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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. You can set up macro's to quick cast some spells. There is a thread about it around here somewhere and Sensuki also made a tutorial video about it.
  2. Do people not notice the main menu buttons are hideable in the UI already Basically Sensuki what you are saying is you want your combat log on the left..... amiright?
  3. In fact only game I know of coming out soon with a "down the side" UI element that starts at the top is everyone on this forums favorite... Dragon Age: Inquisition. Even it puts "most" of it's UI on the bottom edge of the screen though. The only part on the "side" is the party health meters.
  4. This is something I too have wanted for some time. Moving the action bar onto portraits (or just beneath), then enlarging those portraits and moving them to the side. I truly cannot understand why they have gone with a bottom oriented UI. That's what most games do these days, ether bottom or top oriented UI, most of them go bottom these days. There is more room to go from right to left and vice versa than bottom to top as well which is why most large UI elements are horizontally layed out. It is just easier to fit your UI in there.
  5. Uh no, it uses the IWD1 avatars actually.... I agree the zooming in super close is dumb, but the zooming super far out is nice. The UI not being full screen is hardly a bad thing, not that there is a ton of dead space, just two tiny bits at the bottom. The BG2 engine is also better than the IWD1 engine and some of the options (like rogue sneak attacks) you don't like from BG2 can actually be disabled.
  6. You should switch up to the Pallegina version Sensuki, much easier on the eyes Or if you want I can make you something that actually looks serious/semi pro, but I am like super boring with my cover pics.
  7. Great news to hear, I noticed most of the weapon models in 3.33 looked snappier and either had better textures or more lighting effects showing on them.
  8. That's just not true dude, the EE's are fine and already incorporate most of the best mods. They even add in tons of other improvements and enhancements. I agree the UI upscaling sucks, but the UI itself is overall vastly better than the original UI's or most of the modders takes.
  9. No it won't because sometimes one attack can create five different lines. And I mean filter out messages, like I don't care that BB Fighter is healed 2 Endurance by Constant Recovery every few seconds. I don't care about reading if people are engaged - stuff like that. Big thumbs up on that one. Much of what goes in the combat log is pointless info. And god's sake stop posting "weapon is ineffective" when your system for determining a weapon is ineffective is just whether or not it did more than 3-5 damage. Maybe I had a bad roll, maybe the mob just has a crap ton of DT, if it did damage (regardless of how little) it wasn't "ineffective", it just did crap damage.
  10. Fair enough, but most of them I would pick give Athletics.
  11. Sure, but you had to choose to do one of three things to do that. 1: Make them a ranged Rogue, which actually runs counter to a lot of the best Rogue talents. 2: Make them a hard core trap user, which I guess I can see it but I don't enjoy using traps so not an option for me. 3: You gave up a Talent that could have given you a real combat buff (like Weapon Focus, Bloody Slaughter, or Backstab) to pick a straight + tons of Mechanics Talent. Edit: In retrospect it actually makes a ton more sense to make your Ranger a Mechanics expert over your Rogue as Rangers are great with ranged weapons, have a long history with traps, etc etc. Not sure they get free points in Mechanics just for being a Ranger though unlike Rogue. Also but seriously, having to pick Envenomed Strike just to get every character some stealth (while a good Talent) seems pretty darn lame. We shouldn't be shoehorned into taking it because it is the only way to get a character Stealth Skill without gimping them.
  12. :P :P I would rather they play their competition like Divinity Original Sin or Dragon Age Inquisition in a couple weeks. Or maybe something totally unrelated to free up their minds, give a fresh perspective.
  13. Mine can do colors fine, it isn't a monitor problem. I likely just have my saturation too high as I like that look. SUE MEH Outside of the white bright snow I have no issue with the circles, I can still see them even then, it is just hard.
  14. Well the probably changed it since last time I tried like I said I haven't bothered with the combat log in awhile cause it is too insane due to the speed of actions and just the crazy amount of math that happens every time your character decides to poop. So I only look at it when something happens that surprises me, which is pretty rare now cause I have seen all the crazy stuff like Deep Wounds plenty of times.
  15. Right back at you! Seriously try looking at a light gray circle on bright white snow, or even a crazy bright green circle. It isn't easy. And the reason your CRT has better contrast is because it has less color depth and larger pixels.
  16. I could counter that with a much more simple solution. If you didn't want the item, didn't want it clogging your precious (sortable and infinite) inventory.... Then why did you pick it up in the first place? Meanwhile once an item is dropped it is taking game resources already, it isn't like the item ever fades out of existence. It probably takes less game resource mojo if you just loot it.
  17. I am looking forward to seeing what feedback they took too, possibly anticipating it more than any previous update.
  18. In my experience the IE games had much darker backgrounds in general, and since there was no dithering grass to help obscure the circles even more... That said I have found tons of places in the recent IWD:EE where the circles are near impossible to see due to the snow.
  19. Personally I just hide the center buttons. As far as the log my point isn't that you can't scale it but that it can't be scaled but so far left. Unless they changed that in the most recent build, which I admit, I haven't really touched the log yet in it.
  20. Well while I don't disagree that a solid bottom left block would be nice, or that the bottom center buttons are redundant (you can hide them) I am not sure we need this drastic a response. Just make the combat log scalable both on the horizontal and vertical then things will be fine.
  21. I still don't get this. Why do you want to drop items on the ground? You have INFINITE INVENTORY, there is no reason to not loot what you can and no need to drop something to make room.
  22. Not necessarily, it also it requires less "looking away" if they are on top. It additionally remains consistent with the current action bar which is "on top" of your character. Most games that are seriously about action bars and timers these days either have the action meters completely detached from portraits or oriented based on the party portrait locations. If at the top of the screen on bottom, if at bottom on top.
  23. Indeed. It's essentially a progress bar and horizontal progress bars are more convenient. Don't concur, with this type of bar you want it to be longer, because the longer it is the more accurate it can be tracking progress. That said if you had to do it Horizontal I would put it on top as that requires less UI mucking about, you just have to move buff icons up like 10 pixels. Like so!
  24. But it doesn't matter Sensuki! Cause in game in real time I would have noticed like 2 seconds went by without the priest doing something so I would have paused and issued a command. Cause I literally do pause like every 3 seconds in Eternity cause crap happens too fast.
  25. Let me rephrase, when I said over the portrait I just meant with them. Ideally I would put it on the right side of the portrait filling up from bottom to top. Something like this? Rough example:
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