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Everything posted by Deraldin

  1. Deraldin


    Results after 2 rounds Hurlshot: 9-3 (Chicago in 6!) Volourn: 8-4 (Flyers in 7, Chicago in 6!) Mkreku: 7-5 Krookie: 7-5 Deraldin: 5-7 Kor Qel Droma: 5-7 (Flyers in 7!) Mr. Insomniac: 5-7 Kelverin: 4-4 (Absent) Hurlshot holds on to lead but Volourn is closing the gap. No one else went 0-4 in the second round except for me, but a pair of 1-3's from Kor and Insomniac keeps me tied for (effectively) last place since Kelverin didn't make any predictions for the second round. Hurlshot and Kor both picked up a # of games win, while Volo grabbed 2. EDIT: Very funny. EDIT 2: Er... I... Aw crap...
  2. Deraldin


    I failed at the second round. Not a single one of my predictions were right. Detroit was pounded, Boston collapsed spectacularly, Vancouver choked on the penalty kill and Pittsburgh just seemed uninterested in game seven. I don't think I've gone 0-anything in this thread before now. Round Three Predictions! Eastern Conference Final: Montreal vs Philadelphia: I bet against both teams, in both rounds and was burned 4 times for my trouble. So to hell with whoever I think I going to win, I'm going with who I want to win this time. Montreal in 6. Western Conference Final: Chicago vs San Jose: I'm sorry San Jose! Really I am! I know I said you were going to choke against Detroit and then you pounded them into the ground. I also said that Vancouver was going to beat Chicago, but that was almost as much Vancouver self-destructing as it was Chicago winning, so it's San Jose all the way this round. San Jose in 6.
  3. Deraldin


    Two goals by Gionta tonight.
  4. Deraldin


    Game over! Montreal wins 5-2! YES!!!
  5. I like Tali, but the GIF is still win.
  6. Deraldin


    Any Pitts or Philly fans in here? Didn't think so. Hurlshot is into the third round for the West, so we need to get my Habs into the third round to represent the East! <- Me, until tomorrow's game finishes.
  7. Deraldin


    I'm so very happy, yet at the same time so very, very nervous. I have to sit through another game! I don't know if I can take much more of this. Hopefully Gill is ready to return for game seven. He skated in the warm-up, but didn't play in the game. Apparently tickets for the game from scalpers were going for $1500. Let's go Habs!
  8. http://thief.wikia.com/wiki/THI4F Who keeps telling people that names like THI4F and F3AR are good? At least Fear is using the numbers properly, unlike Thiaf.
  9. Had to pull out my copy of Blue since you mentioned it. The last save file I played had a grand total of 8 Pokedex entries and three of those were Charmander+evolved states. I was going through the entire game, only using Charmander to fight. I had 5 badges and a level 53 Charizard. Currently sitting on Cinnabar Island.
  10. Deraldin


    Pens took game five by a score of 2-1. Montreal didn't score until a powerplay with 30 seconds left. Came really close to tying it up three times in the last 30 seconds, but couldn't get it past Fluery again. Crosby is so snake-bit against Montreal that he missed an empty netter in the dying seconds for his first goal.
  11. Yes. If you go buy a retail version of Civ V, it will still require you activate and play it with Steam.
  12. Deraldin


    So has Vancouver completely forgotten how to kill a penalty (again)?
  13. I'm really disappointed in this news. Civ5 was by far my most anticipated game this year, but the inclusion of Steamworks for all copies completely kills it for me. I've put up with a lot of crap from Steam in order to play Valve titles with friends, but there is no way that I'm doing that for a third party publisher.
  14. WHY 2K WHY?! All copies of Civilization V use Steamworks.
  15. Deraldin


    6 point night for Franzen with 4 goals and 2 assists. Also, Habs come back in the third for the 3-2 win!
  16. Gamespot screwed up. Those aren't AP screenshots. Looks like they've got some shots from Vanquish up instead for some reason. There are some AP screenshots on that link, but are they old ones? As we get closer to release, I'm avoiding news about the game until I get my grubby little paws on it. The pictures added May 4th are not from AP. Everything else is.
  17. Deraldin


    I was pretty excited, to say the least. Thornton has really found his game in this series, he's making the big plays when it matters most. My first reaction upon opening this thread was "Wat?!" Detroit was leading 3-1 last I say the game and now I find out that they lost 4-3 for the third time in a row? Damn it SJ! You're supposed to choke in the playoffs, not mount comebacks!
  18. Gamespot screwed up. Those aren't AP screenshots. Looks like they've got some shots from Vanquish up instead for some reason.
  19. Deraldin


    Montreal scored a second "History will be made" commercial with Cammalleri's goal yesterday afternoon. Pavelski has one for San Jose. I wonder of Clowe will get one for his goal in game 2. Also, Boston managed to take a 2-0 lead over Philadelphia tonight.
  20. Here is a link, since Will didn't bother to share. Homepage seems to be down.'Sides, I was suppossed to tell the news dammit! Apparently they've got more traffic than they can handle.
  21. Here is a link, since Will didn't bother to share.
  22. The FAQ mentions that you don't need access to the computer the program was installed on in order to revoke an activation. Say the HDD goes bad and you need to replace it, you can either ignore the used activation until you need it, or you should be able to revoke the activation through their website. Honestly, this sounds like one of the better methods lately, just for the simple fact that you don't need to have access to the system in question in order to revoke the activation. It looks like they've put a little more thought into it than just "You have 5 activations, go buy another copy if you need more. (You filthy, filthy pirate...)" Personally, I'd prefer if they'd go the route that EA took with Bad Company 2. When you install that game, you get a choice between requiring the disk in the drive with no limited installs or online authentication with a 10 install limit.
  23. Deraldin


    Both of them are official. They're on the NHL website. I saw the Datsyuk one last night while watching the Habs game and it took me a moment to realize that it was a brand new commercial made from this past round. I didn't think they'd update them in the middle of the playoffs. There was a fan made one for Plekanec right after the first game, but that's the only other one that I've seen. Second round predictions. Eastern Conference: Pittsburgh vs Montreal: I really, really hope I'm wrong, but I can't bring myself to go with the Habs. Pens in 6. Boston vs Philadelphia: The Flyers are all banged up and Boston is getting back Savard. Bruins in 6. Western Conference: San Jose vs Detroit: One of these years, San Jose will actually win the cup and no one will believe it. Until that time, I'll remain a disbeliever. Wings in 6. Chicago vs Vancouver: Definitely going to watch the series! Two highest scoring teams in the west? It's going to be close. Canucks go the distance in 7.
  24. Deraldin


    Results from the first round: Hurlshot: 7-1 Mkreku: 6-2 Deraldin: 5-3 Krookie: 5-3 Volourn: 5-3 Kor Qel Droma: 4-4 Kelverin: 4-4 Mr. Insomniac: 4-4 A few notes. No one picked the Habs to beat the Caps. Buffalo and New Jersey were the next biggest causes of losing predictions. So what is it going to be next round?
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