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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. Yeah I wouldn't mind if they gave a backer beta key to all preorders at this point, why not? But at the same time... game releases in like 1 month and 1 week? Surely those who have held off this long on finding a way into the backer beta can wait that much longer for the real release?
  2. musta' missed it... That new DMG sucks. They meant this DMG, 1st edition AD&D but second release of the DMG itself Gromnir.
  3. In all fairness that is the very beginning of the game and I suspect none of those characters survive past the intro regardless. I expect the "real" companions will give you plenty of heads up.
  4. They have made no indication that would lead me to believe they will make the beta available to anyone who doesn't already have access to it prior to release. Also the backer beta is not the game, it is just a beta. I doubt it will self delete from steam but it will never "turn into the whole game".
  5. "Klaatu... verata... n... Necktie. Nectar. Nickel. Noodle." This probably is how big head mode canoniacally was first encountered in the Project Eternity world. Sorry both of you, it is far too late to save the forums, much less this threads. Any puny efforts made at this point will serve little purpose. You may even be causing extra punitive damages with your words!
  6. If they take any advice from this thread, this is it. I still think interrupt is fine though so there! Who cares if it favors duel wielders, it is okay if a stack is not must have for everyone.
  7. Wizards do have per encounter abilities though, they just aren't their main spells.
  8. Pretty much this. Backer specific stuff and the "extras" will be downloaded from the Obsidian portal, they already mentioned this in another thread somewhere I am too lazy to find a link for. The keys you will be given are for base versions of the game from a client of your choice, Steam or GoG. If you want the bragging rights of having "edition X" in your steam library you will need to buy it separately. Just remember that you don't get anything from any of the game versions that is not already available in a backer pledge of equal or greater value to those versions. It is just you have to download your stuff/maybe get special steam codes from Obsidian. EDIT: Oh yeah.... the backer beta doesn't turn into anything. It is just a beta, once the real game releases you should delete it.
  9. Luckmann is the exception not the rule. Anyone who insinuates an average 12 year old will have the patience for BG2 is really just mainlining some crack... or really dumb.
  10. Don't get ahead of yourself Lephys. If you take this too far you are going to get punished by the mods.
  11. Haven't we already run this pun to death in another thread? It almost makes me want to stick my head in the ground.
  12. "They" in this case is in fact the OP. Two-Bull.
  13. I wish I could make a character in an RPG like this to be a companion. Because that is what I would do, create a mercenary warrior who is in it for money and maybe a little fame/political inroads. A well designed mercenary character can be so much more than "a guy who will do whatever as long as he gets paid". I feel you though Luckmann, I also want to avoid the adventurers hall unless I am left with no other choice. Even if it means I have to run what I feel is a substandard party. The hall is there for the grognards and number crunchers who are worried about min maxing first.
  14. As a person who doesn't use hotkeys, and always clicks and drags for select all, there really isn't that great a time difference, nor does it take a major hand movement, if you flick your mouse right. Personally I am a big fan of f12 / click and dragging the portraits themselves to group select. I never use the "select all" button itself.
  15. Yeah the one on the right is the new one, though the old one was pretty darn good to begin with.
  16. Yeah a simple universal weapon switch cooldown of 2 second delay before action after a switch and a forced action queue where the switch does not happen until AFTER the current action is complete will fix this.
  17. Sensuki basically covered it but I will go into more detail on interrupt. What interrupt does is it temporarily delays the effected targets current action. In other words it is not like old D&D where if you interrupted a spell the spell was lost, in Eternity you have simply delayed the spell and extended the cast time. Pretty much anything can be interrupted as well, including melee attacks and so on. The key things to remember with interrupt! 1: It is best for characters that attack often and quickly, as more attacks means more chances to interrupt. 2: Slower harder hitting weapons or attacks (such as abilities specifically marked as getting interrupt bonus) will cause a larger interrupt "delay" than lighter hitting attacks. So a guy who gets hit by a dude wielding a two handed mace will suffer a longer interrupt period than someone who gets interrupted by a person using a rapier. 3: Interrupt doesn't really stack, or at least it won't in the final version. Meaning if two guys hitting the same enemy both score an interrupt only the greater interrupt duration will apply. An interrupt can be "refreshed" but it has to hit, score the interrupt, and have a interrupt penalty greater than the current penalty on the targets action. The reason it is broken right now is not how it mechanically works, but that the interrupt bonus characters are getting is much larger than intended and just making it crazy easy to score interrupts pretty much all the time.
  18. TDKR is a dark story, but I wouldn't call it a serious one or one with a deep plot. Almost no comic story has one of those. I am not even sure I would call it "mature". No one actually believes batman's world is real (especially the Frank Miller version where Batman is a total prick) and it has little realism to it. Why? Because it is a "hero story". It isn't meant to be realistic or to be super mature in the sense of intelligent adult content that makes you think. If you think TDKR's is bad on the realism department I am also wondering if you ever read the sequel cause.... man. What you are calling mature and what I am calling mature are not the same thing. But you are aware of that. 50 Shades of Grey is a great mention though. Because it is actually the exact opposite of a mature story. It is the average bored housewife power fantasy, AKA pure drivel from the story, character, and plot perspective. Which is probably a big part of why it sells so well. I agree realism is not a goal. But if you want your world to be fully realized, immersive, and able to support an actual franchise of mature themed serious story CRPG's realism in the sense that the setting is believable and it's non pure reality elements have logical and reasonable explanations is super important. There is nothing believable about 300. To borrow the video creators words..... it is the titties and blood version of mature. I also suspect you are taking my use of the word "realism" way too strictly.
  19. Big head mode also makes you suffer a reputation penalty. After all... no one likes a guy with a big head.
  20. Great video, nice post. Totally agree with it. Realism in RPG's, fantasy or otherwise, is huge if you want to tell a mature adult story with complex themes. It isn't about the mechanics of the game, or what your characters are capable of. It is about the believability of the setting, your ability to become immersed in it, and making the player care about the story and characters. Everyone can enjoy a good old fashioned romp through a traditional heroic story. But if you are trying to do something more thought provoking and thematic that relies on a serious plot you better have some realism in your game. Or it will fall flat on it's face. I will briefly borrow Mass Effect in this case. Mass Effect 1 is the best game in the series because it is a bit more... realistic in scope than the others. Your character is trying to stop this huge invasion but the game ends on a note letting you know "hey guy, good job, but you won a battle not the war". What was even cooler about it was if you took the time to go through all the story and lore type info in the game you found it had explanations for everything. Even down to explaining why there was no ammo in the game. Was it "realistic" no in the sense that in reality that tech doesn't exist. But the world was believable and it had an air of realism to it because of the thought that went into it and the depth of history and information on why the world was how it was.
  21. That RPS interview is god awful and the interviewer is clearly just trying to put the screws to Molyneux and being a jerk about it. He isn't a freaking politician cause embezzling government funds meant for the social security department. He is a visionary game dev who over promises features and hasn't learned from his mistakes of doing so in the past.
  22. The maps are hand drawn 2D. They were never anything other than flat surfaces with some 3D effects on top of them to give the illusion of depth. They went that way mostly to maximize visual quality while keeping cost down and staying true to the IE games.
  23. This party would be functional on normal or easy, but on hard or better they would just be meat waiting to get rolled. Paladins are great support, not so great solo. One build of paladins 6 times is also about as redundant as a party build in Eternity can get too.
  24. Thanks for the heads up! Will have to try to catch this one live for once.
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