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Everything posted by Darkpriest

  1. I'll ask again, who has more economic power, one who has natural resources and means of production or the one who has capital and relies on imports for its consumption? 'Money' hold value as long as someone else believes they can be exchanged for something material or other value. But i guess smartest guys in the big banks might be losing some of that perspective. Maybe you should reach out to Zoltan or Jaimie or James and tell them all the information they are missing?
  2. Some more footage of UA soldiers.
  3. If Morgan is putting pieces like this in their note, you bet the outlook is more grim than that. -------- Reserve diversification still likely: Our long-standing view has been that there will be reserve diversification, and we continue to believe that the share of the Chinese yuan in global FX reserves could reach 5-10% by 2030 at the expense of other reserve currencies. To the extent that SWIFT and reserve asset sanctions levied by other authorities around the world encourage some states to explore alternative payment systems such as China’s CIPS or pursue greater bilateral trade in domestic currencies, recent events are likely to act as an accelerator of a shift to a 'multipolar world.' But it is not clear that recent actions have undermined the idea of USD as the safest global reserve asset and it may well remain the dominant global currency for some time to come, albeit at slightly lower levels than before.
  4. US is trying to bully China now into complecancy... Also this.... It will not end well... Do those stupid millenial Dems know nothing of diplomacy? Or do they actually believe US is some exeptional mesiah with god like powers of granting and taking away the blessings and well being? At the same time, they do not even mention Saudi Arabia and killing 81 people in a one day by beheading... Seriously, does US even know how reliant and vulerable they are economically? It's not 1940s where almost entire supply chain and production was held domestically...
  5. @Gorth Regarding digital coins, these were so far accepted as they were a valve keeping excessive liquidity from going directly into the economy and muting overflow of money a bit. The moment coins become a 'real' threat of alternative payment system, which could rival fiat currencies, its convertibility to currencies will be banned, the same way as gold coins convertibility as means of payment was banned in 1933
  6. Some Russian air assault troops. @Guard Dog These seem to be better equiped. Generally not much Russian footage is available
  7. I think that the casualties on UA are significant, even if they have some successes here and there. I mean, the position they are in, being outgunned and out teched is a losing position. Their specials have remarkable achievements, but engagements such as this show that there are casualties. One missed rocket and they got returned on by a frigging tank, not to mention the BTRs and dismounted infantry. They have to rely on a hit and run, and those have to be executed really well. I wonder what will happen once the 'foreign' fighters will start dying or Russians will capture some.
  8. This looks like a balls of steel suicide like engagement...
  9. Polish people are unfortunately going to get some dose of real politics very soon, and will learn that while the outpour of help towards Ukrainians is comendable and praised, no one really cares about Ukrainian people in the West. A lot of countries either do not help materially (they help some, but nit significantly) , or do not accept refugees with open arms, and sure as hell are not so keen on financing more of the refugee related expenses. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/watch-kamala-harris-lets-out-deep-long-laughter-when-asked-about-ukraine-refugee-crisis The costs for the economy is already significant, the cost for society will also be great, especially once the economic hardship will really hit. Over 1.5 million people crossed UA-Polish border, and those are in overwhelming majority women with children and elderly people. There are some men, when they are the single capable parent or the family has 3+ small children. So unlike economic migrants from other areas, where those were overwhelimingly young, single men, there will be an issue with work, schools/kindergardens and healthcare.
  10. ... New disease in 2023? https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/who-told-ukraine-destroy-high-threat-pathogens-prevent-disease-spread
  11. To those thinking, that electric cars are the answer to rising gas prices. https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/tesla-increases-vehicle-prices-nickel-squeeze-creates-chaos To put some perspextive, what is critical in the next stage economy https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/these-are-50-minerals-critical-us-security
  12. Some interesting vid on the UA squads Possibly some more knowledgable people on military could chime in, like @Guard Dog etc.
