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Everything posted by Darkpriest

  1. hopefully, once the WE mechanic of outposts gets play tested, they might change some of the RO rules - i doubt that they will do it during this title, but they've got a way larger budget for their next installments which pushed the production cycle of the whole set of 3 games by a year (at least)
  2. It's a dead game and a badly designed D&D game, that's why it sold poorly. The best aspect of that game funnily enough was the light story and some companions. Not sure why they tried to make it a diablo clone instead of making it a platform for D&D like NWN was.... (god I miss some of the modules of NWN - i would pay kings ransom for a new release of such a game)
  3. @Justin Lets play a what if game a little bit if you won't mind. If you would like to revisit any of your creations, which one would it be and why. Also, how from the current perspective you'd like to change it. What type of tune would it carry. to what you could compare your own alteration?
  4. you only get that stuff when you get some projects cancelled. Tyranny was a low budget filler, as we can see from the tech, which was largely just a slight improvement over PoE. Obs been fairly silent on their other projects.
  5. Thank you! Happy to talk music with you guys any time if folks are interesting in that. Are you referring to this blog post - https://eternity.obsidian.net/news/update-76-music-in-pillars-of-eternity- Or another forum thread? No, it was another forum thread, from during the development of PoE, where it was called Project Eternity You've share some links, talked on various inspirations and even showed off your personal content from your soundcloud and we in turn gave links to various youtube music pieces, etc. Can't find the thread now, it's so old
  6. Justin, any chances for some general Obs thread for music in games and how you approach each title and where to you get your inspiration from. I recall the music thread for PoE was AMAZING!!!
  7. yeah, it counts if you are in the game, not actually playing the game.
  8. well i have 5400h in DotA2 - and I am not even playing that much ------anymore
  9. I think I messed up, wanted to play a very cunning fatebinder and work my way through by killing one archon, then having another taken by the law, and play more into Kyros servant, but probably should have played that differently, perhaps i was too fast with accusations, but still fun. Trying the "rebel" route seems a bit challenging, unlike the simple power grab when you go all the way against everyone with some silent supporters I know it will sound like a heresy, but I would not mind some DLC already
  10. I was interested in it as I thought it will be Vermintide in space but from what I have heard its more like a MOBA? In sense you only §progress§ though mission and next one you have to start from scratch? Not interested any more in it :/ Isn't it the same with Vermintide? you have a selection of maps, thorugh which you progress. First time you get those maps split "into acts" but nothing really connects. it's about loot and killing rats while taking their tomes of magic for better loot From what I understand in Vermintide you got permanent look which you can use in another missions, but from what I understand in Space Hulk you unlock nwe weapons only through one map? Am I missing something? You're correct. oh in this term, i got it... hmm it's a bit wasted opportunity then. not much to keep you invested past a couple maps
  11. I was interested in it as I thought it will be Vermintide in space but from what I have heard its more like a MOBA? In sense you only §progress§ though mission and next one you have to start from scratch? Not interested any more in it :/ Isn't it the same with Vermintide? you have a selection of maps, thorugh which you progress. First time you get those maps split "into acts" but nothing really connects. it's about loot and killing rats while taking their tomes of magic for better loot
  12. I've decided to pick up Vermintide during last weekend, and I have to say it's quite fun, especially on hard+ difficulty (well i do not feel i have good enough gear for cataclysm so i would be a burden, nightmare i guess i can play some, though i feel i'm carried at times by a team with good gear, hard feels like a sweet spot for me even with no good gear, it;s challanging and thus fun) I find it quite pleaseijng to hack skaven as my dwarf. got myself a blue axe and shield with higher block stamin and some hand gun for long range sniping, and I love it. although running around with blunderbas and greatsword as a empire soldiers alos feels fun... least fun for me is a bright mage - feels like she needs a really good gear otherwise she overheats too fast and you are just swinign your poor sword.
  13. So now the US re-colonization of Cuba can start once again?
  14. It's tied to one of the quest for one of the factions, and it's that faction specific quest
  15. they will take you to same places, but you have different options there, plus they differ a lot based on your conquest choices.
  16. Its not the global tonality on internet. Most people repport : 4 regions = Graven ashes / Voices Nerat / rebels 5 regions = Anarchy. Personnally, I agree with that, because, I never seen the burning library (Lethian OR flame library with Nerat and Tarki Arri) Not sure, I screwed up with Nerat as I took Lethian, and then instead of going to Library, i went to Blade region, you can always go to all Spire regions, BUT you need to go to Library, whenever it pops out as being available quest choice as it seems to pop out only in the first choices. Best is to go Library first time you have such option, then other regions are always available due to spires being located in them
  17. yeah, those are fun. I do have one complaint though. US being almost as a **** tier as China to host a tournament.... the number of visa issues preventing quite a few talented players from competing and crippling their teams. Part of me wishes that all tourneys would get hosted in SEA, EU and CIS, as there was not a single visa issue or major screw up in any of these regions.
  18. I believe that in all cases you can visit all 5 regions. it's just a matter of dialogs, and order of the missions + perhaps conquest decisions
  19. I'm probably spoiling this too much, but Kyros has an "emergency" army, which is basically an army of doom... Kyros never keeps it for too long due to its nature and its leader, and would rather not use it for conquest. Again, it is explained in game (if you are playing to certain aspects of the game and find it out)
  20. There is a solid reason for that and it is explained in the game, if you will chose certain paths. Imagine you are holding a somewhat iron grip on powerful individuals, each with own agendas and not entirely blindly loyal. Now imagine they lead significant armies on a conquest of last area of known to you world. what would they be doing after the war, with all those battle experienced troops? Would you risk giving a direct rule over all of your armies to a one individual, or would you rather have them separated and competing? Now, as for that fake choices, a player gets an in character warning from one of the individuals there, but you need to read also the green highlights - so it's not a fake choice, it is your choice to not pay attention to an in game, in character, lore friendly warning.. You need to remember that while you are a fatebinder, you are also just that, a servant to another archon and merely an expendable junior fatebinder at that time.
  21. Yeah this is true, I read in several places that this game doesn't have combat AI but it does have combat AI you can configure. A lot has chanced since release. For wizard to be good, you really need to specialize in 2 maybe 3 schools and spam spells when you can, plus always train lore when you can. Exploration is key as there are some key accents and without which you lose a lot of power, like multiple projectiles for ranged spell, or smaller radius with more strikes for Storm type spells (so you can basically secure that all its strikes will hit your targets of choices - or longer range + cone width for cone spells) - also blur and healing spells are a must for non mages, so they can benefit something useful and you are not reliant only on one source of buffs and heals (Lantry)
  22. Since there was some Milo vids here, apparently Brits have better sort of journalists did not see that interview live, and it's summarized probably by Breits hater, but still. http://mashable.com/2016/11/17/milos-contradicts-himself/#WuvCMG0bTOqw
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