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Everything posted by Nakia

  1. This is how I feel. I also think Kna brings up this possibility as he seems to believe that his civilization was either built on Engwithian civilization or may even have arisen directly from it.
  2. The first time I played the end of Act 2 came as a shock to me. I really was not expecting it. I do suspect that time, budget and resources may have limited the developers. Other than those few people you see when you enter Copperlane I didn't get the feeling of the city being filled with ragtag homeless refugees. I didn't feel so much disappointed as bewildered.
  3. The game does if my perfectly reasonable and valid strategy is to control where the fight happens, such as in a choke point. So now because of this crap I have to choose from either bugging the game, or derping into a completely retarded position. Why should I as the player have to work to ensure the game presents the appropriate challenge? That's literally the exact goddamn opposite of what I should do. Sorry I don't understand this comment at all. Of course it is up to the player to decide how difficult or challenging the game is. That is why the devs gave us a list of options to choose from. The player also can decide how large or small they want their party and who is in it. There is no one right way to play the game. :D There may be wrong ways though. If someone finds himself or herself losing what should be easy battles I would assume they are doing something wrong. The goal is to win and how I go about that is my choice.
  4. In a single player game how one plays the game is their business. Others may consider certain tactics cheesy or even cheating but it does not affect them in any way. As far as I am concerned the goal is to win the battle and I will use any means available to me short of using console commands. In PoE I have not found it that easy to pull some one out of a group but if the group is spread out and I can pull one or two enemies out I will. In fact being able to that adds to the fun of the game for me. If others don't like doing that they do ot need to. Note: I have the devs in-game comments on and in the very first part it is explained that the want players to have as much control over what they do as is possible. Therefore play styles will differ and that I believe is very good.
  5. I used "pulling" in the IE games especially the IWD games. I have a lot of fun with it. Sometimes it works in PoE and sometimes it doesn't. I find it most useful in dungeons especially if you have a choke point to draw someone to. If the others do follow they get in each others way and you can use ranged weapons and spells to disable and kill them.
  6. If you return to the magistrate in Gilded Vale after resting you get told to leave town that when Raedric's men come they will dispose of any one that might have contributed to the Hollowborn heir. Anyone. It seems to me there is little to encourage the player character to side with Raedric although that could change after talking to him. You can also ignore the quest.
  7. To me being Awakened and being a Watcher went hand in hand. You do see spirits that others cannot see and you can now communicate with them. Some more than others.However I don't think being a Watcher would drive you mad. It is memories of his past lives that drives Maewald mad. Off hand the only RPG I can think of where you aren't driven by some infliction is IWD I & II.
  8. yes my crrent character is a ranger with hunter background but he is also from the white that wends and the son of human explorers and a moon godlike so I just felt there wasn't much choice for his background. I left out druid probably because I didn't like the druid class in the IE games but that one might be a possibility. He suddenly shape shifts when attacked by an angry diner. Wizard and priet I just don't see. I think those would be a bit of a stretch.
  9. I am considering playing a character who has no conscience, not care for others in my next play through. In which case I would take Raedric up on his offer. His soldiers, mercenaries themselves, are loyal to him. Yes he has hung a lot of people, some because of a misguided religious belief and some because he believed them charlatans and from what the dward woman says they probably where even including her. His paranoid of Kolsc and other possible dissidents is valid. He can use all the military help he can get so it would benefit him to have me on his side and maybe on call if needed. Kolsc offers you nothing and is not honest with you. Based on the number of soldiers in the castle after Kolsc takes over he has managed to gather quite a few people but he conveniently turns up after you have defeated Lord Raedric. In this scenario Raedric wins with no problem.
  10. Rogue - excellent choice Ranger - possible as he fled into the wilds to escape a vengeful diner. Monk - regrets what he has done so is redeeming himself. Cipher - Probably not. Barbarian - definitely Chanter - Maybe as he could take up chanting to protect himself from angry diners. Fighter - naturally anyone spitting in the soup better learn to fight Paladin - maybe this is PoE and they are (in my opinion) more bearable than previously.
