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Everything posted by Bryy

  1. Darren, You're a goddamn maniac. It is 1am and you're still at work on what I can only assume is forum duty. Good on you, bub. Every time I think I've read the most hilarious comment....
  2. I am torn. Want to RP as my games characters playing the game, but also like the names I picked out.
  3. On the eve of launch, am reconfiguring my group to be more.... nepotistic. I'm deciding on my group being named after my supernatural spec script or my game dev spec script (in which casem I'd be RP'ing my characters RP'ing).
  4. My customs look wrong in that size for small. Are you sure? They look fatter.
  5. So, say I get Eder and then five other custom heroes (since it is possible via stream-knowledge to get an entire custom party at the beginning). Then I come across Aloth. What happens? I've yet to unlock the Stronghold. Can I just not get Aloth until I can store party members?
  6. Two game keys remaining for Desert Bus for Hope. Awaiting my other goodies! Thanks!
  7. I'm sure you can RP one. Pick a Death God to worship, RP as evil.
  8. Where did you find a copy? Here is a link to the manual from the Steam page of my game: http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/291650/manuals/pe-game-manual.pdf?t=1427302221 I love that you can swap companions at the Stronghold. Now I don't need to worry about sacrificing the scripted companions for custom adventurers.
  9. At a time when Double Fine used up all their funding before the game was even halfway done, Wasteland 2 was being touched up because, even though they finished the game, they had excess funds left. I'm not saying inXile is even close to the worst or anything. Just that they did mismanage a couple of things in my opinion. Reality trumps your opinion.
  10. Why not? What's the downside? People play the game on their service regardless. Valve only cares about the copies sold on Steam. Same with CDP.
  11. Well, considering the game will be out... the pledge add-ons just become "things to buy". Unless you mean the crowdfunded-specific stuff.
  12. No, because it's not a sale. Nothing was sold. The keys were already generated for all the backers. Only the non-KS copies sold over GoG, the Obsidian Site, and Steam count as sales because money was actually given.
  13. Just gave away some copies, saving the rest for charity! Off to play some Dragon Age: Jaws of Hakkon! Bryy out. *mic drop*
  14. Because it's not about understanding anything else than "money". Every argument against mine that you can make ends up being "money" and you know this perfectly well. What exactly is the point you think you are making here?
  15. haha you doofus. ...please don't report me! In all seriousness, I can't imagine what people can do with the extra keys other than give them away. I guess if you have multiple personalities, you might use them all. ...Or if you want to play PoE with your wife. Of course, there's nothing like both playing the single player game together at different computers. For my part, if I *hadn't* already earmarked my extra copies, I would actually be tempted to use one of the keys just so I could get an early start while waiting for my box. <.< Well, I want to be a Good Guy (re: Street Cred lulz), but I also want to donate at least on or two copies to DBFH for the children. #FirstWorldProblems
  16. Obsidiforums, I pose a question to you. I have four copies of Eternity left. I would like to give some to friends, but also donate an ample sum to this years Desert Bus for Hope. Do I split it 2/2? 1/3? 0/4?
  17. What would you call people saying they'll never support Obsidian again because their pre-release keys for a video game launching in two days was late?
  18. Bit confused. Are digital orders in a different area or are they linked to the download? It's late at night, don't look at me like that.
  19. A little confused. As a 1k Backer, do I only get 1 Royal or are the other ones Royal too? I don't want to tell people I'm giving away the wrong items.
  20. So, I'm a Gold Backer, is this right? I only have one Royal and five Hero copies? I'm not complaining, it doesn't matter either way, just wondering.
  21. I won't speak for anyone else but I don't think you personally need to apologize for anything. I think that Obsidian should have been more transparent in what was going on though. Backers should have gotten keys before anyone else. That didn't happen and when it didn't happen Obsidian should have been in front of that situation explaining why. We still don't really know why. At the end of the day, I don't think anyone is going to be upset, backer wise, as long as they have the game pre-loaded and ready to play when it unlocks. They did explain. BAdler stated in a post the exact reason why Steam is pre-loading; ie, because they had to tell Steam to turn on pre-loading so our keys could actually work once given to us, and once Steam turned on pre-loading everybody who had pre-ordered automatically started pre-loading. If they hadn't told Steam to turn on pre-loading, then our keys would not work until tomorrow morning. You not know is not the same as them not communicating. I read that post and it did not communicate *why* the backers did not have keys yet, but the Steam purchasers did. It just explained the decision to enable pre-loading (which I am fine with). My money was spent years ago, at the very least I expected to get a key at the same time as someone who ordered on Steam a minute ago. That didn't happen and for all of the BAdler posts, that still has not been explained. Okay. Here's the reason: Obsidian is not Valve. There we go. This is not a hard concept.
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