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Everything posted by Deraldin

  1. Very nice! It looks much better than the old version.
  2. Last I heard it was an elite with a 20GB hard drive.
  3. Earlier tonight I caught most of Die Hard With A Vengeance on TV. I thought it was entertaining, but definitely not as fun as the first movie. Now Rumble in the Bronx is on some I'm watching that.
  4. Fallout 2 wasn't exactly hard, but there was at least a small chance of you being killed in combat, even if it was only a lucky critical from a Super Mutant with a minigun.
  5. I think the real problem is that there is no standard scale by which sizes are assigned. A medium from one company is a XL from another. I'm 6' and in decent shape and I wear mostly mediums with a couple larges. All the t-shirts that I have bought locally have been mediums and they are pretty loose on me. I bought a couple medium shirts in BC when I was out there last year and both of them are way to small for me to the point where my head doesn't fit through the neck hole. I also have a t-shirt that I won in a contest that was shipped from the states. It's a large, but is actually smaller than the mediums that I buy locally. I'd love it if companies would all use the same scale so that a medium is a medium and a large is a large no matter where you get it from.
  6. Except I'm pretty sure that Bioware doesn't want it. I thought I saw Bioware say, just not now, but never say never with d&d. I think they made that statement when BG3 rumors came out with the PC Gamer issue a couple of years ago? That sounds like it might be right. I don't remember seeing the exact quote myself, but I do remember several posters making a big deal of it at the time.
  7. Can I have your 8800's then?
  8. Apparently the field that my high school used is about a mile away. We would be given 10 minutes to run there and I usually took about that long.
  9. Not as fast as half the people who will post in this thread.
  10. Are your sure that you are looking at the right number...
  11. I really didn't care for that Daemon Rising movie, or whatever it was called. Wasn't there a My Two Bobs movie or something like that as well? Yes. The 4th season was composed of two movies. You had Daemon Rising and My Two Bobs.
  12. Why did they cancel all the good cartoons. :sad:
  13. That would be Hack and Slash, IIRC! Yup, that was Hack (Red) and Slash (Blue). As you said, there was third season. Technically there was a 4th season as well. I wonder what will happen with Megabyte though. His voice actor died last year. :sad:
  14. Do you think we will finally get DVD sets of the earlier seasons now?
  15. How about Jetfire vs Starscream?
  16. Heh. I found the same thing personally. I could beat Duncan nine times out of ten, but anything beyond that was instant lose. I think as much as anything it had to do with what cards you have. It's easy to build a killer deck in KotOR, because you can do quests to earn cash to buy a good deck before you even begin.
  17. BAM!
  18. Oh gawd no! The the love of all that is good and right in this world, please Team-Gizka, hurry up and finish the mod! Meh, it's only Dark Raven. Don't worry about it.
  19. They specifically did not set themselves a deadline when they started this for a reason. If you set a deadline for something, then people get all angsty when that time rolls around and the work still isn't done. If you don't set a deadline, then you manage to avoid the great majority of that. Will do. I really don't see why anyone would get so worked up over a mod.
  20. I finished the little game. Other than the art it was pretty "meh" overall. To be honest, I've always thought that Scions were pretty damn ugly. I don't think I've seen a single one that I've liked the look of.
  21. The page is so slow for me. I actually managed to get into the game then accidentally clicked on a link forcing me to load the whole stupid thing again. EDIT: I like the comment from the 44 year old mother at the end of the article.
  22. Except I'm pretty sure that Bioware doesn't want it.
  23. I feel your pain. I have absolutely horrible luck with RNGs. I played a year long PnP campaign using OpenRPG and I swear that dice roller was possessed. In 13 months of playtime I passed 3 saving throws. I kept track of them. One was a reflex saving throw that I managed to somehow roll a 20 (one of two!). Another was a will save to break free from a hold spell. My sorcerer took 5 rounds to roll something larger than a 3. By the time I managed to break the spell I had already been bound and gagged after the rest of the party escaped out a 2nd floor window. The third save was another reflex save to grab the edge of a roof before falling the 50 feet to the ground below. The RNG didn't just screw me over on saving throws, but on any and all rolls! 9d6 fireball? You get 15 damage. 4D6+4 for a magic missle? 12 damage. Need a 4 to hit that bad guy? You roll a 2. It was so very infuriating. The worst part was that it only hated me. For anyone else it was pretty average. If I used it, it would roll low, if someone was rolling against me it would roll high!
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