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Everything posted by Elerond

  1. By all means, hold referendums throughout the EU! That would of course inevitably lead to the immediate breakup of the EU. Yes, that would be democracy. At its worst, democracy is the rule of the stupid, the cowardly and the selfish. In spite of that, I would never dare claim that German taxpayers shouldn't have a say in how their government spends money. What is your point? Some things are too important to decide democratically? Might as well boot up Skynet already. Point is that even though that Greece is independent country, they are part of union which they joined voluntary and which rules they now have problems with. So when they organize referendum where they ask should they follow rules of that union or not, then question rises how democratic that referendum is when citizens of other member states of the union aren't part of that referendum, because as referendum now stands it is minority of citizen of union voting about how much rules of the said union tie them and still assume that other member states of union still follow rules of as they currently stand. Of course this is whole thing put in very simply and really don't reflect reality as it is, but it reflects as much reality as claims that Greece referendum is some sort example of democracy and people's will. If topic of Greece's referendum would had been do Greece exit said union or do they continue be members in said union then it would had been much simpler issue and one that definitely is something that people of Greece have right to decide, but as it now it is very difficult to say what referendum was about in first place and was it about something that is matters of Greece or something that is matters of said union. And yes I think people should have right to say how their governments spent their money, but I also acknowledge that when country is member of union that it has voluntary and by democratic process joined, then people of that country/state have voluntary relinquished some of their ability to control how things are run at least as long as they continue to be members of that union. And I would say that somethings are too complex to decide with direct democracy, because people don't usually have enough knowledge about those subjects to cast informed vote which is why most democratic countries use representative democracy and people usually only vote about their representatives and issues that would fundamentally change how country is run. But anyway I hope that there there will be resolution for this crisis that allow Greece recover their economic turmoil relatively fast and with relatively little damage to people of Greece and with out significant economical and/or political damage to union. I quite dislike rhetorics that currently surround topic especially from Greece's, Finland's, France's, and Germany's leaders, because all the huffing and puffing about people's need to pay their debts, evil institutions, throwing blame every direction, etc. don't help anyway in solving the crisis, they are just useless distraction that only let situation get worse. But as myself don't have any real answers or power to solve situation, I am forced to hope that those that currently have mandate from people to govern our nations will actually use their power to find solution that will work best for our short and long run interests and execute that solution so that it actually will work.
  2. That depends on perspective, EU made it possible that Finland was able to rise quite fast from its economical turmoil, as it make sure that European markets were stable, easy to access and level of bureaucracy dropped significantly, which made fast economical growth a possibility. But of course economical disparity between EU countries also created situations that caused and still cause problems that didn't exist before EU at least in same scale. And of course there has been things of seer stupidity on the way and some on the horizon, but overall EU has produced more good than bad for the Finland at least, although now some people start to see it more a hindrance than asset.
  3. Referendum also has lot of to do with that Greeks (as society) don't like cuts in their standard of living and their government asked of them do they want make those cuts or do they trust them in their claim that other euro countries will give them more money if they say no for the cuts. Which as seen by many (even by quite lot of euro area's political leaders) that Greece try to vote that other countries should pay their bills, which has seen as anti-freedom and anti-self-rule thing to do.
  4. That is not actually true. Also there isn't moon elves in the game. Humans are better in tanking than fire godlikes actually. Also humans are race not class. But anyway it seems to me that you don't really craps how attribute system works, and also you don't seem to really know how to create superior fighter tank.
  5. Funny, but not surprising. Say what you will about Bruce, but he's consistent about his disdain for self-rule and freedom. Democracy is bit more complicate as are said issues here for example how Estonia's president commented Greece's referendum and their governments comments after it. "Gedankenexperiment in democracy: the other 18 €zone members hold referenda: "Do we raise our taxes to bail out Greece"? The odds of a yes?" https://twitter.com/IlvesToomas/status/617795814530920448
  6. http://www.welt.de/debatte/kommentare/article143325883/Tsipras-nutzt-die-aermeren-Europaeer-schamlos-aus.html Article is in German, but it gives bit different perspective to the crisis.
  7. He did say that actions of Greece's debtors are terrorism, so I would guess that he would not get most warmest welcome in meetings with other eurozone's finance ministers. Meaning that if Greece hopes to have any change in any negotiations with their debtors he probably should not be part of those negotiations. Yeah I have heard that argument, hopefully that is exactly the reason and outcome But the issue is he represented a certain symbolism around the Greek defiance. Many Greeks really liked him and believed what he said Now the rhetoric is over and the NO vote has won he resigns...what does that say about the veracity and credibility of the NO argument ? Surly for the all the millions of Greeks who stood by his views he needs to continue to represent the NO perspective and ideological stance ? That is something that only Greeks themselves can give answer. I think the vast majority of Greeks have been mislead and manipulated by the current Greek government and they will now face dire consequences. And trust me for those that think " it can't get worse " ....it can get worse. I live in Africa and I can give you many examples of just how bad it can get I know that it can get much worse, it is just 25 years from Finland when was in similar economical situation and it got much worse before it get better.
