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ogrezilla last won the day on October 9 2012

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About ogrezilla

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    (7) Enchanter
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  1. It's the opening node of the dialogue so the choices are straightforward. Players will have more personality-laden replies when they make sense in the context and will go somewhere interesting. Will all of the dialogue tree text be pure quotations or might we see a bit of the flavor dialogue from Planescape Torment? I absolutely loved the descriptions in that game.
  2. Their religious code forbids it, probably. which is a moral dilemma, not a skill dilemma. Priests should have the physical ability to carry an axe even if they aren't allowed to.
  3. Can we please reopen the kickstarter and try to fund a Pokemon Master class?
  4. I want it to be possible to have a reputation that is wrong. I want to be able to be a good enough bad guy that people think I'm a good guy. Or I want to be able to make a mistake trying to do good and have people think I'm a bad guy for a while. I don't want the world to be all-knowing.
  5. only if this is one of them
  6. I like this a lot. Less RNG please.
  7. I like the idea of other characters being able to do the talking, but I think the NPC characters should have limits on their choices based on what fits their character. We should only have full control over the PC. The NPC characters should have dialogue options that reflect their personality and morality.
  8. But all backers are "private backer's[punctuation incorrect]". Unless you announce you're a backer. The forum badges will be what gives you a sign of pride, there's not going to be an exclusive secret club for a nonexistent class of "superior" backers. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, or if you are confused by the the adjective placement in Private Backer Forums. He's referring to a private forum for backers, not a forum for private backers. Because as you said, private backers are not a real thing. But backers are. And private forums only accessible by backers could be as well. I didn't know what he meant by "private backers," I initially read it as some form of backer different from regular "backers," rather than referring to a secret clubhouse for backers only. Either way, the rewards for backing the game are all spelled out on Kickstarter, and none of them are a sooper secret clubhouse where dirty pubbers aren't allowed. As a backer, I don't think anyone should be excluded from dicussion/input on the game's design. It reeks of... well, Interplay's cynical attempt to ride Obsidian's coattails by asking people to pay to access their "black isle" forums. I agree with you. I was just clarifying what he meant
  9. But all backers are "private backer's[punctuation incorrect]". Unless you announce you're a backer. The forum badges will be what gives you a sign of pride, there's not going to be an exclusive secret club for a nonexistent class of "superior" backers. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, or if you are confused by the the adjective placement in Private Backer Forums. He's referring to a private forum for backers, not a forum for private backers. Because as you said, private backers are not a real thing. But backers are. And private forums only accessible by backers could be as well.
  10. it depends on the circumstances and situations presented in the game. I like being the bad guy, but only when I can be at least somewhat smart about it. I don't want to be a complete d-bag bad guy. I want to be the smart, deceitful bad guy who people don't realize is bad until its too late. But again, it really does depend on the situations of the game.
  11. I'd be happy with very simple and completely integrated finishing moves just as different animations within combat. Maybe give crits (or just crits that kill the enemy) to give a different animation. Nothing that changes the flow of the game though. No zooming or time warping. Its really not necessary. But I wouldn't be against it.
  12. A Wizard with 9 Strength wielding a Battle-Axe? Eeeeeeeh... sounds iffy. EDIT: Unless the game follows some mechanic where if you don't have the "requirement" (if there is going to be anything like that) you instead wield the weapon in question as a struggle (slower attack speed, bad accuracy, lesser damage, cost more Stamina to use). Give an sledgehammer to someone who is weak and let him go mad at a destructible wall against someone who has great physique against another wall, who will take it down first? The weaker person would have to rely more on technique, parallel to their strength, but the strong guy would take it down first most likely (what with fatigue and all). I don't think he said anything about stat requirements for equipment. I assume his hypothetical mage has enough strength to use battle-axes.
  13. ya I know that. Not trying to argue with you guys; you're just relaying information. Thanks for that. I just think its one of the dumber examples of class restrictions. Again, not trying to argue with you guys; more using your quotes to piggyback off of for my own ideas. In general, I get the idea of some special cases of restrictions. But in my opinion, moral restrictions do not need to be enforced with complete inability to use something.
  14. What lore reason is there for a Cleric being unable to wield an axe? Honestly, I don't even remember it from the games I've played. All I remember is that in BG and other games, pure clerics couldn't use swords, axes etc.something with it being against their Ethos. I imagine Oblivion could write whatever they wish, the point was just that as long as it fits in "their lore", then I'm ok with it. gotcha. it just seemed like an odd example with the rest of what you said. There are post-Medieval writings that have been interpreted as suggesting that since the spilling of blood was considered in some way impure, the clergy, when they were asked to kill, used methods of combat (maces, staves) and execution (hanging, burning) that did not involve the intentional spilling of blood. Early role-playing games (specifically D&D) ran with the idea and through imitation it's become a fairly widespread stereotype. In any case, with respect to the topic, somebody mentioned 3/3.5e. I'll also throw in Morrowind as an example of a game that uses a system where one's class dictates one's area of specialization, favored attributes, and major and minor skills that affect proficiency and/or progression, yet it's possible for other classes to make use of skills unrelated to their class's strengths if one so chooses. Although I would argue Morrowind ultimately undermines many of the class differences, there's no reason why some of the same concepts can't be applied to a more rigid class system. so they shouldn't use an axe based on their beliefs. That seems more like a roleplaying/moral decision. There is no good reason that a cleric shouldn't have the skill to carry an axe. Let him be ostracized by other clerics and priests. Then let him kill those other clerics and priests with his axe if he so chooses.
  15. there is no such thing as a game mechanic that can't be copied. Simply change the name or numbers and anything is fair game. Since Obsidian is an American company I would say that there is no such thing over which someone wouldn't sue if it's "to similar" to what they did. the death countdown mechanic has been used too many times to possibly be claimed by one company. The same way they aren't going to get sued over using experience points, magic, gold or the same classes as D&D games.
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