The cars were very obvious and I'll agree on that. Every one of them had a nice long shot of the company logo on the front grille. The SD card was another one that bothered me because you have the close up of the card and as the woman pulls it out she shows it off to the camera for a couple seconds before pocketing it. The Nokia comments were a little over the top. How many times can we cram the word Nokia into one scene.
The military equipment is not a problem at all. The military was a major focus of the movie (not one that I agreed with, but I can deal with it) so the presence of all the high tech military gear was completely justified, but it should have all be stomped into the ground IMO.
I missed the references for Apple and Burger King so I can't comment on that. The PS2 just faded into the background. It was part of the scenery and not the focus of any one shot so I wouldn't classify that as product placement at all. That would be product placement that I can live with as it really isn't distracting. The Mountain Dew vending machine and the 360 were a little more intrusive, but they weren't as bad as some of the other items so I can overlook them.
No Grimlock and Soundwave though, that's just totally unforgivable. :D