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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Final PE Attribute name is Perception. Strength Dexterity Constitution Intellect Resolve Perception Charisma was indeed dropped. Gonna go with Strength - Damage, Healing Dexterity - Reflex, Action Speed Constitution - Fortitude, Hit Points Intellect - Deflection? maybe (+ something) Resolve - Psyche/Will (+ something) Perception - Accuracy (+ something) W
  2. Yeah, that's probably this Attribute Attribute #2 - Reflex, (Action Speed) There's also one called Resolve, which is probably Eternity's version of Wisdom. Wouldn't be surprised if that handles Psyche/Will defense. The new website mentions six attributes, so far on the money.
  3. Nathan Grayson wrote that interview, and I would say if he wasn't as impressed with the game as Wasteland 2 then that is a very good sign for Pillars of Eternity, hahah.
  4. As far as feedback on the video goes: Would have preferred to see a few more weapon swing animations. The lack of those may have been deliberate as everything's probably using placeholder animations still. Character models and monster models looked good - particularly the Ogre and Drake. Was not a huge fan of the Spell VFX. Something about them just isn't right. Bit heavy on the fog effects ... Music was good and had nice dynamics. Still didn't get to see any Godlike, Orlans or Aumaua What is the KS badge that some people have?
  5. Well it depends whether they have money spare that they don't know what to spend on. I'd rather know if that extra wilderness area is going to cut into the amount of VO or portraits or whatever. I am not going to vote unless that is elaborated on.
  6. Posted this in the stretch goal thread: Yep predicted the "more companions" as said over on the RPG Codex. To be perfectly honest I think before you go offering the choice, you need to state what the cost of those features will be. For instance IF you were to pay for more Wilderness Areas / Companions, what wouldn't we get ? Or do you have money spare
  7. Yep predicted the "more companions" as said over on the RPG Codex. To be perfectly honest I think before you go offering the choice, you need to state what the cost of those features will be. For instance IF you were to pay for more Wilderness Areas / Companions, what wouldn't we get ? Or do you have money spare
  8. Don't go past 4 mins in the interview. That's where he starts talking about the video, I paused at 4:01
  9. maybe George Ziets will end up being a stretchgoal on the same project twice
  10. Yeah that's why I'm pretty sure there's some other stuff with them too - like the Effect Duration thingo.
  11. They won't do that (dumb), but a website with a funding number and all that jazz would generate some buzz.
  12. Well if it's not a troll, I wouldn't put it past them as the Star Citizen model has proven to be more effective at fund-raising than the closed-payment model. Incoming 2 week delay to the backer website
  13. He follows the forum. So if that's not a troll, it's just given him a preview of today's update. I'd be VERY surprised if it was real because who the hell introduces stretch goals in the middle of production on a small/medium budget game. Unless someone's been doing some study on Star Citizen.
  14. It's also a less ridiculous implementation of "daily hit points" than D&D 4E's Healing Surges concept.
  15. There may be bonuses that I am missing and I guess if you include non-combat related bonuses such as attribute checks then it might be enough. They may also give you bonuses to skills, but one could argue against that as well, and I do recall Josh Sawyer talking about limiting the number of inputs into systems. One of the reasons attributes are there altogether is because the Infinity Engine games had them, so Project Eternity will have them too. I guess we'll find out very soon what they are and see the design behind them. I don't think (this is just me guessing, so I may be wrong) that it would be balanced to put accuracy with deflection, as that makes that stat a bit overpowered compared to the others as you're essentially getting too much of a good thing by selecting it. Accuracy and Reflex would be "okay" I guess because reflex won't be targeted as often as Deflection, but even still, separating all 'big deal' offensive and defensive combat stats into different attributes spreads it out more evenly.
  16. There's a good forum feature that takes care of that.
  17. Just a note to Adam Brennecke / Brandon Adler if you guys read this. It might be a good idea to post whether the big update is or isn't coming this week a little bit earlier (such as Monday) to avoid the situation we had last week.
  18. That should be man weeks with a ?, rushed post. I think that's what Brandon was calculating sh1t on the schedule in. 37.0 man weeks is like 1.5 weeks for the Eternity team. It's definitely not 37 hours. On the spreadsheet, the only thing with a higher amount of work than the Press Demo is Spells & Abilities - which is because that likely entails Design, Programming, Animation and VFX.
  19. I'd just wait (which is likely a few days) to avoid the hassle.
  20. There is some information here http://eternity.gamepedia.com/Main_Page Check Attack Resolution, Melee Engagement, Damage Type.
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