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Everything posted by Aoyagi

  1. Independent* Sorry, couldn't help it. But yes, I do hope they'll remain as free of outside influence as possible as well.
  2. Eh, personally I'm hoping for something taking place in modern times or 20th century. This time period is heavily underused.
  3. He was voted in to his position, so yeah I would say so. He was deposed off unconstitutionally, even when they had the chance to do it the right way. What they did instead was chase him off, dissolve the constitutional court and put their own guys in charge. So don't quote the constitution when it clearly doesn't matter. The fact that he was somehow voted into the position explains how did he legally acquire all of his properties? Wow, that must be some cool law they have there. And they didn't "chase him off", he ran off himself. The arrest warrant was issued the day after. And how does this even matter? I was replying to false claims by someone else and you jump on me with your opinions like some propagandistic goon. No thanks.
  4. Remind me what happened when they tried to demonstrate just by sitting around, occasionally shouting. And by your logic, do you think what Yanukovich acquired all the things in a constitutional way?
  5. Where did you hear that? Have you read http://www.president.gov.ua/en/content/chapter03.html ? I suggest that everyone making any claims from this point provides a source verifying their claims.
  6. I'm aware of that, that doesn't mean Ubisoft can't release those numbers.
  7. Last I heard, PC version isn't censored.
  8. Yay, QTEs (note the absence of an apostrophe ) that are challenging! That's actually good to hear (from my point of view).
  9. Discouraging from pre-ordering is nothing wrong, in fact, I do it myself. Pre-ordering is only for die-hard fans (AKA fanbois). But passive-aggressive tweet like that isn't very nice. Good to know Oz Kotaku has their own idiots as well. It might be related to the autocensorship though (judging by spoilery this).
  10. Today is the second time I see SoT as the most sold game on Steam. Are we going to get some sale numbers any time soon? Or should I ask the devil (Ubisoft) about this?
  11. Well, you can ask in on gaming-related channel to see what I'm talking about. Also I have Warcraft 3 is W3 for me, so I associate WC3 with Wing Commander, but I'd hate to think about it Sure, the only things that do matter are to get fed, dump waste, breathe and rest.
  12. Am I the only one who thinks that "PoE" is less appealing and even potentially confusing for people who have already associated that with Path of Exile? (pretty sure I am, but I have to ask for the sake of NO REGRETS)
  13. KOTOR 3 Fan Game In Development
  14. NPCs*, RPGs* And I think the player's word should have considerably more weight than that of NPCs. Unless there'll be some skill/loyalty/reputation checks. Most memorable occurrence of that is the almost final fight in NWN2 for me
  15. Most certainly. http://www.vg247.com/2014/02/27/south-park-we-did-not-censor-or-edit-the-game-in-any-shape-or-form-says-ratings-body/
  16. Does it have PVP yet? Items that matter and make sense (i.e. not just stats hoarding with swords for sorceress)? The RMAH should be closed in the near future, are the drop rates fixed yet? And I presume the whole "all skills accessible all the time with minor delay" thing is still present. As is the laggy serverside singleplayer, huh? Sounds like fun.
  17. Well, I've just stumbled upon a claim that "the PC version remains unaffected." So that would be good, provided it's true.
  18. Well, that would be very unfortunate. I imagine there are other ways to censor a game than through different binaries though. Kinda like some games that sell DLCs for assets already present in the game files (example: RAGE).
  19. I read that there will be some heavily censored scenes in non-American version of The Stick of Truth. Specifically they can be found in this document (obvious spoilers): Any comments on that? How will the game determine whether it will be censored or not? What if I buy a US version and activate it in my European Steam account? Source: http://www.vg247.com/2014/02/25/south-park-the-stick-of-truth-has-7-censored-scenes-in-europe-report/ Edit: Hey, looks like wham made a thread with the same topic before, sorry wham . I swear it wasn't there when I clicked "start new topic"
  20. http://youtu.be/NwWj4diu94k Spot the kitty. I'm expecting PE will follow these things Josh likes. Or else! Then again, I sort of expected that before.
  21. Well, DS3 is very combat-focused. You don't get many choices there, be it story-wise or character-wise. Disclaimer: Not meant as a critique, I enjoyed DS3 enough to do multiple runs
  22. Erh, I don't want to take credit that's not mine, I'm merely sharing that Josh has uploaded new videos after quite some time.
  23. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll head off to do some IWD playing.
  24. \o/ *tries to be faster than C2B*
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