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Everything posted by Elerond

  1. Now try re-reading what you wrote and try not to laugh. Especially the sanctions part. I tried to give my best sarcastic voice as I have really great doubts that EUs sanctions have any impact towards anyone, let alone USA, Russia or China.
  2. EU gave same punishment for USA for giving false information about Irak and again when NSA scope spying was revealed, ergo EU halted temporally free market and visa free traveling talks and our foreign ministers called Bush, Obama and Putin to tell them we are very disappointed on them and they should go in corner and be ashamed. As we all know that EU is well know of it willingness to take swift and heavy actions against those who are it biggest sources of income, you can always depend on us in that.
  3. That I pretty much knew already - What I don't know is what exactly defines the supposed C-RPG. Is Witcher a CRPG? Is Dragon Age Origins? Could Bloodlines be defined as a C-RPG. Can you give me some exampls and explaination as to why the said examples are definied as such. The Witcher and Witcher 2 are action oriented CRPGs, as they have game mechanics that give you in limited scope ability play monster hunter Geralt, which decisions and progression you can choose, but their RPG mechanics aren't very deep and focus of those games are more in combat than character development. aspects of roleplay, which is why they are categorize to belong in ARPG (Action RPG) and hack and slash genres, than traditional RPG genres. Dragon Age Origins has much more focus on character development player''s ability to mold his/her character in way s/he wants and so it falls in more traditional RPG genre than any other, even though it's mechanics are somewhat simplistic and game has major focus is in party based combat. Bloodlines has quite wide variety of RPG mechanics although game don't always use them in their fullest extent and game has major focus in combat, that uses mechanics that are usually associated with shooters than traditional RPGs, which why it's categorized as ARPG, even though it has quite robust RPG mechanics. Baldur's Gate and Bladur's Gate 2 are categorized as more traditional CRPGs for same reasons as Dragon Age Origins, ergo their mechanics give player ability build and play character role that they see fit, which makes them quite traditional RPGs even though their major focus is in party based combat. Fallout and Fallout 2 give you quite good example how traditional character focused RPGs look in CRPG form, as they give player quite great freedom in the way which they play the game. Arcanum is bit more modern example of same style of play. The Elders Scrolls series and Fallout 3 and New Vegas, give player quite great freedom to play character in way which they want, but their combat mechanics are closer to shooters same way as Bloodlines' mechanics, than traditional RPG combat mechanics, which is reason why they are categorized as ARPGs, even though they have much more complex roleplay mechanics than what most ARPGs have.
  4. RPG is game where game's mechanics give you ability to play certain roles in limited setting, so it's very ambiguous definition as are all top level game genres, which is why there is sub genres to specify what kind of game we actually are speaking. Wikipedia quote
  5. It seem that diving for foul tactic is not exclusive for sports, as politicians also use it with all grace of the world
  6. CRPG is short from computer or console role playing game, so it's definition is RPG that is made for computer or/and console. And then it's everyone's own choice to decide what games they perceive to be RPGs
  7. Game is not yet out in Germany and Germany's version will be different from UK version, which is probably why steam don't allow its activation yet.
  8. Interesting. More or less illegal than the procedure by which Yanukovych was removed from office? That procedure in my knowledge followed Ukrainian's law, although I see it objectionable as Ukrainian's parliament voted on change of constitution from Yanukovych's new constitution to year 2004 constitution, change of cabinet of ministers impeachment of Yanukovych and raising criminal charges against him in state which could seen as duress, as Yanukovych fled and police decided to stop most of their actions against protesters. So I would say that removing Yanukovych from power was actually legal, but Ukraine's court of law should go it through and procedure should be over watched international observers. Where Crimea's referendum don't follow Ukraine's laws, or international laws or agreements and vote is done in conditions that I also would call state of duress and blocking international observers to see preparation of vote is also highly objectionable and make vote seems more as false democracy than actual referendum. And also Crimea's change of leadership during this crisis was done in highly objectionable circumstances as was vote to call referendum in first place. So from perspective of law I would say that Crimea's situation seems to be purely illegal by laws of every party of crisis where removing Yanukovych from power falls on grey area that should be investigated by next democratically elected parliament and that investigation should be observed by international observers.
  9. Can you tell what milestone/s you are currently working in PoE and how your roadmap for PoE currently looks, at least in very general level?
  10. And with that logic if you support oppressed Russian minorities you support these nice people? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DJFNygHqK8
  11. That in no way seems to be a retort of the point I raised; the gender pay gap is due to women choosing safe jobs instead of the high paying ones. They aren't necessary safe jobs that they choose, but many jobs that have women as majority in labor force aren't seen as important as jobs where men are majority of labor force. For example majority of registered nurses are women and it's job that need higher education and is quite important for society, but still nurses salaries are generally lower than many jobs which need same level education and are much less important for society, but have majority of their work force consisting of men. There is two different issues when we speak about gender pay gap, one is question do women and men get paid same for same job, when they have same education and second is question is there systematic difference how society values jobs that are done by mainly men to those that are done by mainly women and how society encourage people to gravitate towards specific career (mainly is there difference between genders what careers are seen suitable for them) . In today problems with first issue aren't that there is actual pay gap between genders in same job, but that women often need better education and longer career to get better paid jobs than their male counter parts, which causes that women total earning from their career are often less than their male counterparts. Second issue is larger issue than pay gap difference and it's quite hard to solve as those jobs that have women majority in their work force are usually such that they need someone to do them, and when women are encouraged to educate themselves in jobs that have men as majority of their work force that causes labor shortage in those "women's" jobs, which in capitalistic society should mean that salary in those jobs should rise, but more often than not, that labor shortage has been fulfilled by getting labor from countries with lower income levels, which has lead that pay difference with "women" jobs and "men's" jobs has steadily increased to point where many "women's" job that need higher education have lower salaries than "men's" jobs that need lower education. Which of course has caused many immigrants choose to do them instead of those jobs why they were wanted in first place and this is solved with more immigration instead of of actual rise of salaries and this loop has continued now decades causing that men start losing their jobs for immigrants that are ready to do their jobs with smaller salary and this is ironically raised issue that "women's" job should have higher salaries that women would be more interested to do them and then we could lower our immigration numbers so that immigrants don't "steal" "men's" jobs from men. Of course my view is primary about how things are here in Finland, but I think that USA and other "western" countries have somewhat similar situation, where society in some reason gives less value for those jobs that are mainly done by women, which causes several issues society wide.
