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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. (w00t) I am realllllllly hoping when he said "many" he meant the blondie guy + the Handmaiden/Vis depending what path you take. At the most.
  2. Slightly dissapointed with that, but it's what I expected. I didn't think LA would allow the PC version to be "better" than the xbox version in terms of content.
  3. Hopefully not too many. After all, the devs said they wanted to avoid the "jedi assualt squads" from K1. I'm thinking Kreia is the only Jedi you get, and people like Handmaiden, blondie, and Vis you have too train. I doubt people like Atton or Mira become Jedi. I hope not, anyways. It kinda ruins it if EVERYONE is a freaking Jedi. I was hoping it would be Kreia and one apprentice per LS/DS path and thats it.
  4. :'( Yea...well....um.....Your going to marry Mr.Teatime!
  5. What do you mean "#48 was the etc etc etc"
  6. Well, I think everyone saw Sawyer not having the meds coming, but this has been a fun little episode....even if there wasn't anything mystical and it further erodes the fear of the jungle. I guess they figure since those two people in the caves seemed to die of something other than being eaten that it is safe around there. O and Darque kinda sorta nailed it
  7. I think he should wear his flight suit 24/7
  8. so then there is no real basis in fact only one persons theory. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> well, he said he read it in a preview
  9. no, thanks for the caution (i wish everyone did that), but just saying that the we have heard about the temple on that planet before.
  10. it wasn't ign. only one person said they saw it
  11. See and here I was thinking you would find the onion idea silly Plus, now that the drug thing is gone, he lacks anything interesting about him now. They have to figure out what to do with him. Wait, there was the one lady swept out to sea. Who else died? I'm not sure the pilot counts. They should start using survivors like that whole Star Trek running joke thing. Have all the leads in the show go out on a dangerous journey + one guy named Steve. Steve dies. That and I want Sayid to fashion a radio out of a coconut and Gillig...er Jack running on a treadmill.
  12. This is news to me. Then who is she? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My thought on her and MSG are: I think that Kreia dies and you have to choose one of these two to be your new mentor, not as party members, but basically choosing sides. I think if you join Atris you find she is kinda ****y and ignorant and if you MSG you kinda see that he has a logical point about somethings going on in the galaxy, kind of a surprise if you will. But I think your choice isn't final, and you will have another oppurtunity to turn on or reaffirm your loyalty to the one you originally chose. Just an educated guess. The website notes Kriea is willing to die for you MCA talked awhile ago about how some of the Sith on Korriban seemed to have a point I think this game will try to play with what you think is good and what you think is bad.
  13. I am starting to think that the droids, maybe only T3, are the only Party NPCs to carry over. I think HK-50 or whatever will more or less be HK-47 replacement. I think they will "de-powered" T3 much like they do Samus in Metroid games. Remeber that preview that says T3 gets attacked early on or something along those lines, well I think he loses his previous abilities when being repaired or something like that.
  14. ::Thinks about suggesting the envelope contained onions:: I like Saywer. He is one of the people on the show that really sells his part, like Lock, the snobby girl, and Kate. The snobby girls brother and to a lesser extent the Hobbit guy and Jack often fall flat in dialogue delivery.
  15. Akari said that handmaiden/Visas are not the same person Not me, in fact I hope they don't I hope there isn't a wookie either. That would make the NPCs, at least at a very shallow level, pretty similar to K1s. Either bring back the same people or give me something entirely new.
  16. Link The story isn't nearly as amusing as the headline
  17. the old republic includes the story they posted. iirc the old republic is really anything before the Empire. I can't think of anything that predates the Old Republic. I think it lasted 10,000 years straight or something along those lines.
  18. 1. He doesn't have six arms, watch the clone wars shorts 2. He is half alien, half droid. Hence the cloths. 3. He does stand up tall, at least in the shorts. O, and notice that he seems to have several lightsabers with him
  19. prediction based off the previews on tv: They cut up/torture Sawyer for the meds, but have to leave him for some reason. While their gone, they find out he didn't have the medicine/was telling the truth about it. Apon thier return, he's gone. ::cue dramatic music:: I think Saywer in a "He was good, tho misunderstood, but we may have pushed him over the edge and now he may be stalking us in the forest or maybe the monster got him" role might be interesting.
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