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Everything posted by SadExchange

  1. Ha, thanks, can't believe I didn't see that chest, just got it and finished the demo. Overall, decent enough, better than I expected it to be, to be honest.
  2. Have a question, I'm in the cave completing quests for the witch, but I've come up to a gate after defeating some fallen knights and don't seem to have a key for the gate, therefore can't progress. Did I miss something along the way?
  3. This has been quite helpful as I haven't played Civ IV in a while and the idea of city states is brand new. I have a question though, I've played a few hours and had a couple questions. Is there a difference between being "friendly" with a city state than an "ally" or is that the same thing? Also, a city state near me I was friendly with had iron that I sorely needed, but didn't know how to get it from them to use in my own production. I tried making a road from my capitol to their city, but could not force my workers to do so, so I ended up taking over their city and using it as a puppet while gaining the use of the iron. You said earlier if you are friendly with a city state, you gain a +1 food in every city, and +2 in your capital, how do you know you're getting this? Are you getting the +1 from their tiles or my own tiles? Thanks for your help.
  4. Wow, was that supposed to be there? Good catch.
  5. Just moved it and it seemed to be fine, starts up, so that's good, thanks for the help and advice.
  6. I'm on a laptop and it has a hard drive split into the C (75GB) and then D (229GB) drive, everything is basically on the C drive right now including my installation of WoW, which is 18 GB. Can I copy and paste my installation of WoW from my C drive to my D drive to free up space on that main drive? Will there be any harm in that? Or do I need to reinstall that?
  7. He's not the end boss any more. The Myans have all ready determined that the end of the world is in 2012. Who do you beleive? Don't forget the Myans already have had help from Aliens, who have had the ability to see "light years" ahead in time, before they visited us here on earth! NOW THAT'S SPOOKY! BTW, no one has ever found out what happened to the Myans, have they? They just vanished of the face of the earth. Mayans
  8. Was just wondering if anyone else has heard of this title or put any time into it? I'm thinking of picking it up now that there is an English patch out for it(Since the game is in Russian). I was pretty excited about this title, from the makers of Boiling Point, until I heard that it was getting an English release, but have renewed my interest with the information of an English patch and I wanted to see if anyone else was interested in this title or was already playing it?
  9. Not to lay a guilt trip or anything, but if you are thinking about getting it, why not pay full price? My reasoning here is that you are a member of the Obsidian community, you take part in these forums on a regular basis. If you enjoy that, then why not support the company that hosts these forums? I can see you not buying the game if it just doesn't interest you. But if it looks like a title you will get something out of, why not give it your full support? I would have to agree with this statement. Although I don't have a bunch of posts on this site, I visit it on a regular basis everyday just to read what everyone's up to. But this post rings true, if you want this developer to get better at what they do, they need your money and support. Money of course to develop, but also support to point out bugs and stuff that needs to be patched. Along the same lines, they need to hear what you like so that they can expand on that in their next title. Kind of beating a dead horse with this post, but wanted to let you know that I definitely agree with hurlshot on his point. I did this with Too Human: everyone went up and down with how faulty it was and how bad it played, but I got it for the full price and actually ended up loving it and hope that Silicon Knights builds upon the series in the future, however long that may take:)
  10. While I found the SP to be better than MW2, which isn't hard, I find that the online component of Battlefield is more diverse and much more rewarding overall. I'm completely stopped playing MW2 and have been enjoying online with BF2.
  11. I am, have played enough games to start getting ranked, but haven't been put into the ladder portion yet. I was 1-1 with 1v1, and then 1-2 with 2v2 due to my teammate surrendering right off the bat. I wish that wasn't possible.
  12. Between spending some time with Just Cause 2 and Lord of the Rings Online, I've been putting in some time with Torchlight, which only makes me want the release of Diablo 3 to come sooner. I would post a pic of my guy but it's giving an error about invalid format. Oh well.
  13. Am a couple hours into Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening now and just started a game of Just Cause 2, in between matches of Battlefield Bad Company 2
  14. Yeah, I have Windows 7 64 bit Does anyone know, if I get a retail copy and then go on Steam and add a non steam game (which this would be right because it's a retail copy), would I still be able to get the achievements and get steamcloud?
  15. Looks to be that the developers have added a benchmark tool to the main menu and each time I run through it, it says I only have 4 GB of ram, when my computer has 8 GB. Could this be because the game maxes out at 4?
  16. I've played through the original and wanted to run through again to create another character to import into Awakening. Was wondering if anyone here uses any types of mods for Dragon Age? Like visual or anything at all?
  17. Well, since you're running Nvidia, you're getting two more graphics options than I do: Enhanced GPU Water effect and Enhanced Bokeh (background blur) filter. They are both rumoured to be very GPU intensive, even if there's no water nearby. Try turning those off and I'm sure you'll get higher framerates. Very good to know, appreciate your help and info. When I slide the rez to 1600 X 900, I can get a constant over 30 FPS which is fine by me, but I'm definitely gonna check out those two options as well.
  18. I just checked: I'm getting 60-90 average fps, sometimes dipping down to 50-something and sometimes up in the hundreds. I have everything on max at 1920x1080, except I turned off motion blur since I think it looks better without it. My rig is a Core i7 920 (@3.0 GHz), 6 GB 1600 MHz CL8 DDR3 RAM and a Radeon 5870 1 GB, running Windows 7 64 bit. Maybe I'm doing something wrong then, I have an AMD Quad at 3.2, 8 GB Ram, and a Nvidia 275GTX and with everything at max, at 1920 X 1080, I'm getting between 20-30, which surprisingly seems fine when playing.
  19. Yes, everytime there's a cut-scene actually. I think it's some kind of filter that's not working properly. Perhaps they went for a "grainy movie" kind of filter effect, but on my Radeon 5870 it looks more like a graphical error. Hey, since you've played it a couple times, wanted to ask what kind of frame rate you were getting on what rez and what your specs are. I just want to see if my pcs running it decent.
  20. Awesome pictures. I wanna use fraps to take some screenshots. Does it cut any performance if you're just using it to take screenshots? Or is it just as I assume when you're taking video?
  21. Yeah, same here, Glad someone else is getting it. I have somewhat of a hard time with the pc mouse and keyboard, but with a xbox controller, it works like a charm. Looks great, does anyone know how you can check your FPS?
  22. I have played and replayed the Xbox 360 version quite a few times and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I did play the first one for the pc and had a good time. I also tried Just Cause 2 on the pc with my new rig consisting of a AMD Quad @ 3.2 with 8 GB of Ram and a Nvidia 275 GTX, but for some reason, my game freezes up 4-5 minutes into the demo, from steam. Also, for the pc, does anyone else have weird shadow/darkness in the beginning cinematic? I have to be honest, I like the controls a lot more on the xbox than the pc this time around. Maybe I'm just getting too used to a controller than a mouse and keyboard. From some reason, the pc version seems "shifty" when moving around.
  23. Here's the latest trailer that just came out today. Mass Effect 2 Trailer Looking ever more interesting.
  24. I agree. to me, I went through the SP campaign and half of the spec ops which is a nice alternative and have probably spent 4 hours in MP and I generally have fun with the game. I guess that's what the question is, is it fun? yes, for me. Trying to unlock different perks, attachments, guns, etc gives motivation to play more and that keeps it interesting. I, however, find it hard to break away from Dragon Age, to put more hours into this game.
  25. Wasn't sure if anyone had seen it yet, but Giant Bomb comes through again with another Quick Look for Dragon Age: Origins, this time on the Xbox 360 Dragon Age: Origins Quick Look
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