  12. http://www.kyivpost.com/content/ukraine/two-choices-in-crimean-referendum-yes-and-yes-338745.html Seem that people really have lots of choices in upcoming vote
  13. http://www.novayagazeta.ru/inquests/62578.html All troops in Crimea are claimed to be Crimea's own self defense troops, but some reason they have exact same GAZ Tigr 4x4 vehicle that Russia exhibited on their military parade in Moscow two years ago .
  14. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-11-23-why-are-we-stuck-with-games-being-released-on-a-friday
  15. But it wasn't laws that caused content cuts, as PEGI and similar boards accepted game in its original form, but Ubisoft sti ll decided cut some content out because they deemed it would help them to market game better. Which they of course have every right to do, but I can understand that some people feel somewhat scammed when versions of game that were promised to be uncut by Ubisoft revealed tone edited versions in some places.
  16. If Crimea declares itself independent it is pretty much same as if it joins in Russia, because Crimea don't have economical or military power to keep itself independent and by separating from Ukraine, Russia will be only country that can offer economical and military aid for it as Russia will block any help from other countries as controlling black sea is too important thing for Russia to lose. And to ensure their control in black sea Russia will make sure that its naval bases in Crimea will not be touched and they probably will add some civilian ports in their control zone and remove any traveling restrictions and tolls considering Russian citizens. And Russian military will probably take permanent residency in Crimea to protect it against all foreign aggressions. So I don't see that Crimea has any real option for independence. And for Ukraine it could be very costly in its current state let Crimea declare itself independent as people of Ukraine are currently divined and Crimea's separation would throw more gas in those problems and could easily lead in civil war.
  17. Answer to all questions is I will let developers decided what the see to be best for them and for the games.
  18. I like more our army structure where majority of army's power comes from conscripted reserves which means that government cannot use army against anything that people don't approve and army can't do coups at least not easily. Although this and our quite strict gun control laws don't stop us owing guns as there is one civilian owned gun per every three citizens. For topic itself I would say that gun control laws or banning guns don't stop people murdering or killing each other, but gun control laws in my country work at least in some extend to stop unstable people getting guns in their hand and people need to know how to use gun before they can buy one which has decreased accidental deaths and injuries by guns noticeably.
  19. But if law is against moral code of other countries that are getting involved, then that itself works as their justification to get involved as you said all justifications are based on some sort of moral code. And if other countries don't get involved it is also justified by their moral code and works as statement towards issue on hand, as silent acceptance of law. Of course law maybe against moral values of countries that don't get involved, but their values also have other things that they see be more important, like for example country's right of self governance and independent decision making and those values of course can be canceled by facts that they don't want to finance countries that have moral values that are so much conflict against their own values, which of course can be in conflict in their moral values that they should support countries that don't have resources to feed and educate their people and so on. So at the end of day everyone has justification for their actions that are based on their moral values but questions is that which values are most dominant and which parties have most resources or/and will to push their values to be the dominant ones.
  20. This is only true way to stop a car
  21. Not in coverage. They suck because they played better than Finnish team most of the match and they had audacity to win. It is typical view for Finnish sports fan in Olympics especially if it was Sweden on winning side.
  22. Omniscient Wikipedia tells us that both Constant and Constantine are mainly names for males And that some female variations of name are Constance, Connie, Constancia and Constanza. Although today more and more names have become such that you can see them given both genders. And it's always been common occurrence that name that is given for one gender in one country/region is given other gender in it's neighbor.
  23. I would play Titanfall if Origin would allow me add beta key instead of throwing error message that say that "An error has occurred while trying to process your request. Please, try again later." hopefully it will work tomorrow. So as Titanfall don't work I probably play new version of Divinity Original Sin, which was released today.
  24. Lol? They already got paid for this project; they already saw demand on this project; i should say this is one of the most non-risking projects in game history. Where u see GREAT risk? Failing to produce good enough game will in most probably impact much heavier on public opinion of their future game than what would happen if game was publisher funded. And when they produce games for publisher they also get paid before they ship the game. And in both scenarios if game is good enough they get extra money, in publisher funded games they get bonuses that are usually tied on reviews and sold copies and KS model they get money from sold copies. Risk for them comes after game has been shipped as they need money from somewhere to pay for their employees, so if they don't have another project on the line, regardless is it publisher or crowdfunded they need to pay their employees from their own pockets, meaning those bonuses or sales revenue. And it should be also remembered that they already plan to make expansion pack fro PoE from their own pockets which lowers their ability to put their own money in PoE itself.
  25. There is no hard deadlines in software development only soft, softer and when it is ready
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