regard to slavery, like I said here I'm expecting some backlashes from actions that initially seem the obvious thing to do, but its real impact is far more dramatic and less rainbow than the expected one. Like having a country's economy crumble, lead them to poverty and finally war.
  24. Well, I think you'll agree that PST was somewhat unique in that regard, being that the mish-mash of different cultures was pretty integral to the idea of a planar hub like sigil. But can you honestly say that it wouldn't be jarring in a standard European medieval fantasy setting? Agreed. Like I said, it has to fit the setting. It would make sense if such classes only became available after the player had made contact to another culture across a vast ocean. Well, this is possible material for an expansion.
  25. Simplyfiy everything enough and everything is the same. A mage and a fighter are just humans who fight... I guess you just tried to dodge the point. What do those 3 classes have in common? They are able to inflict damage through physical actions using different types of weapons, such as swords... which surprisingly are also in line with the figure of samurais. I would say it's quite different from mages, who rely on magic. Common misconception. Well I could be wrong. My idea is that they weren't exactly known for hygiene or politeness. If you can, feel free to post a link or two. Funny thing is, even today, some westerners are seen as rude in some asian countries, due to things such as loud talking or blatant gestures or movement. FWIW, I was born and raised in Europe.
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