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Everything posted by Headbomb

  1. On that mockup, clearly on the right. The one on the left is just too clutered and mixed up with the weapon slots.
  2. Happened to me too a long while ago. I was walking around that area and got stuck in the counter. Couldn't reproduce it reliably however.
  3. I couldn't care one bit about the spending of skill points. I care much more about how skills are used. Having a multiple requirement, either two or more characters needing to do the same skill checks, or having one character needing to do multiple skill checks, is enough incentive to not simply max out one skill per character at the expense of all other skill. A good exemple of this is the Dragon's Egg quest that requires both an Athletics check and a CON check to succeed. Or that party members can be fatigued after performing a physical task with a low athletics score, like crossing the chasm in the Skaen temple. If the other (although not all) skill checks are similar, that's plenty interesting to me.
  4. cRichards, you might want to poing them to http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66936-attributes-review/ http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66869-attribute-bonuses-are-pointless/ and http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66805-character-creation-move-culture-before-stats/ as well.
  5. I'm bumping this because this is still an issue in the current build.
  6. Yeah, but if you bring those tabs in, then it becomes possible to have it flush with everything, without the tabs sticking out. Or having to indent things in further.
  7. Nice. Very nice. The only (major) remark I made that wasn't addressed is "If you're going to keep it in the middle however, put the bubble/crosswords icon on the inside of the combat log, so you can make the combat log flush with other nearby borders." Everything else is *bang on*.
  8. Couple of remarks 1) I'm going to join in on those saying the rest button shouldn't be anywhere near the select all button. The select all is fine at the bottom right. Rest being next to it is a big no. Move it to the left side of things, close to the stronghold and other low-usage button. Best place to have it really would be to use the big camping supplies icon already present, and not have another button for it. 2) I'm a big fan of the one line combat log spanning the whole window rather than just a little chunk in the middle. But this is YMMV stuff. If you're going to keep it in the middle however, put the bubble/crosswords icon on the inside of the combat log, so you can make the combat log flush with other nearby borders. 3) I see the UI mockup is designed around 6 characters. Wiki (http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Party) says that their might be temporary companions on top of these six. May or may not be an issue. 4) Icon height variation (the X, attack, and stealth buttons) is ugh. They should be of flush with the border. 5) Weapon set variant number 2 is better. Main hand in front, off hand in medallion. This is particularly handy if you have 2 same weapons. Also I agree a million times with however said that weapon slots should be linked. Having the same weapon (or shield) in multiple sets would be supremely handy.
  9. Since this needs attention in the current build just as it did in the previous one, I'm going to bump it up in the hopes that @BAlder and others can see it.
  10. I don't really see the point of having a "stripped down option" à la Guild Wars. That might be good for the ability selection boxes in the combat UI, but in the character builder? Naaah.
  11. I'll confirm that trying to deactivate the modal ability + moving eventually yields some success in stopping the loop.
  12. I agree. I made this post on the discussion section identifying some problems and possible solutions with them http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/69864-on-abilitiestalentsitems-description/?do=findComment&comment=1552030
  13. This could perhaps be considered a bug, but there's a critical design issue with the description boxes of... well pretty much everything. Mostly, things are confusing, inconsistent, and rarely give any sort of useful information. Let's take a few talents. It will be illustrative of a general trend, and devs should IMO pay attention to this. The main thing is whenever we're presented with a levelling choice, we're rarely told what exactly what it is we are choosing. Below, I'll use green to denote useful and precise information; blue for useful but incomplete information; red for useless/redundant information; yellow for low-value information that could be implicitely assumed without being stated. Consider the Weapon Focus family of talents. --------------- Weapon Focus Adventurer Trains the character in the use of the Pollaxe, Estoc, Flail, Wand and War Bow, gaining Accuracy with all weapons of those types. Grants Weapon Focus: Adventurer. Passive. ---------------- What does this tell the player? Well if you use a weapon from the group, you'll be a more accurate with them. By how much? Who knows. Likewise, consider Marksman. --------------- Marskman Increases the character's Accuracy with ranged weapons used on distant targets Grants Marksman Passive Effects: Self: +5 Accuracy against distant enemies --------------- This is a bit better, you know the exact bonus (+5 Accuracy), but you're fuzzy on what exactly "distant" means. Now let's take a class ability --------------- Strange Mercy When the paladin defeats an opponent, nearby allies gain Endurance Grants: Strange Mercy. Passive Area of Effect: 4.0m radius (base 4.0m) Effects: Allied AoE: +23 Endurance --------------- This one is fairly OK. Few problems, save maybe the layout isn't very effective. Now consider Deep Faith --------------- Deep Faith The intensity of the paladin's faith deepens, granting them increased defensive bonuses to Faith and Conviction Modifies Faith and Conviction. +2 Deflection, +5 Fortitude, +5 Reflex, +5 