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Everything posted by Aedelric

  1. Without a publisher to push forward deadlines and Obsidians promise to release it when they think it ready. I am fairly sure their is not going to be much in the way of cut content, at least in comparison to their previous titles.
  2. No, it is just a valid discussion, do not get all drama queen about it. *rolls eyes*
  3. So what exactly is the difference between an easter egg and an actual advertisement when the process is identical? If they included a monster called The Big Mac I am sure their would be outrage, so what makes Kerfuffles any different? Keep in mind a good number of people do not even know what the company is so being an easter egg is fairly ambiguous at best. I have no intention on singling Kerfuffles out, but what is stopping another larger company that people have much less respect for doing something similar? A Tavern called the the Electronic Art Inn, run by a man called E. A. Redwood that sells a magical shield called The Bioware. To me without some sort of moral stance by the developers, the potential is fairly worrying, not that Obsidian would kowtow to such practices or demands from high rolling supporters, though they have not really stated an opinion on the subject either.
  4. So, kickstarter has many good aspects, especially since it lets us have games we would not normally get because publishers do not wish to take the risk. But due to the way developers run their drive `$$$ for a named NPC´, `$$$ for a tavern´, `$$$ for a weapon´ and so on. It leaves a large space for a company to abuse and use as a form of cheep advertising. It sprung to mind when I noticed Obsidians like of kerfuffles marshmallows and their (Perhaps joking) idea to add a kerfuffles monster, with the addition that their memorial stone would essentially be a form of advertisement for their product. Personally I despise advertisements in games, when I hand over money I do not want `Buy my product!´ shoved in my face, even if they try to do it discretely. Mod tools is an advantage and lessens that worry though. Do you think this approach is right or wrong? Do does it bother you or are happy that it helps fund the game? How do you want Obsidian to tackle this?
  5. You are making a lot of sense AGX-17, but you are unlikely to sway some people of their deep set opinions with logic. It is good to read a point of view by someone that can articulate their thoughts well. I agree with what you are saying.
  6. I think it should cost a reasonable fee, but not be an actual money sink. I am sure most of us do not want to be put in a situation where we have to choose between having the party of our preference, building our stronghold or getting that new weapon we have our eyes on. If it is used as a money sink then we should have a path open to us to obtain additional money repeatedly, say with participation in an arena or gambling.
  7. I do not believe a game can become too big, but one can become too repetitive. I clocked over 120 hours on Skyrim, I do not play it much now because I have been to and done all the things that are unique. The only way I would spend more time on the game is with DLC that provide something completely new. So far with Guild Wars 2 I have clocked 250 hours or so and I have every intention to play more as their are still plenty more things for me to experience. Torchlight keep me playing for only a few days, it was fun but the gameplay and lack of story made me loose interest. Basically Project Eternity can be as many hours long as the developer decides and people will enjoy every second of it. So long as the gameplay is kept fresh and the story is truly captivating people will be willing to go back to play for hours on end.
  8. I am for the general concept, but it does require additional arts/animations which I feel would be essential to give such a feature the justice it deserves. I know it could be done without, but we will have animated water, birds and trees, it would feel odd if this was not rendered graphically also.
  9. I am more bothered by when the jargon is useless or ridiculous. An example of what I do not like is in the X games, they use their own time scale that are essentially seconds, minutes, hours but changed to Stazuras Mizuras and so on. It was utterly pointless and sounds to this day exceptionally goofy. A lot of games try to create their own jargon and it often has that `X effect´ essentially being useless or at worse utterly comical. That is not to say it can not be done well in moderation, I have faith Obsidian will use jargon well and that it makes logical sense.
  10. So long as we get a dog pet at 3.9 million to eat all the cats, then I am fine with this.
  11. Okay, I warn I am using a Bioware game for the basis of what I like and dislike about romance/friendships. I can not stand Liara in Mass Effect, she creeps me out. I turned her down several times and in the third I had to do it again. I get that many people love romance and I have no desire to take that fun aspect of the game away from them. But I do not want to feel hassled at every turn by a character infatuated with mine, I eventually just stopped talking to Liara. If I ignore a romance with a character then I want all references to it dropped for the entire game, the last thing I want is to be left with the Liara syndrome again. About friendship, it can work really well, my buddy Garrus is what made the game for me. But friendship should not be given easily or quickly, getting to the "Garrus" style banter takes time of building a friendship through experience, mutual hardship and relying on each other. I hope Eternity will have such fluid and familiar dialogue with companions. Obsidian are great writers, but not a single character in New Vegas had that buddy quality personality and dialogue, though Heck from Alpha Protocol was an amazing (even if he was psychotic) character.
