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hideo kuze

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Everything posted by hideo kuze

  1. It's probably the least vulgar portrait in the game. Some of the others are absolutely hideous looking: Awful, awful artwork... It's probably the least vulgar portrait in the game. Some of the others are absolutely hideous looking: Awful, awful artwork... Loads better than the hideous crap from Justin Sweet that is plastered all over this thread. You just don't like dark themes, that's the only difference. IWD was a very dark game, baldurs gate is a very bright game. Mike Sass did the BG portraits and as you can see they are all 'very' bright, while Justin Sweet's are all very dark. It all depends on the type of game Project Eternity is going to be, if it's a very dark game i'm not going to want bright character portraits that's for sure. But I have a feeling that's it's not going to have that same 'dark' feel that IWD had, which is probably why they only talked about contacting Vance and Justin and never did actually do it. Those BG portraits are plain horrible! Their artist aimed for realism, but then plastered them with irregular brightness patches all over. Some of them look like they're wearing make up... as if trying to cross-dress or something like that. Yes, we heard you. No need to keep parroting it at every page. Maybe you should start another thread for it: "Portrait styles I'd like to have" or "No Justin Sweet please" And then post deviant fan art in it.
  2. The same could be said about the breast plate issue... This is just a game, not a breasts plate simulator. Its set in a fantasy world, with fantasy being. Just because it's a fantasy game it doesn't mean it needs to a victim of all sorts of mistakes. It would be the same thing as having swords look like those silly models that are 2 times bigger than the character itself. That isn't fantasy, that is bad design. Also, like I said, if this concept art will not be used again, there is no need to spend time correcting it. The reason I was so detailed in my post was that I wanted to justify my points, instead of simply saying that is wrong.
  3. With that attitude I even have doubts you're pledging into this at all. Anyway, no need to continue feeding... Even alts... *sigh* This is just great! Wasteland 2 got 420k on the last 3 days. With 4 days to go I'm sure we'll be able to reach 3.5 Million! If not, I'm pretty sure it will be damn close, and OE will still make that second big city
  4. Oh boy. I hated those IWD portraits with passion. At least I now have a reason to lower my pledge. haters gonna hate... and trolls gonna troll
  5. Regarding update #21 on KS: This baby is simply looking great! The giant statue is a wonderful stroke at making the dungeon a whole lot more interesting. I really! want to see what secrets it holds! And learn about who made that statue. And why. And why it's buried! I really like these types of adventures. To be able to explore ancient dungeons/ruins and find out about new things, that the rest of the game-world hasn't discovered yet. Now for the not so good: The problem with Forton is his stance which is plain wrong... unless he's a level 1 noob. Being a chinese martial arts practitioner that portrait made me cringe. That stance is a knee cap killer. Nobody lasts long damaging their knee caps like that. The front leg should be with a 90 degree angle, with the knee cap basically over his heel (or just a little bit more). Otherwise you have your weight at your knee joint, which you don't want. As for the back leg the feet should be at 45 degrees, otherwise (like you can see in the pic) you end up with the knee is pointing towards the side instead of the front. Which is knee injury inducer since that stance (Deng Shan Bu) requires alignment as you're supposed to use your back leg to generate power by pushing (from Si Liu Bu to Deng Shan Bu). And if you want to be perfectionist, the front foot should also be pointing at 45 degrees in order to protect his groin. Do view the first 15 seconds: in 3 you use the back leg to push forward and generate power that connects with your punch (not perfect case since he isn't in Su Liu Bu) http://www.usashaoli...inside-kung-fu/ And give Forton some proper shoes! One doesn't simply walk into Mordor using sandals :/ You want to protect your feet in the battle field. A good reference for the scene you're trying to capture: If this concept art is to be used in the game, I would ask for OE to correct it. Just as the Cadegum was corrected because it's what makes sense.
