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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Hmmm.... The top one looks like this nest, the bottom one is probably a cave but ...
  2. That is actually UI v0.5, so ignore everything I said about it. Lady Crimson can you remove that part from the thread title to avoid any more confusion ?
  3. Might have to wait for a UI mod for that, sounds kind of against the original vision of the UI, since the UI will be hand-painted by Kaz.
  4. Kaz hasn't been on the team for very long, so they may actually both be Polina Then again Kaz was charged with figuring out the 'cultures' so city design may tie into that. I think I have confused some people, that UI is definitely placeholder, but the positioning of the elements on the screen, may not be. I can't go back and update the OP so hopefully people will read the thread before posting about it.
  5. Yes they have. Solid, part of the world UI like the Infinity Engine games. Josh has mentioned it in Update 36 and on the Something Awful forums (and his formspring too I think), and it was also mentioned in Update 54. I am pretty sure they will be supporting minimalists by making the combat log and menu bar collapsible, but I will fight for portrait size to the very end
  6. The transparency is definitely placeholder, I was merely talking about the location of the elements on the screen. Kaz's UI art hasn't been applied yet.
  7. I do recall Josh saying there were two different sides so it's possible that's just the mockup UI used for the demos, anyway eager to see the new UI when it's presentable, but from the sounds of it I might be disappointed.
  8. I wonder who the final two designers were that had the better story concepts I bet George Ziets was one of them haha.
  9. Whoops I forgot that one haha Wilderness area near Prototype village Valley of Hector concept
  10. The area art is pretty incline Defiance Bay looks cool as well, less 'sections' than BG and Athkatla but hopefully it's still about the same size.
  11. Watch the video in the other thread, that's just how Chris described the function of that dungeon. It sounds really awesome. That might not actually be the intended size of the UI v2 That's just my recommendation if that is the direction they are going. That may even be pre UIv1 as they had a UI like that when Josh was doing combat testing months ago.
  12. Of course it's a placeholder but the size and location of the UI elements do seem like a logical progression from v1. Obviously the buttons for abilities won't be that big, that will be just the natural scaling of the button size written into the mockup UI.
  13. New worldmap - hopefully we get a high res version soon Defiance Bay - Big City #1 (or perhaps #2 as Chris said it was a backer location) Vertical Slice Dungeon - Editor View Vertical Slice Dungeon - Actual view (pre-paintover - no machine, wires etc) Store concept art "Animat" concept "Animat" Factory concept User Interface v2 (or perhaps it's just a placeholder UI, but it does seem like a progressed layout from v1) I just want to comment on the UI version here. I do like that design better than UIv1, I like that the combat log is now on the left side, which is my preferred reading side of the screen. I think I see how the UI is going to work. The combat log and menu will be collapsible so that the UI minimalist fans (**** ) get their minimalist UI - good design decision as that will keep people like IndiraLightfoot etc happy. BUUUUUUUUUT That portrait size makes me cry, a lot. As a fan of the Baldur's Gate and World of Xeen UI's I would be very very very very sad if that is the portrait size that we got for Project Eternity. There is so much screen space to utilize for bigger portraits, so I would be unhappy with that as the final design. My suggestion based on that UI would be the following. Have 3 settings for the right section of the UI Big portrait, little menu Small portrait, big menu No menu, small portrait Where big portrait, little menu looks like this - yes it takes up a tiny amount more screen space, but that screen space would be otherwise unused IMO. You could even bring the combat log in so the portraits would fit within the same UI space, but you'd lose a hotkey or two. I would also prefer if the UI was in the middle of the screen rather than left aligned, but that's just me.
  14. Surge is a fighter ability and the other one is probably a talent.
  15. I'm sure you understood what he meant though.
  16. AGX-17 has a point but yeah, he has that typical Portland hipster attitude I am pretty sure the P:E system will be very simple, everything will probably be either a short duration spell that lasts for a certain time in an encounter, the entire encounter (when combat ends) or it will just be a passive modal aura. Pretty sure Josh Sawyer would have thrown the 9 minutes, 24 hours stuff out the window upon spell / ability design.
  17. We *might* get to see them tonight in the reveal if they show gameplay.
  18. There was a betting thread for Grim Dawn Alpha. Someone got the date right IIRC
  19. Not necessarily. It has been mentioned that there will be Exploration XP rewards, and off the beaten path side encounters whether standalone or tied to something will probably have a quest/XP value tied to them if theyre not a trash mob.
  20. Kinda sounds like the P:E Narrative will have some "at your own pace" kinda style to it with perhaps minor prodding.
  21. If you were referring to my post you misinterpreted. The values of Health/Stamina will probably be in a similar range to D&D's HP.
  22. Baldur's Gate 1 areas were mostly non-linear open areas that you could wander about in and approach locations from any direction. There was very little in the way of railroading or linear areas except sometimes along the main quest path. There are many good examples but the best example is probably The Bandit Camp. This was one of the best quests in the game and hopefully resembles somewhat the amount of options that you have approaching quests in Project Eternity. Firstly there were many different ways that the PC could discover the location of / gain entrance into the Bandit camp *BG1 spoilers* On top of that there were multiple ways to approach the bandit camp. It was an open area, if you didn't get taken there by one of the Bandits you could approach from the West or South and come across the camp in any way you pleased. Most of the BG1 areas were like this, the main location was in the center of the area map and you could approach from any direction. In Baldur's Gate 2 (and expansions), areas became more linear. Important locations were usually placed on the edge of the map and were usually only accessible by following one path. Areas existed solely for quest purposes. Icewind Dale was relatively the same, most areas were pretty linear. Lower Dorn's Deep however was a nice exception, well done (Josh I think) for designing that. In Project Eternity I am hoping that the area design goes back to being a little bit more like Baldur's Gate 1 and Lower Dorn's Deep in IWD. For external areas, hopefully there are multiple paths to reach a location.
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