  8. He did say that actions of Greece's debtors are terrorism, so I would guess that he would not get most warmest welcome in meetings with other eurozone's finance ministers. Meaning that if Greece hopes to have any change in any negotiations with their debtors he probably should not be part of those negotiations. Yeah I have heard that argument, hopefully that is exactly the reason and outcome But the issue is he represented a certain symbolism around the Greek defiance. Many Greeks really liked him and believed what he said Now the rhetoric is over and the NO vote has won he resigns...what does that say about the veracity and credibility of the NO argument ? Surly for the all the millions of Greeks who stood by his views he needs to continue to represent the NO perspective and ideological stance ? That is something that only Greeks themselves can give answer.
  9. He did say that actions of Greece's debtors are terrorism, so I would guess that he would not get most warmest welcome in meetings with other eurozone's finance ministers. Meaning that if Greece hopes to have any change in any negotiations with their debtors he probably should not be part of those negotiations.
  10. I can't predict what result means for Greece, EU or euro, but it has already become a weapon for anti-EU people, like Finland's current foreign minister, which will make all negotiations from this point on much more difficult and I am pretty sure that Finland at least will do it worst to make sure that Greece will have hard time to get any additional loans from EU and they probably will try to get Greece exit euro and also EU if they can as that is what they want Finland do also and Greece exit would be great example and also it would make sure that there is process for such exit in EU's contracts. I hope that leaders of other EU countries don't let pride and populist nationalist protectionist politic mongering that is rising in popularity all around Europe make them forget long run goals for EU and euro and principles behind our unions, just because it would be much easier on short run.
  11. It isn't just multiplayer that OP asks, but NWN style multiplayer with GM mode. To make GM mode actually be worth while there should be quite lot things that GM can do, like for example changing maps, creating quest lines, editing and creating monsters/NPCs, etc.on the fly, and so on and so forth. And to make those feature work well and make game look same as PoE, there needs to be quite lot more work done. I made 50 million dollar estimation in based on my guess that making game with such features with such quality level that I personally would find to be high enough would probably take from Obsidian (and I mean everybody on Obsidian) about 3 years, which would mean over 40 million salary expenses (based on average game developer salaries in US and numbers that Double Fine and Obsidian have mentioned about subject), and because there are also other expenses and costs that Obsidian would need to pay during that time I just rounded sum to 50 million dollars. Of course they would be able to make something with smaller budget, but in my opinion it would not be worth it, because it would mean less resource in making single player experiences which I personally find more enjoyable anyway and which don't need same amount polish and ability edit assets, etc. as multiplayer with GM mode (in my opinion/estimate).
  12. I would say that if Obsidian don't get somewhere additional 50 million dollars to make such feature I would hope that they don't even try in first place and focus to make excellent single player content, because I don't think that there are any reason to make such feature if you don't have resources to make it actually good and comprehensive.
  13. I posted it because teknoman2's claim that "greek government has paid all it's internal obligations (schools", to show that such claim is maybe bit too simplistic when it comes to full picture of the situation (as if you read article you see that they have struggled with their payments years now). Also in long run losing educational resources can be quite harmful for economical development of the country, so even though it don't seem that alarming in short run, when compared to other effects of economical crisis it can be one most devastating in long run. Of course losing access to articles isn't killing blow for Greek's universities in anyway, but also it don't do them any good. But of course ensuring that people have access to food, medicine, residence and other basic needs are the things that should have the highest priority always.
