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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Depends on the area. From parent area to parent area - yes, from parent to child area (or vice versa) - maybe. I felt the IE games handled this well enough anyway.
  2. They have one guy (Antonio) doing the technical problem solving. Hopefully they'll be able to get secondary weapon sets and cloaks/hair to show without clipping. The closest zoom level is also pretty close up. I don't think we've actually been shown how far you can zoom in but it is possible this is the closest level of zoom in the game. Of which you can see quite a bit of character detail (if you click on the image).
  3. I'm fine with either Tales of the Sword Coast or Icewind Dale Heart of Winter style, but I am sure they'll just be using locations kinda nearby where the OC is set.
  4. But it does matter on the first half of an adventuring day where your character is in danger of being knocked out.
  5. The 'delay' has been the length of the pre-production, of which the team has been under 15 staff members for most of the pre-production period. They recruited another concept artist and brought on some Area Designers for the prototyping phase and have slowly started to add more members to the team (recruiting a producer, more concept artists etc). There is no feature creep because all the team is doing now is making sure that they have all the features of the game in and working before they enter production. Seems like they still have a few things to work out: Whether secondary weapon sets can be displayed on the character model Dynamic Cloth and Hair Finalizing the area map rendering tools (they recently fixed the previous issues and are now looking at optimizing rendering time) Whether they can find some more Environment artists (they're currently looking for a couple on their jobs page) Stuff we haven't heard too much about yet Stronghold - Josh posted a vine video the other day so he's obviously researching now Crafting & Enchantment systems Sound - I've read that the default Unity sound package isn't very good and requires plugins for improvement voice over stuff
  6. I didn't mind The Witcher's potion system and I enjoyed the alchemy bit. But there will probably not be any mechanical restrictions on potions in P:E - just economical ones as I said before.
  7. There are no health potions in Project Eternity There might be some that replenish stamina or remove status effects, but generally I think this problem will be solved by economy in Project Eternity rather than a hard limit on potions per rest or whatever. They will likely be expensive and/or rare and if you use one when you didn't really need to, you might miss that potion later down the track.
  8. Josh stated that they have intentionally designed leveling up to feel chunkier. The advancement system they are designing is completely homogeneous besides the style of abilities that classes get (passive, modal or active). Since all classes will have equally increasing accuracy and defenses it makes the most sense to increase accuracy and defenses at a similar rate, if not at exactly the same rate and interval. From what we already know The level cap will be between 10-12 Three class abilities at level 1 and one per level thereafter (not sure whether they are automatic or 'choose from a pool') One talent every 3 levels (unsure about starting talents) Unsure of the rate of increase in accuracy or defenses but "chunkier" probably means every 2 or 3 levels ? Unsure of the rate that we get skill points or if we get bonus attribute points at all. Here is my 'rough guess' at advancement Level 1: 3 class abilities, one talent, class-specific starting bonuses to accuracy and defenses, X skill points Level 2: +1 class ability, +1 to accuracy and defenses Level 3: +1 class ability, +1 talent, X skill points Level 4: +1 class ability, +1 to accuracy and defenses Level 5: +1 class ability, +1 attribute point, , X skill points Level 6: +1 class ability, +1 talent, +1 to accuracy and defenses Level 7: +1 class ability, , X skill points Level 8: +1 class ability, +1 to accuracy and defenses Level 9: +1 class ability, +1 talent, , X skill points Level 10: +1 class ability, +1 to accuracy and defenses, +1 attribute point Level 11: +1 class ability, , X skill points Level 12: +1 class ability, +1 talent, +1 to accuracy and defenses You will also gain extra talents through quests and exploration too apparently. Of everything I would say my guess at skill points is probably the most off as the time between say level 5 and level 7 might be a quite a few hours in game so skill points may end up being every level. I just put it on the odd numbers to make it so that characters got something at level 7 and 11 besides an ability.
  9. There's only two voices I've become sick of so far Raphael Sbarge (did not like to begin with), and Cam Clarke's Leonardo voice. Fortunately I don't think either will be in Project Eternity, but you never know. This guy would make a good Vailian, fluent in Italian too, but probably too expensive
  10. Barbarian has the highest hit dice in D&D 2E, 3E and 4E. P:E Barbarian is about Melee AoE damage / taking out trashmobs.
  11. I'd like to see a demonstration of it before I make a judgement. As long as Barbarians still have the highest health/stamina totals I think that's okay that the fighter has in-combat stamina regen as long as it isn't too quick. I random guess would be like 1 every 10 seconds, but that might be too slow. Haven't seen what combat looks like yet. It makes a difference on a per-encounter basis as a Fighter would be slightly harder to take down than a Paladin with the same health (then again, maybe not as the Paladin has a high deflection), but over the course of a few encounters they've still taken 25% health damage of all the stamina damage they've taken so at the cost of a bit more grit during an encounter, they'll have less HP left over for the rest of the day.
  12. Some tidbits of important info here: Looks like the team has fixed the lighting hot-spot issues that were present in the original screenshot (ie. on the statues) Changed the lighting used on the 3D Environment areas for better, more tweakable and more consistent quality Solved a mystery (Color grading for areas for different times of day) Looking at using a GPU-accelerated Octane Rendering to speed up area map rendering Kaz's paintover on the new render is awesome and can be done in an acceptable time and does not interfere with dynamic lighting There's also some Rogue info there as well
  13. Here's the one I remember from Baldur's Gate 2 from the Prologue. I think it is actually a spell effect but I cannot remember which one. Pretty bad screencap but the animation itself looks alright (for 30FPS)
  14. The Witcher 2 had one. Only problem is the save files were huge and the game saved often. My savegame folder after 2 plays was 20GB.
  15. I will definitely be taking advantage of these
  16. Out of all the save systems I've encountered I'm not sure which I like best. The Witcher 2 never saved over savegame files, but that meant that your save folder was multiple GBs in size after not too long. The Infinity Engine savegame system was fine but the autosave replacing the last autosave did sometimes make you backtrack to a custom save. Saves based on Character profile or playthrough are fine as well, as long as the structure of the saving system isn't any different to the previous methods but the savegames are organized in separate folders and require an extra menu to access in game (opening the character playthrough a la Mass Effect). Modders/cheaters will want to be able to access save game information so hopefully profile based saves don't make it any more difficult for a Shadowkeeper or something to access/edit the files.
  17. They've also said they will write more if it makes sense. I am fine with 8 companions. Depth not breadth.
  18. I bought one, I'll post my impressions later. If I don't get any dead pixels and it overclocks well, future proofing for P:E will be complete 16 GB DDR3 1600 3GB Asus HD7970 DirectCUII 27" 1440p PLS Monitor bring on those high-res environment assets.
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