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Everything posted by dlux

  1. I seriously thought that they were going to port the onyx engine to linux and mac...but now I think that they are probably going to use the unity engine just like Inxile. Maybe they will even work together with Inxile to port unity to Linux. ^^ Unigine is also a possibility though.
  2. Humans should not dominate the whole world, but there should be areas of hightened human activity where they are extremely powerful. Same goes for dwarves, elves or whatever other races that are going to be in the game. There could also of course be areas in the world where humans are enslaved by... uh... evil dwarfs or something. ^^
  3. Yes. Definitely! And they were weak too. I can still remember the totally unepic boring battles against those lame dragons. You just shoot arrows at them and wait until they land so you can whack the **** out of them. Yeah, Bethesda are real experts at making retard proof games. ^^
  4. I don't like micro-managing cash. Just imagine that the gold coins are small, like 3g or something (these actually exist). So if you have a few hundred gold, then it weighs about a kilo all together and fits in your pocket.
  5. I dunno, I guess so. lol Oh, so you consider only having something other than elves be original? Ok fine. But that is not what I was talking about. ^^
  6. Seeing that you resort to insulting people that have different opinions - instead of actually expressing your preferences, like the rest of us do - I would have to say that you are probably the little immature 12 year old. On a temper tantrum.
  7. Forgotten Realms is the opposite of originality in fantasy RPG settings. (For originality see things like Planescape and the creation of Exalted, possibly Talislanta though I never really got into it). The dozen different flavours of elf in Fearun are not original; there were several different types of elves in tolkien to: Noldor, Sindar etc., and with the exception of the Drow they are pretty much completely unnecessary. Like I said, you don't get it. FR took the mythological creatures that we know and love and spiced them up very originally. Of course, FR also has other completely original creatures.
  8. The story arc from Baldur's Gate has to be one of the best in video gaming history. Abso****inglutely fantastic!!! But I have to admit: The story about the Reapers (ancient evil) was also excellent... until Mass Effect 3 at least. ^^ They were just so dark, evil and mysterious.
  9. Looks very nice, but this is all concept art. I would like to see something that is actually a finished portrait.
  10. Oh, I am sure that it will hit 2 million, but it would definitely help to create some nice graphics that make the stretch goals more attractive.
  11. I say between 3 and 4 million... but you never know - if Obsidian can hype this game enough, then we could even hit 6 million or more.
  12. OMG the patchfinding was indeed HORRIBLE. Other than that the engine was actually very, very good imo.
  13. Troll is gonna troll when he doesn't get it. lol
  14. Romance is good, it improves the story. It was excellent in BG2.
  15. How many more polls are you going to make just because you hate elves? In the other poll we have already stated, that we like elves and dwarves, but we do not want a 1:1 copy of Tolkien's version... obviously. This is not a Lord of the Rings game! lol ^^ So, dwarves and elves are from Germanic mythology. While Tolkien might have made these mythical creatures popular, high fantasy games DO NOT copy Tolkiens version of them 1 to 1. Most games base their dwarves and elves upon original Germanic mythology, but also take inspiration from other sources, including Tolkien. A good exmaple are the elves in D&D FR: You have sun elfs, wood elfs, moon elfs, drow, and wild elfs which is very original and interesting!
  16. If the game has voice acting, then it has to be done professionally. Other wise it sounds like crap and is cheesy.
  17. You guys are underestimating Obsidian's crack super lead programmer extraordinaire Tim Cain! Muaha!
  18. If they do add elves and dwarves in a "subverted, non-traditional form", then they better not mess up the elves like BioWare did with them in Dragon Age. The dwarves were interesting and well done, but the elves just sucked - they were just a bunch of uninteresting little whining losers. There is also nothing original about making a high fantasy game with swords, metal armor, magic, etc.
  19. Mod support and localization (EFIGS) is a must. A stretch goal for mod support should be rather high, over 3 million imo.
  20. Sure, why not - As long as they don't remove the option to have a party only made up of a main character + companions, then this is perfectly fine.
  21. The stretch goals are absolutely fine. More money = more content and every penny of this cash is going into the game itself. The only thing that the game really needs is some nice pics for the stretch goals. people love nice pictuerzzz. :3
  22. I never really liked this Skyrim-Esque technique. For example, you take all of the areas of a map from a game like BG2, then paste them together with some generic filler and BOOM you have an elder scrolls map. Seeing that you only use the warp system anyway (after you find a new area at least), what is the point? Wandering around in Skyrim is boring anyway. It also really never made much sense to me that you take a huge area, like Nevada in Fallout New Vegas for example, but ingame this area is only like 3 x 3 Kilometers large. lol, wtf? ^^ (don't get me wrong, I really liked New Vegas anyway). I prefer a HUGE map, with points of interest, similar to Fallout 1+2. If you read up on lore and talk to NPCs, then you should also be able to find new points of interest based upon the tips that they give you. Now that is awesome. The regular "let me mark that on your map" by a quest giver should also be in the game of course.
  23. There are 36,000 backers at the moment. Your lucky if there are 20-40 people posting about romances. Hmmm, youu certainly seem to be the only one that _really_ hates romances and prefers having fap-masters in the game.
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