  14. Greek scientists lose access to digital journals
  15. Wanting to pretty much be given billions of EUR as a gift, is a strange position from which to say "NO" and be proud of it. gift? the money is given as loan with a very hefty interest rate in the last 5 years Germany has paid nothing to anyone and has gotten over 500M euro from Greece as interest for the bailout loans. they even admited it publicly! Greece is getting loans with high interest to pay off loans with low interest and is called a thief too because misinformed people say that the rest of the EU is giving away taxpayer money for free. and that is because 5 years ago, the then PM Papandreou "sold" the greek economy to the IMF and to the germans for a share of the pie. because of his antics during his time as a PM, there was even a rumor (unconfirmed but plausible since he was born there and has the citizenship) that he could not go to USA because there was a federal arrest warrant for him there, for "conspiracy against the state". They ask that partial of their debt will be forgiven, so one can argue that they ask billions of euros as gift. And many people all around EU saw those emergency loans as gift at first place. Germany bought most Greece's loans to independent creditors which they weren't capable to pay , and actually lowered Greece's interest rate on those loans. And Germany is biggest participant in ECB and other instances that constantly give Greece emergency funds so that they can pay their loans and pay pension, unemployment benefit, salaries for public employees and so on. Germany is not guilt free in this crisis, but they have put most money and time in solving it. that my friend is misinformation. as i wrote in another post, without any outside financial support since august 2014, the greek government has paid all it's internal obligations (schools, health, salaries and so on) and gave 17 bilion for the loans. ALL of the money "given" to greece have gone to pay off old debts... for the inside needs there are more than enough do you know the scene from the movie about apollo 13 where that guy says "we have to find a way to fit this sphere into this cube"? this is what is happening right now. the previous governments, instead of making a deal about the money owed, they recklesly took loans to pay off loans and thus increased the overall debt making more loans necessary... and now this government tries to stop the chain reaction and guess who does not want it to stop: those who give the loans. Germany could have bailed out on greece at any time but it keeps pouring money to it... you think they do it out of the kindness of their hearts? they stand to gain more than they spend if the loan reaches a certain height with a greek government willing to cooperate and sell them EVERYTHING to make up for that loan. and that is also the reason germany has done everything possible to sabotage any effort to solve the problem and force the greek government to quit ECB has given Greece emergency funds for several years now and Greece has constantly asked amount of this funds to be increased, so that there is actually money in their banks for people. So quite big part of Greece's internal obligations are actually paid by other euro countries. ECB, other euro countries and IMF bought all Greece's loans to independent creditors, by form of giving Greece loans which they could use to pay those previous loans. These news loans had much lower interest rates that lot of Greece old loans had, because credit markets had started to doubt Greece's ability pay its debts, which wasn't without base as we have seen, which had lead in situation where Greece could not anymore take loans from credit markets to pay their loans like they had previously done, and they were on their way towards default, which would also cause major economic turmoil in other euro countries because lots of their creditors were Europeans biggest banks. Of course lot of blame should be put on those banks, but euro countries decided to save them because estimates of effects of their bankrupts say that letting those banks to go bankrupt would hurt citizens of euro area much more than cuts and tax rises that countries need to do to buy those loans to themselves and prepare towards Greece's default. Euro countries also wanted that Greece will fix it economy, although I would argue against merit quite lot of those fixes. Germany could bailout Greece (because it is just has that much bigger economy), but that would mean that they lose hundreds of billions euros (which means hundreds of billions euros less money for Germany's schools, hospitals, public infrastructure, more taxes for Germans and so on), which isn't something that is easy to sell German voters. So you can blame Germany as much you want, but they helped to make sure that private citizen in euro area don't lose their money because bankrupts of banks by taking big part of risks in Greece's loans to itself, and you can blame that they weren't full altruistic by excepting that Greece will pay their loans and by not giving their money to Greece free but asking some interest for their, which also would make sure that there are incentive for Greece to shorten their loans. Germany has been one of most understanding of the all the creditors that Greece has, but as its biggest creditor it also has most incentive to make sure that Greece pays it debts. But Greece blight isn't seen very favorable light in euro area, because how they drifted on their current situation and how much populism parties use Greece as example how EU and euro don't work and how they only eat all the money from honest working people of [put there any country in euro area], which really puts big shadow over all negotiations with Greece, because if politician are too lenient towards Greece they risk their jobs in their home country and if they are too trick towards Greece they risk Greece defaulting its debts. And now we are in situation where people of Greece feel that troika was too trick towards them (which is arguably true when you look how long it would take Greece to get it economy running and debts paid with troika's plan) and lots of people in other euro countries think that politician have been too lenient towards Greece and that Greece should have kicked out from euro and EU already in 2011, but at least now.
  16. Wanting to pretty much be given billions of EUR as a gift, is a strange position from which to say "NO" and be proud of it. gift? the money is given as loan with a very hefty interest rate in the last 5 years Germany has paid nothing to anyone and has gotten over 500M euro from Greece as interest for the bailout loans. they even admited it publicly! Greece is getting loans with high interest to pay off loans with low interest and is called a thief too because misinformed people say that the rest of the EU is giving away taxpayer money for free. and that is because 5 years ago, the then PM Papandreou "sold" the greek economy to the IMF and to the germans for a share of the pie. because of his antics during his time as a PM, there was even a rumor (unconfirmed but plausible since he was born there and has the citizenship) that he could not go to USA because there was a federal arrest warrant for him there, for "conspiracy against the state". They ask that partial of their debt will be forgiven, so one can argue that they ask billions of euros as gift. And many people all around EU saw those emergency loans as gift at first place. Germany bought most Greece's loans to independent creditors which they weren't capable to pay , and actually lowered Greece's interest rate on those loans. And Germany is biggest participant in ECB and other instances that constantly give Greece emergency funds so that they can pay their loans and pay pension, unemployment benefit, salaries for public employees and so on. Germany is not guilt free in this crisis, but they have put most money and time in solving it.
