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Everything posted by GhoulishVisage

  1. Racism is racism regardless of the skin-colour of those involved, and sexism is sexism regardless of the pelvis-equipment belonging to the participants involved. What they mean is systemic racism and systemic sexism, which are very real and very harmful. But they should say systemic racism/sexism and not delude themselves that it is the only form of racism/sexism. If a person gets attacked because of the color of his skin that was a racist attack, regardless of what that color is.
  2. Yeah, the least they could do is use the square-drawing tool in paint to make neat red squares. Marginally more professional looking. Anyhow, what the hell is even going on in that picture?
  3. And while promoting Hunted: The Demon's Forge, Fargo took some dumps on pc gaming.
  4. You forgot the amazing Mask of the Phantasm. The brand new Justice League: Gods and Monsters is absolutely fantastic as well. Watched it just the other day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYSxN4ezhO4 Edit: That isn't a trailer for Gods and Monsters. It's a short based in the GaM universe. Give it a watch.
  5. Spasiba for the idea, Hoonding.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOBoKxEcVAA
  7. Generally I tend to think that the people on here give you an unnecessarily hard time, but I'm beginning to understand why they find you exasperating. I took from your comment that he was an embarrassment while fighting for social justice causes, not stuff that he did years ago.
  8. What exactly did Mr Cheong do that could be considered an "embarrassment"?
  9. Can anyone tell me exactly what Mark Kern's "League for Gamers" is? It says it wants to create an alternative to the IGDA, but I had a look and it seems to be some sort of social-networking/forum thing. (All I can think of when I hear "League for Gamers" is "League of Nations")
  10. I feel like this is relevant to the current discussion: The War on Creators Talks about tokenism and creators needing to hit quotas in order to stop people from calling them all sorts of nasty names on social media.
  11. Regardless of the status of your privilege due to your skin-color, your race is not something that should be used to dismiss your criticisms of the government.
  12. Fixed that for you.
  13. I quite like this scathing look at Gawker's many failings: Is Gawker destroying itself from the inside? Let's hope so.
  14. Moebius was one of the true masters of the visual medium. Surreal and expansive, his landscapes are some of the best ever, bar none.
  15. Let's not be abrupt, Volourn. That article by Mr Chmielars was by no means a conclusive view of the entirety of video-gaming, he was just noting his observations about this year's E3 compared to last year's one and the differences between how they were presented and subsequently reported on. He says so himself in the article. I didn't mean it as a "Gotcha!" to aluminumtrioxide, just to show him that the way E3 was reported on this year made it seem that there was a vast change where before there was a dearth of female characters, but they were actually very similar.
  16. Not really. There has however been a change in the way games from E3 have been reported about, as Mr Chmielars notes, where games that do include good female playable characters are lauded, instead of the continuous shaming of those that lack it, which is a big improvement.
  17. Pretty soon everyone on this forum is going to have a Bruce quote for a sig.
  18. Pretty big deal. Not as big a deal as Twitter or Facebook, but large enough to make waves when it wants to, and large enough for people like Barack Obama to do AMAs there.
  19. More fun from Tale of Tales, the developers behind Sunset: https://archive.is/XuLWO Some choice quotes:
  20. Something that annoys me is this sort of nonsense: <snip> This is the sort of ideological twaddle that should be opposed at every turn, the sort of nonsense that GG rails against when it happens to a game that isn't particularly politically correct. Luckily the thread is not particularly popular: (dropped down to 20% since I took the screenshot)
  21. Does satire no longer exist or something?
  22. What doth life? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ye_iob2MwGw
  23. I don't quite understand what happened with Tauriq Moosa. He seemed to namesearch himself and then take exception to people making fun of his statements, then he said he'd had enough and left twitter. He wasn't even tagged into the conversations.
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