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Everything posted by kumquatq3

  1. The logic is: To prevent the guy you REALLY don't want to see in office from getting there edit: thats what some people thing, right or wrong
  2. To be fair, it's not like Nader or other third parties enjoy the same benifits as the demo/rep. On sooooo many levels they are fighting uphill.
  3. Frankly, alot of people decided to vote based on "the lesser of two evils".
  4. and scared. I'm scared because of seeing what Bush wanted to do when he had to worry about re-elected, and thinking about what he would be willing to do now that he doesn't have to and has a few more seats in the senate. I'm scared of what he'll try and do with the Supreme Court Justices based off his comments on the justices. I'm honestly pissing myself on this one. I'm terrified of his enviromental policies. He wants to drill in some of our most untouched places, and now might have the votes to push that forward. Hell, the man wants to drill along the Appalachian trail. And those are the smaller issues. I'm worried that Haliburton will walk with all the money they made from their "accounting errors". The Army has recently decided it's not worth the effort to challenge most of these claims. Even those that indicate that the Pentagon was charged thousands of dollars per load of laundry. I fear for what kind of message it sends about the American people to future leaders and the rest of the world when a president can take a preemptive strike on a nation only to find find out his reasons for war were baseless and he's not held accountable for it by his own people. I fear for the stability of Iraq and Afganistan, because we have little in terms of a safety net to fall back on. We burned bridges. I fear for Americas moral responsibilities in the world now that we are so very tied up elsewhere. We can't even get the number of troops we need in Iraq now. GL Sudan. I'm worried I can't even travel outsides the states now without getting a negitive reaction because I'm American. I fear for the continued trend of, however small or slow, the deterioration of the seperation of church and state. Not to meantion protecting those that are not Christian or Catholic rights, not just Atheist. We do have a president who signed in to law "Jesus Day" in Texas, after all. I'm worried the "Patriot" act will remain unchanged. Something that is even effecting the privacy rights of Canadians. again, to the majority of the rest of the world, I'm sorry.
  5. I feel like I want to vomit. All I can really think to say is: I'm sorry. really.
  6. Well, off I go to vote, wish me luck
  7. Lets not count your chickens before they hatch. If you think the screenshots are real ppppurty, thats mainly do to the Source engine, rather than Trokias abilities as devs to make a good game (tho the artist and 3d designers and such deserve credit for working with the engine and crafting superkeen visuals and helping the mood along in doing so(note: doesn't nessasarily make a good mood, just helps)). So if you wanted to take a stab at the quality of Vampire, I'd base that off their past games, but this game is a FPS/RPG hybrid so that kinda goes out the window. Also, while they have had alot of time with the engine, they have never used it before and they obviously couldn't talk to anyone who has finished a whole game with it either. Much less an RPG.
  8. wouldn't it be 9 because the tenth be the PC? just kinda currious because I see everyone refering to there being 10 available to you at any point in the game and I was just kinda wondering. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The short answer is: No, the PC is not one of the NPCs Long answer: NPCs stands for Non-Playable Characters. That wouldn't include the PC, as you are playing as the PC (playable character). You didn't roleplay as Bastila in K1, but she was a character in the game, so she was a NPC (even tho you could physically have her lead the party and control her stats like the PC, you couldn't have her interact with anyone, it was always revan talking. You also got to pick Revans starting stats. You never were confused who was the main character in the game. Thats YOUR character). Generally tho, the main guy is the PC and everyone else is NPCs. I say generally because a NPC could kinda become the PC. In Japanese RPGs, were you don't get to pick your beginning stats and the "roleplaying" is limited in some regards, you can effectively swap the "PC" out for a new PC (which may be a current NPC). Like in Chrono Trigger when Chrono dies and you have someone else lead your party. The lines are blured in that case because there isn't much showing who the PC is besides for who you are currently controling and who the story focuses on. For most decent PCRPG purposes tho, PC = the guy you create. NPCs = characters that you have limited control over. Actually, NPCs doesn't actaully mean members of your party either. It could be people just wandering around the level and such. You would really have to say PNPCs (as in Party NPCs) to show you meant joinable NPCs, but whatever gets the point across.
  9. I thought the guy was addressing the poll to the actual publisher (LA) about who we want to make K3. As I assume he knows that LA is the publisher and Obsidian is making it, but the poll ask who we want to make K3
  10. Your still wearing the paint, arn't you?
  11. They already were, in terms of ideas, when they offically got NWN2
  12. I think you will be able to "corrupt" or turn anyone if you are a Jedi master or a sith lord. assuming they havn't left you at that point
  13. eh, Nimrod was better and for pure punkish fun so was Dookie
  14. I thought only things that can cause a spark are forbidden. EDIT: checked the site, and I'm correct. Blasters and explosives are forbidden.
  15. Thats just what I would expect an evil robot that has been programmed to try and persuade voters on internet forums and is working for Bush too say! <_< I don't understand the sorcerer either, it just felt right.
  16. ........ We're THIS close to love letters to Bastilla people. Don't be that guy.
  17. yep I was hoping there would be 2 or 3 more npcs from K1 joinable, but make it so only 1 is availble per play... depending on how you answer those Revan questions. I suppose I can see the trouble with giving you one of the Jedi from K1, but people some of the NPCs seemed like they could be used again (I suppose you would have to give them a new class so people don't freak out about them being at level 1 when Carth was obviously at level 17 in my game..) We'll see, but I'm starting to think that the effect those questions have has been overstated. I'm thinking that what you'll see in game is a story important NPC that gives you info will be a cameo from a K1 npc, but who is in that cameo is dependent on the revan questions (the info more or less remains the same, however).
  18. yes, but that could be that handmaiden and Vis are the same person and which one you get depends on revan questions or some action you take in game
  19. I'm leaving that out of my count till I hear more on it. Frankly, I'm also hpoing there isn't a wookie, I'm sick of them. Well, if you want to start counts all the IFs, we'll have about 20 npcs
  20. actaully, if the handmaiden and Vis turn out to count as one, thats 7. But it is all but certain that you get a HK droid as a party member, we're just not sure which one. Then we have the one called Disciple so we have 9 or 10 spots filled by my count, that leaves 2-3 spots
  21. blood flies up at the bottom of the screen in the scene where they show Darth Mauls reaction to being cut in half, iirc
  22. really, I took it as there are 12 TOTAL npcs in the game and depending on how you play only 10 are available.
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