  17. They will not be only ones that will run to carcass for cheap snacks, but also lots of people/companies from western countries will also be there. So Greece would had to create laws against foreign buyings if they don't want to lose significant part of their land and infrastructure to foreigns.
  18. Yes, being kept in solitary. and how is that a violation of human rights? if someone is dangerous -OR- there is a particular concern for the safety of the prisoner, then solitary cell is the best method of punishment. Keeping prisoners in solitary confinement without justifiable cause is actually human rights violation in ECHR, but in past 14 years we have not really cared about that when we are dealing with terrorists, like lots of other things that we have in past said to been human rights have been forgotten in such cases. But if European Court of Human Rights find that Breivik's treatment in prison is against his human rights, I am pretty sure that when that verdict is really available for Brevik, he has been decades in prison, because are so much different things that European governments can do to delay ECtHR's verdicts if they really want, and I am pretty sure that politician that fight against such verdict in Norway will only find themself become more popular among voters. And I am pretty sure that other European countries will not really give any pressure to solve situation especially in timely matter. It is quite improbable that mass murder that remind Europe of its past will really find any justice regardless of what our laws say as, those laws have loopholes that can used to remove all rights that person has, and one has very hard time get people care when one is publicly despised all around Europe especially in current political climate.
  19. We are so lucky that this is the language that so many internet's functions are heavily based on.
  20. Nothing can force them stop using euro, but they will lose all control and benefits they now have. So from national economical standpoint it would be better for Greek to move back to use their own currency, if they leave euro, given that they can establish some value compared to other currencies for it, so that it can be used in international trade.
  21. I have seen some really informed people suggesting that Greece should leave the EU as people are tired of there intransigence and lack of compliance with austerity. But for me Greece leaving the EU would effectively crash there banking institutions and who would now lend them money? You can forget the IMF as they owe them billions..maybe the BRICS bank but Greece would be considered a high risk and dishonest in its payment strategy. So Greece leaving the EU could devastate there economy to a point where they may spend 15-20 years recovering from it. Its a huge deal and really needs to be avoided Banking structure in EU has only quite minor risk to crash if Greek leaves Euro and possibly EU, as now those loans that Greeks have aren't for Europe's big banks, but IMF, ECB, and directly to other countries, so even if Greek defaults it don't collapse banks from other euro countries. For Greeks banks leaving euro would be devastating as then they don't anymore get emergency funding from ECB. But it is absolute possible that Greek can recover from such blow, but for Greeks probably would lose quite lot their standard of living on short run and it is difficult to predict how it would impact on Greek's tourism and other major sources of income. Following troika current plan would mean that Greek will have hard time to get any economic growth in next couple decades, so I can understand why it isn't very compelling option for them and why they could even risk defaulting. Option that is in current political climate nearly non-option for other euro countries is that some of Greeks loans will be forgiven or they will be changed to interest free for decades, probably could be best option in long run, as it would allow Greek to build their economy back faster without need to cut their standard of living so much as two previous options. But this option would be quite hard to sell as economy in euro area is in recession and they going through major budget cuts. And own problem comes from rising popularity of anti-EU parties, UK's upcoming referendum about leaving the union. And also worsened relations with Russia, don't help. And of course situations in Middle-east and North-Africa don't help.
  22. It's just that of all the people who sent me stuff internationally, only Paradox managed to screw up, twice. All other 30+ times the items came -mostly from ebay and amazon. I have ordered hundreds of items from all around world and sent hundreds of items all around world and total number cases where something have gone missing is under 10 total, meaning that usually shipping services are very reliable, but that don't help when bad luck hits, even if you ordered your stuff from most reliable seller using most reliable shipper. Best thing that you probably can do is to keep bothering Paradox's customer service, because I am pretty sure that eventually if anything else don't work they sent your stuff to you with fast courier to make you stop.
  23. In my shipment they provided a tracking number. But lots of shipping companies have problems with international tracking, which means that they don't always provide tracking number for shipments to everywhere where they ship, usually because they don't handle shipment all the way but buy services from some other shipping companies, which is quite annoying also for the sellers.
  24. I liked both games but objective facts support DA:I's superiority. DA:I: 151 hours played Witcher 3: 128 hours played I refuse vote either of the games, because of their poor mouse and keyboard controls, which make them undeserving to win anything.
  25. In most lucrative sports salaries of best athletes are higher than 15M USD. And those who success in "world finals" usually get (possibly even tens of) millions of dollars worth advertisement deals addition to their salaries. So popular esports have become quite lucrative, but it is still far from level where some traditional sports are.
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