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Everything posted by Darkpriest

  1. Anyone even mentions Breitbart again on this site, I'm going to quote you. There is a difference in quoting an opinion or news, and something that gets stated as a historical fact. I also do not claim that breitbart is a reliable source of information, probably far from it. If you claim that something is a fact, better have support to validate that in terms of reputable academic sources - like a research paper. I say reputable, cause there are some "educational" institutions which lets say deny the existence of holocaust or promote creationism opposed to evolution etc. and I would not trust those sources same as I would not trust an opinion of a lecturer from a random state university, who is openly vocal about their own political beliefs Can you also advise how to read this? Impact factor and ranking Year Impact Factor Ssi: History 2015 0.403 28 out of 87 2014 0.640 13 out of 87 2013 0.364 18 out of 72 2012 0.410 18 out of 69 2011 1.100 2 out of 55 2010 0.415 11 out of 43
  2. Reds gonna go Fasturh!!!
  3. Any actually academic sources? Say Harvard maybe? or Oxford?
  4. What? This seems amusing, please do elaborate https://mobile.twitter.com/Lee_in_Iowa/status/822634312650649600/photo/1 Also the bee movie, and Bane, apparently. Would love to see an actual in-movie footage for these claims. I do not have such a good memory to films and the quotes are the easiest thing to manipulate...
  5. Yup. And I've got this here bridge you might be interested in. http://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/ufe/legacy_url/410/BornOnThirdBase_2012.pdf http://www.lse.ac.uk/economicHistory/workingPapers/2013/WP181.pdf http://www.equality-of-opportunity.org/assets/documents/abs_mobility_summary.pdf his does not imply that everything is inherited, in only proves the obvious, if you have better starting point, you will most likely retain it, due to better healthcare, education and thus access to capital
  6. Commie mumbo jumbo - don't want to waste more time on retarded ideas. Sure it'd suck to be born to dung cleaner family in some jungle village in remote India, but the same way it'd suck to be born a bird hatching out of egg when a snake is in that nest.
  7. Different objectives, 8 soldiers to control, and like 11 aliens when I played it. I was basically in XCOM heaven. I gave it a try to go for an early "get data" mission which had only 22h window. I packed 10 soldiers for max guard level enemies.... the pods had 7- enemies each, had to kill around 35 enemies had 9 turns timer to get to the data vault... i failed by one tile, lost 2 soldiers in a heroic attempt, but then killed all the advent. I feel like flashbangs are much better now than regular nades early on, because you rarely get to destroy cover with regular nades, but still gettng a nade toessed on ambush into 9 enemies and getting some luck let me get 4 kills out of one nade... I'm LOVING IT. just need to learn to skip some missions early on i guess.
  8. LONG WAR 2 is out for XCOM 2 - rejoice !!! Damn, even the first mission got HEAVILY converted.
  9. Guys at firaxis were just showcasing the LW2 mod, still live https://www.twitch.tv/firaxisgames
  10. It's obviously not 1:1 ratio, because a lot of emigrants won;t find the legal job. It's a matter of wage parity vs economic benefit. Lets say 10 guys from India cost as much as one FTE from US, even when you hire 5 of those, you are still saving money. and which is worth more to the economy? 5 guys at half of your regular FTE, or one guy at high value FTE? at the same time society needs to find space for 5 people instead of a one person.
  11. To be honest I do not see how emigration on such a scale is a good thing. They are mostly low skilled, poorly educated and taking minimum wage jobs. It's one of the reasons why for example in US the minimum wage jobs did not move almost at all over a decade... I remember that ca. 2005 the pay was something around 9-10 USD and it's not much different in 2016. I wonder how far back one would have to go to check where the pay was significant less at minimum wage jobs, lets say 7USD Another issue to tackle by economies is the globalization of services and production. A lot of jobs, which supported middle class, is simply being relocated from high cost areas to low cost areas and they pushing people for lower wage jobs. This way the disparity of wealth simply grows further. Immigrants might look like a good solution in the short term, but in the long term they will just add burden on the economy - the low paid and low skill environment is not a good catalyst for a sustained growth. EDIT: It's late and I am tired, too lazy to fix all the typos and grammar omissions
  12. KP its inaccurate and unfair to compare Saudi Arabia to ISIS ISIS is much, much worse Not really, ISIS is basically similar to how house of sauds came to power. they were nothing but wahabi thugs and bandits.
