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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. If Kerry loses, I expect J. McCain Vs. H. Clinton next year
  2. Magic eh? I'm not sure JJ would go the Alias "magical/mystical/yet tech laced" route again. That "rambaldie" (sp?) stuff from Alias kinda died on him. remember, there is some large power source and lots of assorted game. Almost sounds like someone brought a whole bunch of animals together for sport hunting or a preserve. or Noah's Arc type ****. Sky Captain like, maybe. Damn it. Just to early to tell.
  3. Just saw this: U.K. Paper Urges Letters to Ohio Voters
  4. what everyone missed the new episode? Tell me the man in the suit didn't mess with your head hope the show isn't showing it's cards to early
  5. I'm voting Kerry for the simple fact (lots of reasons, but this is the biggy) that whoever wins will most likely get to nominate Supreme Court Justices. The thought of the man who made "Jesus Day" an offical holiday in Texas selecting judges for the Supreme Court scares the **** out of me. Regardless, I'm in Illinois, the state is going to Kerry.
  6. Now, iirc, the saber doesn't get "lost". It was taken away by the Jedis when the PC was banished. So it's not "lost" like: "Like OMG, where did my saber go". Meaning misplaced. but "lost" like: "Like OMG, I lost a limb fighting Darth Vader". Meaning it's no longer "your" saber. But! What we don't know is what happened to it after that. So at the time of the game it could be lost to you as well as lost in general.
  7. You know we've had like 8 of these threads. That doesn't scare me. The fact that they always seem to be some of the biggest threads scares me.
  8. I hate the Packers, but I really respect Farve as a player. You hate to see him playing like this these last two years. You would like to see someone like him to go out like Elway, but it looks like he'll have to leave GreenBay for that to happen. I mean, he still has the arm strength, but he is just making dumb dumb choices and is off the mark alot.
  9. Basically it suffered the same thing all console RPGs do. I liked it alot, but it had plenty of things that could have been better. Number one for me too 2. It was too linear. It did a good job of hiding it tho. 3. The ending sucked. Very anti-climatic. I like a FO type ending that informs you of what happened. 4. It got too easy, combat wise, later in the game. 5. The combat got pretty tedious at times too. It felt like you practically didn't need to be there. Just que and forget about it for a couple of seconds. I'm not to found of the combat compared to other RPGs. It lacks the constant action of RT and the "thinking mans combat" of TB. It took on too many of the bad points of the respect combat choices, but too few of the positives. 6. Too short. I beat it, doing most of the things I could do, in 34 hours. But that is to be expected in a console rpg. 7. The interface didn't take advantadge of the mouse and the orginization of equipment BLEW. 8. Too few character models. You saw the same baddies over and over. 9. Less than dark Darkside path.
  10. A magazine did this one: Sorry, to big for imageshack, so I can't thumbnail them. I figure people interest in this topic would want to see this anyways.
  11. Dude, don't feel too bad, I got the crap kicked out of me in a few OT/3-point-win games. I think I missed on 4 or 5 games (****ing seattle)
  12. *The views of this person arn't nessasarily the views of his fellow Americans I just don't think treaty is smart for the economy or the enviroment. If there is a clause in it that enslaves Americans, I missed it
  13. I won my upset pick! (missed on the Browns tho and how the **** did NO. lose?) anyone watch Texans v. Vikings? I picked vikings, but cheering for Houston!
  14. Are you referring to the "Super volcano" that actually exists under Yellowstone? If that thing blows, kiss most of the world goodbye, not just the US. The Kyoto agreement, as is, is a joke. It basically will just end up having "rich" countries give money to poor countires without much reduction in pollution. For once I agree with Bush.
  15. There is a concept art picture of that cloaked guy using a lightsaber
  16. The bald guy was explaining the game in the pilot and said "Two players, Two sides, one is light and one is dark". In the latest episode the kid said he told him a miracle happened to him. I thnk he "gets" what is going on and what he says has deep implications to teh story. I think he is going to be the guy everyone thinks is nuts, but is dead on about whats happening.
  17. If the Falcons crush them we might never hear the end of this
  18. Maybe one of the mods should remove it from the front page? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, the rest of the interview is fine. The guy just didn't get the new release date memo. ....but I can see how posting a conflicting release date on your frontpage could cause a problem
  19. I asked, it's bad info, disregard it.
  20. if it's true, I thought it odd LA released the PC box art now, or bother making it up in the first place
  21. maybe the pics are fake EDIT:never mind, where did you get the pics? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I got them from the LA press site If you want to DL the HQ pc ones to compare, it's about 5mb, i think: Hq pics dl
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