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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. We have seen what looks like a older black and a old white man fighting alng side you, but iirc they were old heads. So maybe placeholders. There as been quite a few of those it seems here, from the trailer:
  2. About HK 47/50. I HIGHLY doubt that yo get both. I am assuming you get one of the two.
  3. I'd bet they are the same person, but different versions. I think that they count as 2 npcs tho. I think that is due to either you being LS or DS, or you answering the Revan LS/DS question one way or another. I'd bet revan. So which is there to recruit is dependent on that answer. Now, that still doesn't nessasarily tell us if they count as 1 or 2 peeps toward to total of 12.
  4. all of those except the disciple have been clearly seen in your party in multiply recent screenshots. Akari also said, in reference to Visas, Handmaiden, and disciple, that you can't have all three in your party at once. So I take it as confirmation. The real question: Is the Handmaiden and Visas one person? Better yet, do they COUNT as one of the 12 npcs or do they count as two. I think she/they are aides to the queen originally, and depending on how you answer the LS/DS revan questions, the queen is either good or bad (she met revan and it changed her or something). Hence her servants are LS/DS as well. We also, iirc, had a HK (either 50 or 47) droid in your party. So that leave us with 9 or 10 out of a total of 12 spots filled
  5. I wanted to see one SC, so I dl it, but it keeps tryign to access the internet (my firewall tells me that at least). I hate when companies do **** like that to keep "tabs" on you.
  6. Here is some funny costume ideas for kids (It's worth a look, I promise): 2004's Scariest Halloween Costumes
  7. great, but a spoiler forum would be very helpful too
  8. EDIT: I just realized I messed up my logic and this post is worthless, oops
  9. Sounds like judi dench, who has done voice work for 2 bond games, but I don't think its her
  10. Way of topic: Props for calling the new BMW "4" series engine way back when
  11. Howabout we use this thread to once again thank Akari for answering are many many many (and often repetitive and/or stupid) questions) We appreciate it man
  12. Yes, a unlabeled one, but there isn't a planet in the world profile that says Nar Shardar. It prolly is a planet, but we dont really know
  13. There have been screen shots, including the most recent ones of him, that shows him with a rifle. I imagine you can switch his weapon.
  14. Every NPC seems to have 2 abilities: We know Mira has rockets. Anything else? Screenshots seem to indicate unarmed is a viable combat choice now, is that so?
  15. I bet you it''s not faster than repeatedly clicking on the wallpaper sliding icon things
  16. IIRC, you need to actaully plan ahead for Xbox live stuff, so if you don't preped for exactly what you are going to do before shipping, you can't add it later. At least for in game content. I could be wrong tho.
  17. O Sion turns them all red T3 turns them all blue at least on the ls index (I havn't noticed a difference between teh 2 indexs)
  18. What is something you would like to tell us about. SOmething your excited about or proud of?
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