  12. I actually made the effort to read up on that the other day, but thanks for the link anyway Hormalakh. Project Eternity has a large pantheon of Gods which has the potential for numerous religion, religions or beliefs can even be based around spirituality rather than a single deity. So my point here is that with so many religions the Monk class should be one of the most diverse of them all, not shoehorned into the kung-fu monk archetype. This topic has covered a variety of different interpretations of what monks can be, taken from the diversity of our own world. Their is not reason why Eternity can not also have that extreme variance. Personally I want the kung-fu monk dropped, but that will not happen, it is in and I and others have to live with it. But their is also no reason why we should be stuck with that archetype alone. For every religion in the game their should be a unique sub-class of monk, well, one can dream. :D
  13. The final goal seems fairly likely now.
  14. Yea, I skip your posts Umberlin, sorry I do not have any interest in what you say on this particular subject, it is always the same post rehashed. Gyor, I did not mention Sufis in your suggestion. I do not know much about them (Perhaps you could elaborate on your idea) is that is to do with the whirling dervish correct? I am not sure how that concept could be carried over apart from perhaps forms of dances. So long as they do not mimic the Guild Wars 2 class as that was quite rubbish.
  15. Quite right, we know exactly how that turned out, it was utterly dire. He was essentially the party leader that made the one and only big decision in the whole game of which Hawke (The player character) had no control over. The concept could still work, but not the way Bioware unintentionally did it.
  16. Precisely, their is no reason why monks can not be represented in more ways than the singular kung-fu monk archetype. I will admit a number of people will be upset if monks were not superhuman semi-naked kung-fu masters,but if you ran a poll, Monk class would not be the an overly popular one compared to the rest. This should have been an opportunity to provide something fresh, a hierodule is a fine example tackling it from another angle, inspired by Greeks this kind of class could almost be a seductress. But my stance remains like others, their is no reason to force all aspects of this currently ill fitting class to conform to a known and overused standard. Also, I am for nuns.
  17. I am for improved modding tools. I am a dog person, I hate cats.
  18. Apart from the fact no game has managed to make it anything other than dark and dreary.
  19. We will have enough dungeon crawling, I would rather have the second city to have an above ground location. Nothing worse than travelling from quest locations back to the hub and the hub is as dark and dreary as the place you just left. We are not short on locations that would provide a interesting an unique place to explore. Mountian side Floating Island Vast Forest Connected Islands The list could go on and on, but what I think is most important is for the city to have a new culture.
  20. I can not work out if you meant that video as a joke or not Junk11. Yes Osvir, monks should be allowed to wear heavier armour, their is no reason not to. The argument people have is "They use magical spirit shields and stuff" that is fine, but logic dictates they would also wear armour as a safety for when that does not work, this is why I have such a big problem with the semi-naked monk stereotype. This is the exact same problem I have with kung-fu, if one can supercharge their fist then why not a flail or sword and shield. They would prefer a weapon every time as it would always do more damage, it is idiotic to bring fists to a sword/gun/magic fight.
  21. The majority of reviewers have no integrity, either they are bought off or pressured by the current trends. Eternity is above reviews at the moment, the fans laid down their money already, they have faith in Obsidian and no review from someone that does not understand the genre will say them. Regardless of scores upon release Eternity is profitable and is here to stay.
  22. All this is essentially a pre-order, I see no reason why they would not keep Paypal open. After all the more funds the better the position Obsidian will be in to develop future Eternity titles. I do not see this affecting Kickstarter people at all, they still get all their goodies regardless. They way I see it is just because someone arrives late to the party, does not mean they should miss out.
  23. Damn that is the video I accidentally watched the other day, with the monk and the drill, that video shows what nonsense all this "Superhuman kung-fu" truly is. I agree with you FlinkLock, wasted opportunity.
  24. True, but our fear is they will go with a cheap option that does not fit or has a horrid accent.
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