  13. Just randomly passing by and dropping again an idea of WHFB or WH40K themed Classic RPG with turn based combat...
  14. You left out arguing on Internet forums. Nah, lazy people do that during their working hours, so they can slack of without getting bored to death...
  15. It really depends what you want to get from your education. In some fields you can do it on your own, a lot of IT related stuff is covered best by people who did it at very young age as a hobby and went from there. There are some fields of science, where I would not give a broken dime to someone who would be self made man. I mean, imagine people in things like bio-engineering, medical specializations, and other highly complex fields, which require access to specialized labs and environment. Heck, even a lawyer needs some time at building his cases and presenting during classes and case studies. Sure, things like history, linguistics, etc can be done via self study, as long as you are sure of the sources. Is my degree worth much, nah, not really, not the degree alone, however the university gave me a broader perspective and gave me some anchors on which i might start upon when investigating something new. The more valuable things are professional certificates, in case of Finance, you get CFA, CISI, CIMA, ACCA, depending what you want to do there. I wish they were more accessible during the years of studies, because once you start working, it's really hard to get time to do them. I guess that's one of the gating elements for those though, otherwise every student could get them with enough time.
  16. Just no comment - i knew that a lot of US "pseudo-journalists" are retarded, but this is gold. https://www.yahoo.com/news/joe-scarborough-lashes-out-at-media-after-trump-party-report-184544397.html
  17. The big advantage of TW3 is that it has a pre-defined character which you will be playing, so it is easier to make quests related to this character, in DAI you can have such varied backgrounds that going too deep is simply not possible.
  18. still playing DAI.... damn it's a slog.... I mean, there are things that i like and dislike. They worked on this game and it shows, but the MMO type crap design for crafting is just killing it. I am an effin' equal to kings and I have to run and pick stuff myself? are they stupid? They should have just work on that more on the council map, but there is so much stuff on it that wasting time on resources is "meh" as well. I think that they should have made all resources same style as logging camps and stone mines, and alter crafting from there. I understand things like super rare materials guarded by some strong enemies, but other than that. it's just a pain in the ass. I have completed Hinterlands, western approach, fallow mire, stormcoast, crestwood, and I am about to complete exalted plains plus went through a few story missions and got an old friend advisor - and there is still a **** ton of content to explore (at least 6 maps plus story content) and i've spent (62h?) on this already... Can't complain on the amount of content, I just wish the crafting would be better done. Another part is combat... it's just mindless work through HP sponges most of the time. I have yet to meet a challenge. Dragons are just overbloated HP pools.
  19. More freedom than in Russia? That's not exactly a high bar to clear. Have you been to Russia? I've been there and in the US, so I can compare. Dark you not seriously suggesting Russia is a free society? are they not? they have more personal freedoms than people in EU or US. They are not getting shot by the police on the streets, there is less overall surveillance. Sure, on average they have less money, the media are mostly steered by pro-gov powers and it's difficult to get to high positions of wealth and power and there is limited influence of you average citizens or the ones living outside of main hubs for the politics, but is it really that much different from what you are experiencing in EU and US? Isn't this just a matter of perception rather than actual power of the individual. Can you really tell that you actually can have your input on the politics and who represents you and your point of view? The only country that does so fairly well (or at least it seemed like it when i was there) is Switzerland. I'd trade a lot to be a Swiss citizen. @BrotherFerg are they systematically oppressed? is there a law to jail someone for being homosexual? perhaps it's not oppression, but simply lack of extra privileges?
  20. More freedom than in Russia? That's not exactly a high bar to clear. Have you been to Russia? I've been there and in the US, so I can compare.
  21. Putin is the issue. The way he rose to power, his methods, his lack of ethics and manipulation. But I happen to think cuddling up to Islam and soft marxism like the far left does is more dangerous. I don't know where the democrats find moral high ground here while they take money from Saudi despots and actively defend a destructive religious ideology. So you want to tell me that US is a crystal clean democracy, where symphaties of voters actually matter? That there is more freedom and it's not more closer to an actual police state with many shady institutions governing and policing you over which you have no real influence?
  22. Personally I did not touch them, but a handful of story missions, which you will most likely play once and never again, and they do not add anything to MP content... not worth it IMO, but I might be wrong
  23. I've found Legacy of the Void good, but do not play Epilogue... it's terrible... easily the worst part of the game and it would be much better off if it never existed.
  24. so... at this point i will keep my mouth shut and wait till this year ends... RIP
  25. well... it seemed she was getting better based on the reports, must have been a smoke screen for the media so they would give them some peace... Sad to see that
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