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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Yep, although I'm sure they can CLUAConsole:CreateItem("") some Freedom scrolls for themselves once they've finished their work
  2. You might have misread something I said, I'm eagerly awaiting the next patch and will be providing more of the same. Seari was talking about nipsen, I'm pretty sure - he's disappointed over the v301 attribute changes.
  3. I don't like the current attribute system either
  4. Casting Imprisonment on the producers would probably work
  5. Can TD with Mosin Nagant and prefire 1b hs jumping thompson headshot over a halftrack br0s
  6. No it wasn't :/ Unless you're talking about the absolutely lowest possible budget cards they were (and still are) 1GB cards AMD cards have offered ~1GB more than nVidia on enthusiast cards since about 2011, if you're thinking nVidia cards only then sure, that might be the case I guess.
  7. No he means graphics RAM, most cards do come with 3-4GB nowadays. However the goal here is so that PE can run on older machines. Windows XP 32-bit is supported, so they need to get it down a bit. Max RAM for XP32 is 3.5GB
  8. You can dismiss party members in the beta. You use the party manager (which I think you can access via the console). If you do a search for mutonizer's posts - he has a post somewhere telling people how to do it.
  9. I believe I was one of the people who made that very statement and you can clearly surmise in my post(s) that I think Engagement was created to solve a non-existent problem. I have also in the same post(s) corrected other people as to the true reason as to why the devs included it. Your coming in and repeating what I said in a less concise manner doesn't really add anything to the discussion IMO. Btw, are you in the beta ? Because you seem to argue an awful lot with people about beta topics, but I haven't actually seen you say that you've played the game. Most of us are arguing about Engagement in it's ideal form, but the truth is it isn't even close to it's ideal form. It has many, many bugs and isn't even close to working properly yet. I think that even in it's ideal form, it will not attribute anything fun to the gameplay.
  10. I'd rather wait and get updated class ability descriptions/documentation
  11. recovery time needs a diff animation from combat idle - said that 1000 times already, hopefully it will get addressed
  12. If you enjoy banal combat systems with banal encounters, sure. The best thing about the game was the choice and consequence, it did very well in that department. Even if I didn't really like the setting, writing or characters that much, the C&C was very good. I couldn't play it twice though, the combat just isn't fun.
  13. I already PM'ed you saying I could provide it. I'll upload it for you.
  14. Like I said previously, who gives a crap about character advancement when the core mechanics are bad ?
  15. It does feel that way doesn't it.
  16. Currently the game uses up umm ~2.5 GB RAM or so when I load it, but there are some bugs where memory footprint increases each time you load a game/enter a new area and not enough garbage collection. They're working on the memory footprint, not sure how far they'll be able to get it down though.
  17. I have one, but I want to work on it first, including the pseudocode before I say anything.
  18. Kiting with bows is not an issue though, who on earth does that? You generally kite enemies around with melee characters while ranged units stand still and apply a pounding.
  19. No no, I mean with the weapon attacks. PE should have a random short delay in movement, for the purposes of de-syncing the droid army walk.
  20. This shouldn't be as big of a problem in Pillars of Eternity because the game does not have weapon speed factors/any kind of initiative system. Characters do play attack animations automatically as soon as they are in range. That said I did not mind the IE style where there was a delay before swings, even if it made kiting possible, it had a nice feel to it.
  21. Yeah, Adam Brennecke. If anyone has twitter: https://twitter.com/adam_brennecke/ he's usually pretty quick in answering about build dates. Mac build is coming out this time too IIRC.
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