  11. Right, I got the blasted DLC as part of a package.
  12. No I am saying or rather implying that some volunteered out of belief and some were forced into it. Granted the gods are actually at odds with each other. The Engwithians were the ones who were trying for a theological imperialism. I don't know if we have enough information to come to any agreement over the subject. I am not convinced that everything said or portrayed is fact. I am not convinced that we can believe everything we are told but I tend to be a skeptic. Much as I like Eothas if I had to choose a god in the game to worship it would be Wael.
  13. We can not judge a medieval society by our modern beliefs and standards. The Engwithans may have had advanced technology but they were using the idea of gods to try and control a world. "It's theological imperialism." as Varana says. Religion was the fore runner of science. The attempt by people to explain and even control what they did not understand. It wasn't that long ago historically that kings ruled by "divine right". If you check your ancient history babies were sacrificed to the gods. I can't remember the name of the goddess mention in the Bible but it was I believe one of the reasons the Hebrews felt justified in wiping out her followrs. People who protested the means used to spread the Engwithian beliefs would have been quickly silenced. Religion can offer a lot of positive things but it can also be used to be repressive. Still is for that matter. Religion is a powerful force and should not be underestimated either for good or for evil. I am very curious where OE will go with this or if they will get cold feet and cop out for some fantasy trope. edit: Do we know what happened to the Engwithians?
  14. DLCs are optional. I do not have to buy one so I don't really care if they make romance DLCs for me they are about as valuable as the horse armour DLC was.
  15. If we are discussing scripting for our party members I would not use it. I like controlling my party. Enemy AI I think could be improved. I just watched a Leaden Key assassin run around trying to get to my melee fighters and ignoring the ranged party members. It is so nice when the enemy is stupid.
  16. Should have listened to Kolsc he does tell you that a frontal assault is a mistake.
  17. Stealth is your friend I use it a lot. I start with the dungeon entering through the sewer. I have done the final battle with Raedric at level 5 with a party of six.
  18. For me the story is very important if all I wanted was to fight my way through a game I would be playing Skyrim or some other similar game. My very first cRPG was Betrayal at Krondor which was turn based. Since it was my first cRPG I wasn't critical and just loved the whole experience. Arcanum gave you the between using turn based or real time. I choose turn based simply because I could control things more. It has taken me time to get back into playing a strategic based game which PoE is but now that I am used to it again I am enjoying it as much as I enjoyed IWD II fighting. What people like and want in a game is going to vary. That is why there are so many different types of games and why I backed Obsidian. I wanted what I hoped OE would give me and they delivered. I think or at least hope that they will only improve their games as Bioware in my opinion did with the BG games. We can argue about what makes a good game for ever but what it boils down to is what do you like. If I have fun playing the game it is a good game...for me. I am having fun playing PoE so it is a good game for me.
  19. Souls predate the gods and therefore where not created by them. PoE raises more question than it answers. Which I like. We are not given as far as I know any explanation of what a soul actually is. I think it quite possible that souls are atomic energy or some form of energy.
  20. Through out the years I have been helped by man people both men and women who wanted nothing in return. In turn I have tried to help others when I could. That said we do joke about the opposite sex It is when it stops being a joke and becomes and obsession, becomes serious so that people are actually hurt by it that it needs to stop. One way we have to deal with problems is to joke and laugh about them.
  21. No is what I think. It is actually in my opinion close to turn based with its pause. For me it is the best of both systems.
  22. I can speak only for myself and not for other women and luzarius knows I can come at him hard but although the vid didn't make me laugh I got the poor guys frustration. Please let us not get carried away with chivalry. Women are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves and some can get pretty nasty too.
  23. I like your moon godlike portrait I think it close. As I recall the description also says that their limbs may cast a glow. If you have a male moon godlike I would love to see it. If I had your talent, GM, I would do one much like the one you did. If I added pupils they would be faint not dark so they stand out but subtle. I would make the hair more spikey. The coloring is very good and the crescent perfect. Do you mean Jaceface's Moon Godlike? Oops, my error. That is what I get for not reading carefully. I do like who ever did it but I need a male. Maybe a new brain too it is after midnight here so I will use that as an excuse. http://www.jasonseow.com/poeportraits Check that link, Jaceface has a male moon godlike in his collection. Thank you very much that was really nice of you to give me the link. I have downloaded and saved the images. Also the one for the Death head.
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