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Everything posted by Pidesco

  1. Perhaps his title should be changed to Obsidileaks.
  2. You have to play on hardcore from start to finish.
  3. Still Dungeon Siege 3. I'm well on my way towards finishing my playthrough with Anjali.
  4. Stephen Dillane is a very excellent actor who deserves a lot more recognition. I especially remember him stealing Nicole Kidman's show in The Hours.
  5. They would just need to tone down the EXTREME!!! antics and the romantic fan service, and a better game would easily come out. Also, I'd welcome deeper roleplaying myself, both in systems and dialogue.
  6. Oh, and assorted sports and wrestling games. Smackdown this and that.
  7. You just need to go on Ebay and look at used PS2 games, for example. It's horrible movie and cartoon licence games galore.
  8. UKIE gathers all the multiplatform titles together, doesn't it?
  9. I'm playing single player now and I'm saving my co-op time for my lady.
  10. Still on Dungeon Siege 3. It's turning into my game of the year. Steam tells me i'm up to 28 hours.
  11. Admittedly, I'd be more impressed if he played with a mouse and a keyboard. But still, it's awe inspiring.
  12. And you know that's technically not possible because??? *sigh* You failed your reading comprehension roll.
  13. New Vegas was the second best seller on Steam, last week, right behind Portal 2. A nice benefit from the Summer sale, although I don't know how much of this revenue is going back to Obsidian. http://www.bluesnews.com/s/123508/steam-top-10
  14. You might have enjoyed Oblivion but rock-solid it definitely wasn't. The bad performance, the bad UI, the broken game mechanics, the bugs, the crashes, the horrible VA, and the terrible animations are all things that made Oblivion a terribly unpolished game. Oops, totally spelled the wrong word. I actually meant to say "Obsidian is friggin' awesome". My bad. On that note, however, I loved Oblivion too. Obsidian had nothing to do with that, though. Not sure why I typed Oblivion. I wasn't even thinking about that game. Weird. What a waste of a perfectly good rant.
  15. You might have enjoyed Oblivion but rock-solid it definitely wasn't. The bad performance, the bad UI, the broken game mechanics, the bugs, the crashes, the horrible VA, and the terrible animations are all things that made Oblivion a terribly unpolished game.
  16. Yes, IMO one of the problems with the game is that the camera is too close to the ground. It should be higher up. Limiting the camera more than it already is is a bad idea, which is what the OTS people are requesting. As for enemies attacking from off screen, the only fight where that was a problem was the Warbeast. But that boss was poorly designed, in general.
  17. An over the shoulder camera would make the game unplayable. The game's design is dependant on the player being able to see from where attacks are coming at any given time, and attacks come from any direction. Giving the player the option to not be able to see half the playing field during combat is silly and pointless. As far as gameplay is concerned DS3 is a 2D top down game.
  18. That would be great but it's bogus, at least according to GAF.
  19. I think the forum hasn't recognized some accents since the server was upgraded last week. I wasn't sure until now. I'll pass the info along.
  20. I've heard good things of China Mieville. Bakker I don't know.
  21. Seems a bit of an absurdly high standard. Yes, Fantasy may not reached the likes the greatest writers of history, but it is a genre not even 100 years old being compared against the entire breadth of history. You might as well be saying "I don't like reading unless it's the great classics." Which is cool. But it does seem to be a limited perspective. I read or have read with enjoyment Neil Gaiman, Sue Townsend, Terry Pratchett, or Isaac Asimov. I'm even kind of enjoying Game of Thrones right now. Thinking Hemingway is unsurpassed by almost any writer, doesn't preclude me from enjoying books that I consider to be lesser works. It's just that I'm an opinionated sort of person and part of my fun in consuming culture comes from discovering and analysing perceived positives and negatives in whatever I'm experiencing.
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