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Everything posted by Darkpriest

  1. Just no comment - i knew that a lot of US "pseudo-journalists" are retarded, but this is gold. https://www.yahoo.com/news/joe-scarborough-lashes-out-at-media-after-trump-party-report-184544397.html
  2. The big advantage of TW3 is that it has a pre-defined character which you will be playing, so it is easier to make quests related to this character, in DAI you can have such varied backgrounds that going too deep is simply not possible.
  3. still playing DAI.... damn it's a slog.... I mean, there are things that i like and dislike. They worked on this game and it shows, but the MMO type crap design for crafting is just killing it. I am an effin' equal to kings and I have to run and pick stuff myself? are they stupid? They should have just work on that more on the council map, but there is so much stuff on it that wasting time on resources is "meh" as well. I think that they should have made all resources same style as logging camps and stone mines, and alter crafting from there. I understand things like super rare materials guarded by some strong enemies, but other than that. it's just a pain in the ass. I have completed Hinterlands, western approach, fallow mire, stormcoast, crestwood, and I am about to complete exalted plains plus went through a few story missions and got an old friend advisor - and there is still a **** ton of content to explore (at least 6 maps plus story content) and i've spent (62h?) on this already... Can't complain on the amount of content, I just wish the crafting would be better done. Another part is combat... it's just mindless work through HP sponges most of the time. I have yet to meet a challenge. Dragons are just overbloated HP pools.
  4. More freedom than in Russia? That's not exactly a high bar to clear. Have you been to Russia? I've been there and in the US, so I can compare. Dark you not seriously suggesting Russia is a free society? are they not? they have more personal freedoms than people in EU or US. They are not getting shot by the police on the streets, there is less overall surveillance. Sure, on average they have less money, the media are mostly steered by pro-gov powers and it's difficult to get to high positions of wealth and power and there is limited influence of you average citizens or the ones living outside of main hubs for the politics, but is it really that much different from what you are experiencing in EU and US? Isn't this just a matter of perception rather than actual power of the individual. Can you really tell that you actually can have your input on the politics and who represents you and your point of view? The only country that does so fairly well (or at least it seemed like it when i was there) is Switzerland. I'd trade a lot to be a Swiss citizen. @BrotherFerg are they systematically oppressed? is there a law to jail someone for being homosexual? perhaps it's not oppression, but simply lack of extra privileges?
  5. More freedom than in Russia? That's not exactly a high bar to clear. Have you been to Russia? I've been there and in the US, so I can compare.
  6. Putin is the issue. The way he rose to power, his methods, his lack of ethics and manipulation. But I happen to think cuddling up to Islam and soft marxism like the far left does is more dangerous. I don't know where the democrats find moral high ground here while they take money from Saudi despots and actively defend a destructive religious ideology. So you want to tell me that US is a crystal clean democracy, where symphaties of voters actually matter? That there is more freedom and it's not more closer to an actual police state with many shady institutions governing and policing you over which you have no real influence?
  7. Personally I did not touch them, but a handful of story missions, which you will most likely play once and never again, and they do not add anything to MP content... not worth it IMO, but I might be wrong
  8. I've found Legacy of the Void good, but do not play Epilogue... it's terrible... easily the worst part of the game and it would be much better off if it never existed.
  9. so... at this point i will keep my mouth shut and wait till this year ends... RIP
  10. well... it seemed she was getting better based on the reports, must have been a smoke screen for the media so they would give them some peace... Sad to see that
  11. Trying to slog through DA:I.... ugh... too much of MMO influence... can;t toss a rock and you get some kind of a hostile mob/animals and those "elfroots" grrr. I like to complete maps before going forward, so I guess I will be overlevelef for other maps once i finish Hinterlands. I saw some rifts with lvl 12 enemies and I am like 11hours in, and aside of a brief visit in val royal I'm in 2/3rds of Hinterlands at lvl 8.5
  12. Don't think it's gonna get better - a lot of the superstars are from boom generations of the 50s-60s and they're getting older. It's risky to be 50+ especially with a career of late nights, drugs and drinking. Unless you're Keith Richards That guy has been dead for years. He is the walking proof that necromancy is real. He just became a father of a one more kid recently, right?
  13. His Last Christmas indeed
  14. So you try to fight the results instead of the cause? yeah, like that ever helped to health of any body in the long run....