  13. Some more prominent business is starting to talk aloud what some people knew the moment heavier sanctions came in. https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/volkswagen-ceo-warns-ukrainian-war-could-be-worse-europe-covid Also, some narrative change from Russia regarding fertilizers, plus China threats to US. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russia-considers-temporary-ban-agricultural-products-countries-outside-eurasia This whole thing will reshape global economy for the next 20 years
  14. I wonder if this was anywhere verified as real.
  15. Also, a disclaimer on this, as I have notnyet verified it in full (need some calls) but it does sound as a very possible scenario, considering prices in Poland went from around 5.50PLN per liter to 8PLN per liter of diesel fuel within 2 weeks. https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/major-european-trucking-firm-hit-fuel-shortage-after-ukraine-invasion
  16. Well UAE said the rumor is BS and they have nonplans to increase production. Someone created rumor on purpose... When oil was in 130s. This caused a flash crash to 105 and a lot of people lost piles of money. Oil back over 115 today and slowly climbing, however US is flirting with Venezuela, that's how desperate US is, as Iran talks stall... https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/venezuela-frees-pair-jailed-americans-amid-bidens-ukraine-war-oil-diplomacy Also, today's CPI higher, at 7.9%. EU inflation also higher and ECB has to turn hawkish. https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/us-consumer-prices-are-rising-their-fastest-pace-over-40-years https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/trichet-trickery-ecb-turns-hawkish-just-it-warns-sharply-higher-inflation-slower-growth A lot of pain ahead. I'd start worrying if EU can sustain all these imposed sanctions as economy will start to implode the longer it stays as is.
  17. Quite an interesting piece, about potential economic fallout and future landscape of bargaining power as a result of banning more and more valuable comodities from US and EU transactions. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/us-tees-stop-russian-gold-act-triggering-lbma-and-comex-eject-russian-refiners The underlying question for the future will be, who has more bargaining power, the one with physical conmodities surpluses or the one with a piece of digital paper? What will happen, if those owning natural resources will decide to stop accepting USD and EUR as the main currency for transactions? After all, if they can be made worth 0 with a single pen stroke, why use them and not some other, more secure and less weaponized one?
  18. Well, and there it seems that Uranium is in the crosshair. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/uranium-producers-soar-after-us-said-weigh-sanctions-russian-nuclear-giant-rosatom
  19. That's some next level stuff on Russian TV
  20. Predictable deflection by dems. Blame Putin for their retarded policies in the past and also the sanctions they themselves implement. https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/video-reporter-refuses-accept-psakis-attempt-blame-russia-gas-price-surge
  21. Darker side of the crisis and having vast majority of women and children being those refugees while their men are fighting https://www.zerohedge.com/political/ukrainian-women-being-forced-prostitution-sex-traffickers-prey-refugees
  22. No new purchases effective imm., they can still get what was contracted prior to the banhammer day
  23. It was a nice dream that died with this conflict, but more informed people have been saying, that you cannot decouple from carbon in such a drastic measure, because you leave yourself vulnerable. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/green-dead-eu-energy-roadmap-has-shifted-decarbonization-energy-security-goldman-warns-0 The fossilless still needs to be a future because of the climate impact, but it needs to drive for nuclear fusion and hydrogen based techs. And that's a long game. You also need to have poorer countries on board for that.
  24. They cam still make a rubble a gold backed currency... It would not be pretty, but it would make it stable and convertible via physical gold trade It may be difficult at the moment to do on the organized market due to the below, but they still can trade bilaterally across central banks if needed. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/russian-gold-barred-worlds-largest-gold-market Also, these physical trading market cannot suspend this for too long, or it risks gold to behave like nickel https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/nickel-halted-after-historic-250-surge-costing-chinese-tycoon-billions-margin-losses
  25. Some interesting stuff, why we still not see a reaction from MiddleEast https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/saudis-uae-refuse-speak-biden-over-ukraine-situation
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