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Everything posted by GhoulishVisage

  1. So Arthur Chu recently wrote a ludicrous article for Tech Crunch: Mr Obama, Tear Down This Liability Shield In it he basically asks for the complete destruction for the modern internet. Popehat writes a nice rebuttal. Arthur Chu's twitter is a treat too.
  2. Okay, so apparently yes, that fanfic was legit. The author got salty that people were sharing screencaps etc of the story and is now apparently deleting it.
  3. Excellent. The world has been in dire need of a good mech game for a while. I don't know why the mech genre mostly died like it did, but this is an excellent way to restart a revitalization.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGjkKyElp3w&feature=youtu.be
  5. Huh. So this is something Kuchera posted recently: Funny how I remember when he was having his spat with Kain though:
  6. No idea. It's always possible that it was done ironically by someone in GG, but It's also possible it was done by someone with a completely straight face. Either way I found it hilarious.
  7. Let's all chill out and have a laugh at this terrible fanfic about killing GobblyGoobers.
  8. I'm reading it as "We weren't serving the public good or pushing a political agenda, so we weren't doing journalism." A bit of wonky wordsmithing on his part if that wasn't his intention.
  9. Oh my god, did he just use the term ****lord unironically?
  10. Is he wearing... trashbags?
  11. Pls do not set spiders on fire, they are our friends.
  12. Huh. So I just realized what this snippet reminded me of: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seduction_of_the_Innocent Those who do not learn from history etc.
  13. You bastard, I was just thinking about posting that.
  14. I feel like I'm in a pulpy 80s cyberpunk novel with the cyber- prefix being added to everything.
  15. Is it just me or does Moviebob sound more and more like a fascist every time I visit his twitter? He's got some serious Superior Being mentality going on. It's not just the future, it's "The Future".
  16. Might wanna MSPaint out the expletives or TN will delete the post.
  17. Presented without comment:
  18. First Wonder, by Rogue Rocket Games. A spiritual successor to Giants: Citizen Kabuto I loved Giants: Citizen Kabuto, so I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fS0r3VNdV_k
  20. Oh boy. So the U.N recently had a thing. http://www.broadbandcommission.org/Documents/reports/bb-wg-gender-report2015.pdf
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fcr6gqbulU0
  22. Well let's have a chuckle at the other side of the fence now:
  23. What is red and hurts your teeth?
  24. You can add bisexuals to that list. Apparently they actually don't exist.
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