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Everything posted by Darkpriest

  1. Not sure, I like both, although it looks like more work went into PoE, than Tyranny. Tyranny, has interesting C&C and it seems it straight up set up itself for DLCs and expansion (just look how many icons are unlit on the Mountain spire and that all endings are basically cut at one place, with things developing in various areas as per your choices) In both titles I do not like combat that much. interface is better in PoE, the only interesting part implemented in Tyranny is the spell crafting. The unique cores tied to characters like gravelight or life heavily change gameplay and in case of gravelight, you need to work for it. I feel like heavy armor is really useless in Tyranny due to lower party count, and game is more about outDPSing and outhealinh your enemy, so heavy armor is kind of meh... dodge and parry with deflection way superior. In PoE you could afford to have 1 or 2 guys in heavy armor
  2. People are stupid, I thought we had that covered...
  3. to be honest, combat is its weakest point. I'd rather have it turn based, but w/e
  4. This seems to be the default choice for most people on the first run. Anybody chose chorus, rebels or nobody? My first run to take the power in my own hands and made everyone kneel before me or die.
  5. well to be honest at least he gave a middle finger to all
  6. Must have glitched out i think. It should be near where the Tunon's court is. it's fairly dark, but should be there. If not then you've glitched out somewhere
  7. Yeah. I've got nothing. I've been around my original spire a bunch of times. Talked to everybody. Clicked on the doohickey on top of that. I've got no reason to cast any edicts since I've got no enemies in any of the places I can select for edicts. I've gone down to Ascension Hall and nothings changed or new clickable there. There's absolutely nothing new that I can find that actually ends anything. There's no other options available. Edit: I think Life was about the 3rd or 4th sigil I got. There are 11 schools you can find in total. Once you will get back to the spire you need to basically declare war by using your power on Northern Empire. It's hard to click on that map though. I was searching for a spot where to put it.
  8. It advocates for bloody revolution to steal the property of others to enforce poverty.What do you think is the link between equity and poverty? People respond to incentives. This goes against all recent research on employee productivity, though. This seems to have been true in the industrial age where everyone did algorithmic tasks and everyone worked to survive, but a significant chunk of that has been replaced by technology with more to come. Incentives for heuristic tasks, especially for people who live comfortably, have been shown to decrease employee productivity and motivation enormously. Rewards in these situations work well, but only if people don't know they're coming. Nobody's yet figured why, but for western middle class or higher the wisdom of "people need incentives" doesn't hold true. Where and when? Cause I see a different type of data in my last two global companies... one I even oversaw partly an HR function... Everything revolves around incentives, not every incentive has to be monetary though. There are two ground frame works, discipline, and motivation - motivation is BUILT around various incentives. You can't have someone continously motivated, if he is not being rewarded, and those rewards are the incentives. Not every reward is monetary, some respond to leadership type incetives, others recognition, etc... you could write a Ph.D paper around it. There was also a topic of free market in the health care... a complete free market in the healthcare won't work. health is not car or orange juice, where you can easily compare various elements of the product, you also as a customer do not decide when you get ill, so you do not plan ahead for a certain type of expenditure. There needs to be some regulation, but before you'll get there, you need to estimate what's the value of a human life/wellbeing in a given society and that's not an easy discussion and even harder field to get some good quantifiers that you could use for some economic models... Some years ago, I've been into this when i finished my Masters and put for some materials for Ph.D. I've found an interesting concept of QALY (quality adjusted life years) as a form which could be used. Did not follow the health care economics since then. Perhaps it was somewhat refined or something better theory wise came up in the meanwhile.
  9. I've just finished the game... return to your original spire to finish the game, you need to do one more thing there Really fun in terms of C&C. Will most likely play it at least 2 more times EDIT: it took me 22h and i did not really use any crafting or "stronghold" features, and it seems I've missed one edict somewhere. So there is much more content there... also is it me or there is no life sigil and you get it only form items and can;t craft spell? or most likely I missed it
  10. USA .... really??? https://www.yahoo.com/news/500-000-people-sign-petition-203109567.html
  11. I like, although combat seems a bit odd, and I am not sure why... I am playing a mage though, and I feel like spells are underwhelming power wise.