Will Faith and Conviction Passive Effects: Self: +5 Deflection, +10 Fortitude, +10 Reflex, +10 Will --------------- This one is confusing... Does it add +2/+5/+5/+5 to the previous +5/+10/+10/+10 bonus, for a total of +7/+12/+12/+12? Does it take the current +2/+5/+5/+5 and brings it to +5/+10/+10/+10? Does it modify F&C to +2/+5/+5/+5 from +5/+10/+10/+10 (i.e. an automatically generated message with the wrong values in because the balancing pass is incomplete)? And there are other problems, in all cases, you need to read everything, both flavour and non-flavour text to obtain all the available information (and still misses vital stuff that just isn't there). You're presented with completely redundant information (selecting Marskman grants you Markman... duh). Text is also wasted clarifying things that don't need clarification, and could just be assume by anyone with half a brain. If a character gets an ability, by default one assumes the bonuses apply to that character. Consider instead this style of talent description (with my guess for what the missing values are). All effects are fully stated in the effects section. Flavour text is unchanged, but now fulfill it's role as flavour text -- A general description meant to assist role-playing, which could be completely overlooked without any mechanical detriment. --------------- Weapon Focus: Adventurer Trains the character in the use of the Pollaxe, Estoc, Flail, Wand, and War Bow, gaining Accuracy with all weapons of those types. [Passive] +5 Accuracy with Pollaxe +5 Accuracy with Estoc +5 Accuracy with Flail +5 Accuracy with Wand +5 Accuracy with War Bow --------------- [Could also be +5 Accuracy with Weapon 1, Weapon 2, .... in inline format] -------------- Marskman Increases the character's Accuracy with ranged weapons used on distant targets [Passive] +5 Accuracy against enemies 10 or more meters away --------------- --------------- Strange Mercy When the paladin defeats an opponent, nearby allies gain Endurance [Passive] Area of Effect: 4.0 m radius (base 4.0 m) Allies gain 23 Endurance whenever the paladin defeats an enemy --------------- --------------- Deep Faith The intensity of the paladin's faith deepens, granting them increased defensive bonuses to Faith and Conviction [Passive] Faith and Conviction grants an additional +2 Deflection, +5 Fortitude, +5 Reflex, +5 Will to defenses. --------------- This redesigning of the descriptions of talents and abilities would go a long way into clarifying what it is they actually do without cluttering the description windows. Likewise, weapons could mention to which weapon group they belong. It's much easier to remember "I'm an Adventurer" then remember "Right, I have a Pollaxe... now I found this Mace... was I proficient with Flails or Maces or something else entirely?"
  14. I got that issue too. It's a game stopper. Haven't figured the reproduction steps thought, but there's a savegame with the problem quicksave.zip
  15. This is art choice. "Inspired by" doesn't mean "copy the period down to every detail ever". Horned helmets are cool. I want one. I don't care if Vikings or mainland Europeans never used them.
  16. The boar issue is simply that the boar is bugged and likely considered a party member.
  17. Terrible, terrible design. I absolutely detest it and it crippled my enjoyment of the game to the point where I had to quit character creation 5-6 times before I forced myself to go through it saying screw the skills, I'll focus on combat. And every time I come upon a dialogue, I rage because the option I want isn't available. I'm pretty sure that combat/out of combat were supposed to be separate and I'm very much in favour of such a separation. I voted 2nd option here, but really I'm open to any design which doesn't tie talents with skills in the way that it does now. I'm not opposed to a system that has talents that give bonus to skills in addition to the "core" of the talent (i.e. talent that gives +1 knockdown attempt also gives +1 athletics). I'm also not opposed to talents that only give a bonus to skills (talent that gives say +3 athletics and nothing else). But what there can't be is a system that, due to the way you want your character to be in combat, locks you out of story/dialogue/skill-based event options. There needs to be skill buying on its own (which can be supplemented by talents). I had a paladin with lore and athletics maxed out before. If I want that, I need to pretty much sacrifice all the talents I actually want in favour of talents I don't want at all just so I get the right skill bonus. Or I get the talents I want, but end up with skills I don't want, like survival or mechanics. This new system is a big fat thumbs down.
  18. That boar always has been problematic. In past versions, it triggered the autopause on pretty much everything that triggered it in allies. So I suspect that enemy animal companions are treated as allies for purpose of autopause. Clearly a bug.
  19. Lock/Trap XP however... To hell with that. I shouldn't be penalized for not having a rogue in my party beyond the extra damage and less loot.
  20. The level of entrenchment here is ridiculous. Bestiary XP is an excellent addition, and rewards combat (and hopefully include non-combat ways to fill the bestiary such as lore books on beasts and creatures) without rewarding degenerate play styles. And it makes perfect sense that after you kill 50 rats (or however much), you know all there is to know about rest killing.
  21. Limited prebuffing makes sense. Short duration takes care of that. Alternatively, make it modal. Or long with one active buff per caster only.
  22. Great news!
  23. Also that boar still triggers the auto-pause conditions for when it falls on low health. No other enemy does that. I think it's because it's an animal companion or something.
  24. That also happens with the Arquebus from the Medreth fight. Seems generalized to all firearms.
  25. Of those, the 2nd version is the best. Animation is a must.
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