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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Okay, what characters are you casting the spells on? I have seen it with Interdiction before, but it would be about 1/40 uses or something. If you can give me some more info I will try and hunt the cause down.
  2. These changes won't impact areas that have bad performance in general because AI and pathfinding only runs when the game is not paused. Even when the game is paused I still get 30-40 FPS in the Temple of Skaen. It might make it that instead of 30FPS when unpaused I get 40, but I'm getting 80-90 unpaused in other exteriors.
  3. Steps to reproduce? I saw it once in v392 or v435, don't recall Some more info would be good - like what talents, stats, items etc did you have, is it the BB Priest, a hired priest ? etc
  4. Expected Result : I don't think the Grimoire is supposed to be visible on this - wouldn't be surprised if this also happens with Citzal's Spirit Lance either. That said - this spell currently sucks a bit, it could use some balancing up (like +10 Accuracy to make it same as Figher's accuracy etc).
  5. Still lots of bugs to fix guys They're working on it Any backers playing the beta, please report anything you find!
  6. I might watch Anthony Davis play the bits I've already watched (prologue etc) but I think I'll avoid watching anything else, even though I know a lot of things I shouldn't.
  7. Should be the same tooltip as when you try and move a normal item in combat
  8. If you're still there Kaz - the way the combat log is stored in the atlas makes it a bit hard to edit to make it match with (any) solid hud as it just stretches one column of vertical pixels / one row of horizontal pixels, although I think Bester and Karkarov are looking into something temporarily for our custom bottom bars. We can probably bring up specific issues with that stuff post-release after we've started mucking around with it more.
  9. Expected Result: Tooltip probably shouldn't anchor to the mouse cursor, and the persistence of the tooltip should be much shorter
  10. Switching weapons while you have a summoned weapon removes the summoned weapon and you can't get it back - not sure if intended or not (probably not). Gonna test it with Druid Shapeshift claws now (and it's working correctly, can't switch weapons while shapeshifted).
  11. http://www.upload.ee/files/4581242/output_log.zip.html the game is trying to do something to the wizard's weapon after it's been destroyed... and it can't... so it gets stuck
  12. Regressed issue / not fixed Found what's happening in the Object Browser
  13. I have the correct attack speed formulas There is still a global recovery mult of x1.2, but recovery penalties for style were reduced Assume 10 Dex, No armor 1H Fast, single = 20 frame animation, 36 frame recovery 1H Normal, single = 30 frame animation, 54 frame recovery 2H = 30 frame animation, 54 frame recovery Dual wield fast = 20 frame animation, 24 frame recovery, 20 frame animation, 24 frame recovery Dual wield normal = 30 frame animation, 36 frame recovery, 20 frame animation, 36 frame recovery
  14. Yes, that's how it works. If it's a different height or whatever you'll need to edit the text file.
  15. probably ignore this one for now - I think UniqueStatusEffectID polls every time it's read and the ModelViewer was reading it every frame.
  16. I know, I pointed that out via PM. However when they used the old Obsidian logo it used to get 90 FPS for me. New one gets 120. I suppose with more stuff going on in the movie, the Unity movie player starts lagging. WTB Bink Video (or hell, even a VLC plugin lol). Strange thing is I don't recall movies lagging in Wasteland 2.
  17. IMO this looks ridiculous/really dodgy with the beam of light effect coming down from the sky attached to the unit. I recommend changing the effect.
  18. From Roby Atadero via PM about this issue from a few days ago
  19. There are movies, just a warning though - Unity's movie player is not very good and it lags a bit (yeah I know lol).
  20. Engagement arrow bug Issue with formation button interaction Right-clicking a container can cause your characters to run on the spot A few summoned creatures need updated prefabs UniqueStatusEffectID polling every frame for every unit Medreth's Boar Companion needs updated prefab Targeting and Engagement issues with downed Animal Companions Remove "Beam of Light" VFX from Minoletta's Concussive Missiles
  21. Expected Result: Downed Animal Companions should not trigger Engagements. Downed Ranger Animal Companions from enemies should probably actually die, instead of going down like that. I've also seen party members aggro to the downed companion with auto-attack on, and that is one of the reasons why I play with it off. I don't think that's supposed to occur either.
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