  6. My copy-paste of the most relevant questions (basically 90% of what was answered) from the PCGamer live interview.
  7. It did got somewhat answered I was asking about healing. What I still don't know if there will be long term (or even permanent) wounds/conditions.
  8. my questions are going through... or are being ignored by the interviewer
  9. Vailian republic sounds great .... I read that as Villain republic, a city full of villains! Imagine all the evil laughing and fighting going on in such a city. Typical Vailian citizen:
  10. I missed Adam's Ustream... and there is no archive link on the ustream channel Tell me it ain't so Was it lost for good? Or will it be available at ustream or youtube?
  11. That's exactly the point. To make the impossible happen. I think there is a very big chance we'll be able to pull this off. Come one... Baldur's Gate... Athkatla... come one... google wasn't generous this time, nonetheless... http://www.cs.susu.a...oA/ustnatha.jpg http://paizo.com/ima...04-DrowCity.jpg http://www.deathd4di...012/10/Drow.jpg http://www.kismetros...es/drow1600.jpg http://paizo.com/ima...neoftheDrow.jpg
  12. I like that! Something to put things in perspective. That there is more to the world that the player and his party. That there are forces greater than him. A dose of humility.
  13. The overall excitement with PE, that beautiful screenshot and Josh's persona ... all of that together made me giggle a couple of times when watching the video. As for the update. It was great... almost purrrfect. But I was disappointed in not having a stretch goal for more companions. I would more than gladly replace the stronghold with another two companions, or even one. How about a 3.6M goal for 2 more companions?
  14. imgur.com is your friend BTW, and I don't want to be rude, but what exactly is the purpose of this image? Seems to big to be used as a signature.
  15. True. I wonder what Justin has been up to in these last years. His site has been unaccessible since yesterday.
  16. The paperboard to be used for making the game box shall be made out of recycled paper from Obsidian PE's drafts and sketches. OE's tears shall be used for mixing the paper sheets into a pulp. After that pulp is beaten and dried out, it is then cut into the box format. Finally, OE's devs blood shall be used for painting the box and overall hardening of it. It's all part of the development process... blood and tears. (yeah, no sweat; there is none of it in IT work unless the AC is broken) Magical Box of Goodness +2
  17. That one looks amazing. It would be great if Sweet at least did the backgrounds for the narration slides. *sigh*
  18. Well, when asking for more companions, my guess it that they maintain their quality level, instead of decreasing existing companions dialogs. Likewise, when someone asks for another area or more quests, that shouldn't also imply that current areas will become more bland and boring. Besides, companions are (mostly?) CA's work... and we have to keep in busy. You don't want him to be slacking while everyone else is working on the game Also this. I knew I was forgetting about something
  19. doh! Completely forgot the idea of a documentary for rewards. It doesn't need to be anything like the DFA videos (the music, scene transitions, etc, etc). But with little to no money it would be possible to make some 20-30 minutes monthly videos of how development is going. I was never much into the house/stronghold thing. But I like the idea of being able to put some defenses up (maybe some rudimentary cannons or spell wards) and have to use it as some sort of barricade when fending the town against one or two invasions.
  20. Suppose you get to choose what stretch goals are to be used for the 2.9, 3.0 and 3.1 marks. What would you want to see? Try to keep them in the same magnitude as previous goals (ie: don't ask for a bunchload of features), but feel free to go wild. For reference: 6 races (human, dwarf, elf, ?, ?, godlike race) 9 classes (fighters, priests, rogues, wizards, rangers, monks, druids, barbarians, ciphers) 8 companions +2 classes (makes a total of 11 classes) + awesomeness For me, it would be: $2.9 million: another companion and even more artwork (backgrounds for narrations, portraits, and item sketches -- in the vein of the dwarf ranger and the latest wallpaper) $3.0 million: another companion and modding toolkit (in reality I wanted a TB mode, but that is not going to happen) $3.1 million: better music and bigger world (inclusion of live music for where it can shine; more C&C for crazier things)
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