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Everything posted by Deraldin

  1. I've never been able to sustain a really high post count. I've occasionally managed to hit around 200 in a day, but then I'll end up not posting for a week after that. My post count on here is pretty typical. Around 1.5/day on average.
  2. Then you realize just how long you've been on these forums (~2000 days) and suddenly your post count doesn't seem so high anymore. Remember when the forums used to tell us which section you were most active in? All us cool kids were only active in WOT. I was pretty evenly split between WOT and Computer & Console.
  3. Then you realize just how long you've been on these forums (~2000 days) and suddenly your post count doesn't seem so high anymore.
  4. I want to hurt the person who put so much of the focus in Warcraft 3 on the heroes. I hated those damn heroes so very much. WCIII was a ****ty RTS, but a great modding platform. Whether or not I buy SCII depends on whether or not the modding community approaches the glory that was WCIII bnet in its prime. Speaking of which, how is the modding? Any decent custom maps out yet, or just DotA 2.0 or other generic ****? No idea. Haven't played any custom games so I can't tell you what is good or what isn't. I can say that I've only seen one "DotA" ish game so far.
  5. I want to hurt the person who put so much of the focus in Warcraft 3 on the heroes. I hated those damn heroes so very much.
  6. Just a couple thoughts: For the suicide, she's sitting opposite their window so that she is easily visible, yet unreachable should Cobb attempt to stop her from jumping. Calling this scene a dream based on her sitting opposite their window is more of a stretch than I am willing to buy. Going back to the top, it's important to remember that Cobb uses the top, but it was never actually his. It's supposed to be his wife's totem. I believe the current discussion has Cobb's real totem being his wedding ring, which interestingly enough only shows up in the dream sequences and not in "reality". The "dreamy way the film is shot" in the ending? I don't even know how to respond to that, however this person needs to go back and watch the ending again. The kids were in the same (or a very similar) position, but they weren't wearing the same clothes and they were also played by actors that were approx 2 years older.
  7. Bah! I'm working on completing all the challenge missions, but trying to get gold on Opening Gambit is a pain. I've got silver, but I just haven't been able to break that 14 minute mark.
  8. I went for the Nydus Worms because they have a habit of popping up where you least expect them. The air units on the other hand can't just teleport into your base and the AI isn't smart enough to fly them past your outer defences. As long as you pay a little attention and have a small force of vikings on hand, you can beat back the broodlords before they manage to do much damage. Also I liked Tychus mission more than Warfield's.
  9. There is one. It's on the second last mission if you choose to go with Tychus.
  10. well, it's a waste of a slot going as officer, so scratch that Vindicator, and autocannon slows you down. the assault rifle on the other hand has autoaim which is pretty damn nice. and techs weld/unweld a lot faster, although it's useful only on Insane Wow. Vindicator is nice enough that it's worth going officer just for it. Special Weapons autocannon slow down is offset by Wildcat's speed bonus so it's of minimal impact. Tech rifle autoaim is okay, but I've never really found myself wishing I had autoaim. On the other hand, I have found myself wishing I had the normal assault rifle's frag grenades instead of the crappy stun grenades on the tech rifle. Welding is of such minor use, even on Insane that it's a waste of a slot even for a tech.
  11. Just keep using the grenade launcher. They'll learn. If they don't then soon enough it won't matter anyway.
  12. Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in. Techs have the best starting weapon? No. Techs have the third best starting weapon. The Officer's Vindicator is by far the best starting weapon and the Autocannon is also damn good. I don't mind going tech. I like the black tech and his melee damage bonus. Who needs guns when you can one shot aliens with a punch to the face? Not so great as medic myself, but I can do quite well as officer or special weapons.
  13. Also, this should probably be mentioned. Starcraft 2 Known Issues More specifically, this part right here: My GPU was running at 100% while sitting in the main menu and was heating up like crazy causing the fan to become obnoxiously loud in an attempt to keep the card cool. Frameratecapglue caps the frame rate in the menu.
  14. Hah! I liked that one. How about the last Protoss mission? What was your high score on that one? 1962 I think... woulda gotten higher but I didn't build the full 200/200 pylons in the back of my base Heh, I managed 1966 myself. I uh... stopped producing units at one point and was just overwhelmed.
  15. Hah! I liked that one. How about the last Protoss mission? What was your high score on that one?
  16. I'm caving. Future Shop is open nationwide at midnight, so I'll probably swing by and camp them out later.
  17. Went through about half the game with some friends this evening. Go to the mall level where you have to get rid of the eggs/biomass. First time through on hard our tech died to the first wave of enemies so I grabbed his flamethrower and we kept going. Cleared out half the map, but while walking through the ducts my two remaining teammates got hit with parasites and died so I was all alone. I ran out of autogun ammo and was down to just the flamethrower which is a pretty nice weapon actually. Cleared out the rest of the map, but was left with just a tiny sliver of health for the finale. Called the elevator and survived about 15 seconds. I managed to toast a bunch of enemies in that time, but a flaming alien smacked me down as I tried to dive away from the group. Second time through ended with massive lag spikes killing three of us and leaving me alone again. Was in better shape than the first time, but then I got hit with a lag spike and died cause I couldn't control my character. :/
  18. Deraldin


    NHL rejects Kovalchuk deal for circumventing the salary cap.
  19. You can preorder it already if you really want to If I buy it retail do I still have to register it on Steam? Because that would be perfect, really. I don,t want to download a whole game. The few retail steamworks games I have allow me to install the game from the CD and then link the key to my account. Very useful with 60GB data caps that I'm not sure if we're ever actually under...
  20. You have to drag him kicking and screaming to see Inception? O.o
  21. Deraldin


    I'll keep that in mind. Also, Gagne to Lightning for Walker + 4th round pick.
  22. Deraldin


    Devils sign Kovalchuk to a 17 year-$102 million deal.
  23. The Trial and Crossroad Keep are the highlights, the Warehouse and Orc Caves the "stains". The rest is a bit on the bland side. It sort of shows that too many cooks participated in that dish. Especially the orc caves irritated me because I played a ranger in my very first playthrough, using my tracking skils and stealth. Completely useless skills in OC when your orc hordes are instant spawns when you hit trigger plates. I never had as big an issue with the orc caves as other people. The thieves were sneak attack machines while the orcs, annoying as their insta spawn behind you was, were never really much trouble. It was a slog, it was boring, but it was never frustrating.
  24. That's exactly where I am - City Watch/thieve's warehouse. My spells work fine, if anything they're insanely powerful, but my companions will always struggle hitting the last enemy, which will wind up killing me somehow. I've been spoiled by real-time combat and for companions I simply used "Recommended" on their level ups, which might have left them useless, I'm not sure. It's also the fact that the story is just... uninteresting. Maybe I should skip to MotB? Also resting in between fights to reuse spells? I know it makes sense in a DnD setting, but to me it just sounds silly. The recommended level up stuff actually isn't too bad for the companions in NWN2 OC. Who are you taking with you and what is your PC? You're in probably the worst part of the game and if you can power through it, there is some neat stuff to come, the trial being one of the best parts and is definitely worth playing.
  25. Invisible thieves warehouse? I really don't remember that. Did I get past it already? If you don't remember it, then I'm going to guess not, but it's fairly early in the game. It's one of the missions you get from City Watch quest line.
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