  15. Surprised they didn't put Bloomberg network anywhere there.
  16. Watched the Rouge 1 today - I feel it's good for what it is - a show of special effects with standard bland Disney story. I kind of knew that everyone in the "hero" group will die, although I imagined the move will have a bit different ending. The only mind boggling moment was the final battle and "wtf moment" when one of the main heroes of the saga appeared. Like what did that person was even doing it there? It's also a very inconsistent with what we see when that person is introduced and faced with Vader first time in the ep. 4 New Hope - the dialog in that scene makes no sense with the ending in Rogue 1...
  17. Odd that no one mentioned it yet indeed. Especially not yesterday in the Politics 2016 thread as news trickled in. So odd that this didn't happen. darn. why would you put terrorism in politics
  18. Time to raise this topic back. Odd that none yet mentioned that a "refugee" murder a Polish truck driver and then assaulted a Christmas fair in Berlin killing at least 12 and wounding many more... https://gma.yahoo.com/least-9-dead-truck-plows-public-square-berlin-001924814.html
  19. simultanious turns is fairly fun as well, like door kickers or frozen synapse
  20. To be honest, the really fun tactical combat was in the new XCOM series, but that's pure TB game, with loads of abilities, limited resources, sometimes time and really cool animations. RTwP will never reach that, it'll be always a poor clone of RTS in terms of combat mechanics. So you either go for full tactical gameplay and TB combat as it gives the most tactical control, or you go full action, but then you'd better go into TPP or FPP mode.
  21. you can;t have one without the other. Icefrog proved himself during DotA days, as he build the game and listened to the feedback.. Sure as hell he had less tools to do so back then, than he has now when working with Valve. To be honest, I;d call this game DotA 3 now, (i guess Valve cannot as they can only use DotA 2 term legally), with such huge changes. the game will be more focused on roaming and taking objectives. Sounds interesting with the new map. The strong interaction between the community and devs of DotA is still seen. Look how much money they get from community for their "International". Sure, some patches take longer than others, and sometimes some broken things occur, but devs are usually fast to response by either hotfixing in minor balance patches or if more work is required they put certain heroes in the freezer and not allow them in tournament play, and only leave them playable in casual modes. Valve even listened to the community when they eventually release custom map dev tools, etc. The success is a result of both, great dev and responsive, if not somewhat toxic at times, community. I've been with the game from the start, a still remember a chore of downloading updates via a website, sometimes being kicked for no reason other than actually downloading a change in the WC3 client etc. It's been a long ride, and the game had its ups and downs (quite a few of those too) but overall I'd not change my MP fix for anything else now. I've tried some other MP genres like MMOs or shooters, etc. but shooters got a bit boring - they were too one dimensional, while MMOs are pure stink as they promote grinding over skill. You don;t get much better by playing PvP in MMOs, you get vastly better by killing some random pixels that happen to drop a good loot once in a blue moon.
  22. It's a fast paced team game, and the macro skill changed from economy to map control and ability to maximize your farming rate. The amount of various skills and strategies being available in a fairly well balanced game with over 100 heroes is something that none other esport game can mimic - that also makes every game basically unique. There are literally no two same games of DotA, at worst, you will have same drafts, same people and same approach to strategy, at best, each game is unique. I am a bit sad seeing DotA 2 basically moving to DotA 3 as I feel it was in a very good spot, some minor tweaks to balance always are welcomed, but it was a well balanced game in the last patch. team based shooters are also in there although to less extent. RTS games arefairly stagnant in regards of match ups and build orders. Player skill on micro is more visible though, same goes for his map awareness and general APM. RTS are top 1v1 games, shame Blizzard screwed up in this regard. Team games are always more popular than solo competitions.
  23. Basically dota 3
  24. One of the most entertaining games of DotA2 - also, hearing crowd going AAHWWOOO for the Greeks was some next level experience and at the same time patch 7.00 getting released in 8h. Don;t know what to expect. going for 7.00 might be moving the game into DotA3 realms http://www.dota2.com/700
  25. Hah - I was expecting something like this from Poland, but it seems Slovakia takes the torch https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/e4b69b26-4de2-3c7d-a21f-516b44ef14a3/ss_christian-slovakia-passes-law.html
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