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Everything posted by SadExchange

  1. I have to say that I've been enjoying Uncharted 2 quite a bit. I believe I'm on Chapter 17 of 26 and can say that it deserves the hype it's been given and certainly deserves the scores it's been given so far. I've played quite a lot of the MP when it was in beta, and can't wait to enjoy it fresh and new now, but I want to get through the campaign first. I have to say that if someone were to buy a PS3, this game and its prequel are two of the first games they should buy for pure enjoyment value.
  2. Can you tell me what kind of setup you have? You must have all the options jacked up, it looks great.
  3. This season, I'm looking forward to the following: Brutal Legend Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Borderlands Dragon Age: Origins Modern Warfare 2 Hoping that they all turn well. From the previews and such, they seem to be looking pretty good.
  4. I look forward to difficulty where strategy is involved. Just seeing the playthrough of this really builds my anticipation for this title. Glad I got a new pc last month!
  5. I'm not sure if anyone was aware of it, but www.giantbomb.com did a quick look on this game recently with about 20 minutes of combat. Not the best game playing, but I don't think the focus was all the way there, but cool to see some actual combat and not a dev just playing through. Dragon Age: Origins Quick Look
  6. I'm playing through Risen right now. Really enjoying my time with it so far. Reminds me of why I fell in love with RPGs, exploring. Got the game and my new rig yesterday and am just loving my time spent with it so far.
  7. to be honest the last vehicle portions of all the Halo games have been absolutely awesome. I agree as well. I thought bringing that back into Halo 3 for the end level was a superb choice after how much fun Halo 1's ending turned out to be. I've been enjoying ODST quite a bit. I think the firefight mode is pretty exciting, especially with 4 players together. I think the choices of maps are varied enough and make your options for MP different enough. I haven't even popped in the second disc full of maps to return to Halo 3 yet. Maybe try that next.
  8. I'm really enjoying the demo as well. I think all of the online MP game types are great so far. GOTY on the PS3 for sure, but GOTY for all games this year? I can't agree. There's simply a lot of good looking games coming out this year like Borderlands, Dragon Age: Origins, Modern Warfare 2. Too many to make a judgment call this early in the season.
  9. I believe it's October 20th.
  10. I was just wondering how this game was? Are you playing it for the PC or PS3? I was thinking of picking it up for the PS3, but had heard about a lot of framerate issues. Recently, I just started a game of Red Faction: Guerilla and may start some Burnout Paradise.
  11. I heard spell targeting is going to be iffy on the 360. Something about having a targeting reticle. Do you know anything about that? Otherwise, it's the co-op title I'm most excited about right now. And perfect fodder before Diablo 3. Spell targeting or ranged targeting is done for you, and while that may seem iffy, I think it'll work out pretty well with the amount of enemies on the screen. I know some area of effect spells that are shot are always a certain space from you and you just get used to it, from what I hear because it'll always be the same spot.
  12. Been playing some Sacred 2 on the pc waiting for the Xbox 360 release in the next couple weeks. Really excited for this game as my pc doesn't play th game too well, even on low, and it seems like Ascaron has done well with the configuration on the Xbox controller. I really enjoying the immense amount of loot to be had and the online multiplayer will be quite a bit of fun. Anyone else interested in this title?
  13. I agree with Hurlshot. Because of the time I get for gaming, it's a much bigger event for me when I finish a game. Like Far Cry 2, that game lasted around 40 hours for me and even probably a couple more because of having to go back to previous saves sometimes because of the corrupted save problem. Mass Effect was a treat to finish and I'd like to go through that again. Fallout 3, I have a save right before the last mission and have been completing the side quests, but I have a question for everyone here about. I still have a lot of the wasteland to explore and a lot of experience left to gain, but I've been level 20 for awhile. Should I wait till The Pitt, go and do that, and then wait till the third DLC so I won't have all this wasted experience, since you get to level up to level 30 then? Will Bethesda release enough content in the last DLC to level you character form 20 to 30 on its own?
  14. I just got done finishing off my playthrough of Prince of Persia 2008, which was decent, if not rather repetitive after awhile. Since I had to send my Xbox 360 into Microsoft after my second RROD, I've been going back to my pc roots. Trying out some Runes of Magic, which isn't too bad. Also, trying out the Drakensang demo which is making me want the full game now and realizing why so many German sites praised the gameplay
  15. I enjoyed Gothic 3, after the 1.6 community patch because it ran like a dream, but Forsaken Gods lags for about 10 solid seconds every other 5 seconds and talking with someone has 10 second pauses each time a new person talks, it's virtually unplayable for me which is sad since I enjoyed Gothic 3 so much after the patch. I'm hoping the community can do with expansion what they did for the original.
  16. No, sorry to say, they're gone.
  17. I've been playing this on the Xbox 360 and have been thoroughly enjoying the game. I will admit that the respawn rate of the guardposts seems a little quick in most instances, but the sense of immersion that the developers created is one of the best. While playing, I'm consistently feeling a sense of tension which I've been wanting in games lately. And with not being able to save anywhere on the console, it only adds more to the game.
  18. I myself am gonna pick this and Fable II up on release. I've been following both games for quite a while and have high hopes for both on their own levels. I really hope Ubisoft can pull off the look and feel as much as they've stated they are with the atmosphere surrounding your character with really feeling like you're in Africa and all. I also am somewhat looking forward to Fallout 3, which with the more I read about it and see gameplay videos, the more I'm interested, but I'm gonna grab this around Christmas while I invest most of my time in with Fable 2 and Far Cry 2. Definitely the year of the sequel to say the least.
  19. I also recently picked up The Witcher Enhanced Edition and am playing through the game once again rather enjoying it quite a bit. I feel it's just one of those games you can always go back to after awhile and really enjoy. After my run through, I'm gonna check out the two mods that came with it and also check out that Deception mod that was just released. Other than that, just playing through Lego Batman in 15 minute spurts when I get time and putting in some time on Rock Band 2 when I can. Looking forward to Fable II soon enough and here and there spend time online with Too Human.
  20. Which game is this?
  21. From my experience with the game, I don't think you'll be disappointed with it.
  22. I can see how some would call it repetitive, but I love it. I enjoy exploring all of the different locales and the huge sprawling cities, but I did have a question; does the game finish after your last assassination, or can you go and explore and look for flags afterwards?
  23. The space battles were top notch in this game.
  24. Running through the lands of 1191 A.D. in Assassin's Creed. Really enjoying it so far.
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