  12. Wait till those millenials will finish their education and try to enter the work market... I know a lot of large players are going for at least 60/40 split vs high cost locations and low cost locations, and those high cost locations are not only USA. They are also going for more automated processes, so they can cut on high cost locations even more. You already have problems with people entering job market with huge debt and not enough jobs for them... do you think that once they will face poverty, working sub-par their education and with huge burden for several years they will care for things like they have time for now?
  13. volo this video is nothing but some unrelated criminal act ....where does it say they are Hilary supporters? But I did watch it to the end and I have to say the guy does look stupid putting a sign in an empty garden.. its obvious he wants to draw attention to himself ? Alright guys, I wanna see some really clever responses to this one. Bruce set up an amazing opportunity for you all to powerbomb him clear out of the sky, so let's not be ungrateful and let his efforts all be for naught. I don't wanna see anything cliche, anything too obvious or expected. Let's see some really original and creative retorts here. Let's put on a good show. Why bother with an idiot who thinks putting a support sign for a candidate in his own yard is justification for pulling a gun on him? Why do you guys in Poland also keep big signs in your gardens with the names of your favorite politicians ....it must a nightmare to maintain with those long Polish surnames you all have ..." zxadsadfggftsussnn " Yeah. Our presidents name is the same lenght as SA president, you racista nationalistic swine. Why you shouting at me? Im just trying to guess your politicians surname ..okay give me one more chance ? "myaxzrtyuoyuiuz " or " yarsvtewxzlllexrghwip " ...how did I do? There are many things that I could make fun of our politicians, especially the ones currently in power, but the names are the last thing I would come up with... Come one Bruce, I know you can do better than that. Just look and google for the current minister of defense.
  14. Why would it be illegal?
  15. Damned timezones...
  16. Wonder why people are so bothered by this kind of thing. Other than some generational hard man grousing Because it's silly to say the least... so suddenly you will stop your obligations at work as well?
  17. Well technically you might get in trouble if in a round of affection you will call someone a dirty N- even if that person stole from you. Heck, you even have police officers being lynched by media even when they had right to act the way they did. - or that's the impression i get from some of the stories. EDIT: anyone recall T-shirt drama and similar stuff?
  18. This is why I find the US system a bit odd, but hey, it's their playfield and they live with their choices and how they occur. Never really was interested in the mechanics, but it seems odd to me, that you can have such huge disparities between direct and indirect election method and for me it'd be logical that the indirect should move towards the direct one in terms of representation of results I think that's the entire point of the electoral college system. To prevent population-rich states from dictating federal policy by virtue of having more voters. For better or worse it's working as intended. But wouldn't the proportional mechanics be better in general than simple winner takes it all? I mean there was a lot of near 50/50 splits and the winner just took all votes from that place... I guess I can understand it if you treat each state as a separate entity, so the state declares that their president is that person, but I am not familiar on how the political system works exactly in US of A.
  19. you might add to that German elections and Italian ones
  20. This is why I find the US system a bit odd, but hey, it's their playfield and they live with their choices and how they occur. Never really was interested in the mechanics, but it seems odd to me, that you can have such huge disparities between direct and indirect election method and for me it'd be logical that the indirect should move towards the direct one in terms of representation of results
  21. BTW, what was the status of financial markets in US again? I think some hedge funds made millions of dollars today
  22. Is this correct? It seems that Hillary would win by 0.12% point if the election was a direct election? Perhaps it would be better for "democracy" if all states followed "proportional" system of applying elector votes instead of winner takes it all?
  23. Bruce, the only thing happening now is hedge funds driving the market for their own gains so others, less informed, go on a selling spree... already a lot of what was lost, recovered and drops are not that significant. Sure there is volatility on the market but it will calm down. It might go down to **** if he will drive some economic nonsense and FED will revert its recent policies, but I highly doubt that. There might be a pause, but surely not a panic. As for Hilary, I've lot any respect that I had for her once she has sent her lackey to send people home... this was so class less and only shows she was really unift to become a president. If you can;t have class in a defeat, then you are unfit for any large responsibility.
  24. That's why Bruce vanished? He went to prepare a red carpet for her?
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