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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I thought your UI was atrocious (though you can into photoshop). Take that with a grain of salt. You also don't left align a UI. You center it, or it takes up the whole screen. Obsidian did say that there would be two collapsable sides to the UI, so it is possible that they've done something even worse than what I did here and have a UI section on the left and one on the right. That would have me pulling my hair out for sure. Hopefully it still takes up the entire width of the screen. And the combat log is very important, just because you use it (I believe you belong to the "insignificant" portion of minimalist UI fans), it doesn't mean that there aren't A LOT of people who use it all the time.
  2. SPECULATION: More Wilderness Areas: Wilderness Area Environment Art is currently being outsourced to an outsourcing company. The most expensive component of creating areas is environment art creation. This will cost money, but it will not stop the Obsidian team from working on less content or add (much) longer time to the project, as their environment artists won't have to really worry too much about it. It will however require Level Design time and Paint over time from a 2D Artist, and of course QA / Testing. All probably trivial compared to the Environment Art cost. More Companions: I do not know how much work it is to create a companion for an RPG like this, but I have heard repeatedly that it is A LOT. More companions MOST LIKELY means that Obsidian will hire another writer, or bring a writer across from within the company. That means roughly 75% or so's worth of yearly salary plus benefits, so your guess is as good as mine $75-100K or whatever. The associated area design & QA / polish cost may add a bit more time but it is trivial compared to the writer time (Chris, Josh and Eric probably have enough on their plate already)/
  3. I liked the beginning too. The drum sound could have been a bit better, though (as in having more impact/depth, sounding more organic). I do like the dramatic orchestration style used in the later parts of the trailer music, I just think they could have been better. I'll try and describe what I didn't like about the short section after that where the trailer shows combat. FYI I cannot understand musical notes/theory. I am just a listener. I enjoyed it up until about the 1 minute mark. When the battle music starts, I can't help but get the impression that the PRAT is a bit off (Pace, Rhythm and Timing), I don't feel a sense of urgency, although that may not have been the intention. The mixing (positioning of the instruments) sounded a bit odd to me, I think that maybe the strings could have been a bit more forward in the mix, and maybe swapped to wih the brass section and been in the right channel rather than the left - I swapped my headphones over and I actually prefer listening to the track backwards. I notice the drums a lot better off to the side and the instrument placement feels more natural. It does appear that the music was made specifically for the trailer though rather than being a piece taken from the game. Are you intending to use that uhhh melody? that you came up with in the Kickstarter as a musical 'theme' for the game? as I noticed this trailer was based off that. I like the use of the Bell at the start, signature sound for the surname
  4. UI Version 2: What did Obsidian do? Hopefully not this! Another thread because I'm bored. Also another speculation. I have made another mockup UI based on what I think Obsidian would have done to achieve their goals, based on a couple of recent-ish statements. Objective #1: Use up less screen space overall. This is something that they stated they were going to do, make the UI smaller. This is something I wouldn't necessarily agree with unless it was trimming a little bit of vertical space that they could have spared from the original. In my opinion there is absolutely no point in not using up the total width of the screen for an IWD style UI as it allows you more space to make use of functionality (such as extra action bar buttons, quick item buttons etc). It is possible that this is exactly what they did. However the unfortunate fans of minimalistic UI's probably influenced this decision a little bit. (Assumed) Objective #2: Make portraits slightly larger In a recent thread Josh Sawyer posted the current portrait size in the main HUD - 73x86, which is slightly bigger than the version seen in UIv1. It may be that the portrait size is bigger but is cropped or shrunk by the UI to fit in the same tiny portrait windows featured in UIv1, but for this mockup I assumed they were bigger. Objective 3: Remove Dead Space Self explanatory. After shrinking the space, make use of available space in the UI. Less amounts of fancy pillars and superfluous art-y stuff like that. Worst Case Result: Vertical space cannot really be shrunk any more than this, unless the portrait size (73x86) or icon size (32x32) was made smaller. Room for status effects has, however disappeared. Not sure how they are going to be handled unless they make them tiny icons on the portraits or something. Horizontal space has been shrunk to only include necessary menu elements. It is possible that the menu size could be reduced even further and the left side of the UI with the portraits expanded a bit further to include some more action bar slots. I am not sure how things like skill use, guard interface, formation buttons and all of that are being handled in Eternity. This is however, exactly what I hope they HAVE NOT done regarding the UI for the game. You do not need to see the bits of the map to the sides of the UI because you will never ever be focusing down there or need to see characters beneath the UI height on the screen. Latest RockPaperSh*tGun article on the mega dungeon however was promising in that they've rejected the minimalists and kept the skeuomorphic, Baldur's Gate style, but I can't help but fear that we've lost some horizontal space that could be used. Hopefully this is not what was done for the second version!
  5. Not impossible, though Dexterity would more likely cover reflex (as it is an actual physical attribute) whereas Perception is mental. Str, Dex, Con are physical attributes Int, Per, Res are mental attributes Accuracy, Deflection and Psyche are most likely controlled by mental attributes, Damage, Fortitude and Reflex are most likely controlled by physical attributes (even if the damage one is completely unrealistic as Strength gives damage to a fireball spell haha, but that's just how it is).
  6. I also thought this was a troll, obviously not. I hereby tell the OP and anyone else in favor of a console version to politely F off.
  7. I won't be able to dig as deep this time no matter what it is. Wrong time of the year.
  8. I liked the choirs, but the instrumentation wasn't anything special. I quote The Bishop from RPGCodex who can into classical better than me I also preferred the Kickstarter piece to the trailer music.
  9. I was probably one of the first people to be cautious about this update, but after reading some of J.E. Sawyer's posts over at Something Awful and having a think on it I am in favor of the new stretch goals. Here are the quotes The Environment Art creation for wilderness areas is outsourced to an outsourcing company, so more Wilderness areas would only take up some Level Designer time and paint over time, rather than the (very very time consuming Environment Art time). More companions would MOST LIKELY mean they bring on another writer from within the company? Perhaps one that did companions in F:NV. I am not sure about this though, one of the devs would have to correct me. 11 companions between Eric, Chris and Josh seems like a lot of work. Would they give one or two to Carrie Patel? or would they bring on another writer?
  10. Just out of curiosity what browsers are you guys using? I used my portable google chrome this morning to load the site when it was put up because my FF cache didn't refresh, but I couldn't complete my order on it. Switched to firefox, and it worked fine. I think I was one of the first few people to go through though.
  11. The Backer portal seems to have different tiers and listings to the Kickstarter. For instance no mention of the expansion, or the Wasteland 2 digital download - those I think were exclusive to the Kickstarter.
  12. haha I made the same joke on RPGCodex, as well as CRISP'D.
  13. You have a gold badge, that's higher than me? I did increase my pledge by over 10x haha, could have gone $500 but a memorial stone and some signatures isn't worth the extra $150 tbh.
  14. It is there but I think they haven't put the word hard cover next to it, even when during the KS they upgraded that tier level to Hardcover - which is also the reason why I chose it.
  15. I derped and when I upgraded from $28 to a higher tier, I forgot to add an extra $8 again. Emailed support about it hopefully they'll let me fix that.
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