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Everything posted by Aldereth

  1. balance Class Restricted Weapon - yes Holy or Unholy weapon for roleplaying, story depth - yes The Holy Avenger a la D&D that turn the paladin into Superman - hell no.
  2. I kind of like the misunderstanding some of us have
  3. If this were the Torment: Tides of Numenera board and this got implemented in game just for the cool factor, Colin McComb might have to make another apology video for Spellsword Mk II. It's going to be superhard to balance in a party base game as the concept itself is more suited to the Superhero protagonist. That's why it work with Witcher.
  4. I kind of like the idea of group cast and perhaps even develop it further to the point that of what Osvir suggested about. Heck may be take it one step further to have certain spell that can be combine with synergic effect and become a kind of super ability. Kind of like that old Marvel superheroes action game where different mutant sometimes can combine their power for a super attack.
  5. I like a clean interface. I suspect there is an option like above posters describe. In fact when I see the BG style interface on the latest PE update, I was actually a bit "disappointed" in the sense that I was it was a IWD screenshot at first glance. I know that PE was built "in the spirit" of BG. I was surprised that i was bothered by this similarity. i guess it is so.close to the inspiration that it gives me the impression of a BG/IWD clone. I guess I want to see innovation while still give me the feel of those older games. So my expectations extend to interface design
  6. What Ffordesoon said above. CRPG that is going for a BG 2 feel using a custom rule set similar to d&d rules in a proprietary game world. Writing and characterization would be closer to IWD and planescape: torment and NWN2. You may want to look at the following link to get a feel for what they are going for: http://www.gamebanshee.com/news/111526-project-eternity-social-round-up.html
  7. You know, it may probably be less intrusive if the "huger-o-meter" is streamline into the Stamina drain or a its recovery rate. By that I mean starving could cause stamina loss or just slow down its recovery rate. As I understand it, P:E use a kind of system with health and stamina where health regenerate much slower and stamina is regenerates quicker. Health would probably be closer to the reality of food but it could get annoyingly intrusive. I think this is an even better idea than having an NPC to handle the cooking stuff. Have this as a default but for those who want to dive into food, cooking, etc... Have a crafting system that would make items that would increase stamina regeneration, or open up opportunity to get to know other NPCs (that like having good food) during camp, heck or even offer alternate non-violent choice to solve problem (by hosting a conference between warring party... wait... peace through throwing a party....eew... probably bad idea)
  8. Nice effects. Yes. DA 2 and some mmo spell effect cluster&@$. No thanks. Lastly, give the non caster some cool combat animation if possible
  9. Lephys, not trying to shut down any discussion of food system here. Just trying to point out direction that has been taken before and their general reception. They fall within two catagory: Resource management (old school rpg, AD&D , ultima) or food providing minor buffs, basically a low level alchemy like Skyrimm. Resource management is preceived widely as busy work and most CRPG dropped it in the 1990s up till today. The weaker version of alchemy make alchemy more preferable. It make the system feel a little bit tagged on I actually like Prime Junta 's idea the most in that using spells or feat generate hunger. The system reasonably similate the real world necessity of eating. It would be appropriate for a wasteland/fallout style game or a vampire game but may become intrusive in a FRPG. One way to address this is to have recruitable NPC to have the skills to bypass/simplify this system for those gamers who does not want to be bother with it but if the player get involve with the system could get further benefit in the form of buffs or open up conversation with certain NPCs who has a taste for finer things in life. Still this is hard to balance in terms of budget resource, possible distraction from plot, and perceived benefit in immersion. At the end , only the dev knows what kind of resource is on hand and what kind of story they wish to tell and make the decision if it is worth it.
  10. The only crafting system in any kind of game that is so fun that could sometime draw me away from combat are the starship building/ crafting from those 4X space game. While a dev may be able to recreate something similar, by means of components and equipment parts accompanied by visual, stats and ability change for the items. Heck, they could even throw a mini game in there. The question become do we want to see one in a plot driven CRPG?
  11. Like you say about movement, it can lead to (more like part of) exploration which is fun. Notice many games from bg to skyrim. take out the not so fun movement with map or quick travel. Look at all the posters who prefer a automatic resource management , it is an indication that there is yet a system that make it fun. I am not against implementing food but without making it fun, it is but a distraction at best and a wasted resource that could have been put to better use. The best anyone has done regarding food is the old vampire masquerade game with the feeding mechanism. But since feeding has so much to do with the vampire setting so one may call it "cheating" but it does serve as an example where context and fun is integrated with feeding. It would be hard to translate that to a FRPG.
  12. I think the AD&D alignment system couple with our society to label things is part of if not most of the problem here. It is not about building a good, evil or overly sought after grey/gritty/ practical/ badass play through. It should be about characters (pc/npc) with depth and how they act/ react to world events and each other. The morality of it all is up to the player's interpretation and the amount of information the player gathered . I think Alpha Protocol has done some pioneer work here wherein how the player perceive some of the characters could vary a lot depending on the PC action, which side the PC is on and the branching plot. So some of the characters could came off as a backstabbing villain in a play thru where the player speed thru everything. But if the player invest the time in finding out more, one may sympathize with the same character and view him/her as some one who was put in a difficult situation and reacted to in a way that is less than friendly to the PC. It is unfortunate that the length of the game and resource that was budgeted at that time has limited its potential. If only a RPG dev. has the will and resource to pursue this further, they could build a game that does not have a good, evil or grey play thru but a game plot that has varying degree of depth. And just like the real world, the game plot could be a simple good vs evil story for those who just power thru it. But if one were to invest the time to look at the characters more closely, there is the depth there to satisfy the gamers who prefer nuances.
  13. The computer medium is not conducive to make food as "fun" as the real thing. Food system has been relegated to a chore and does not have that social impact. In a RPG, with combat system, spell system, and all sort of "fun thing" going on, it is hard not to think if a resource management food system not be a kind of chore or distraction. It may sound severe but I would recommend against doing a food system unless one can resolve this.
  14. Mark and recall, baby. Mark and recall. Heck even Skyrimm has its share of craptastic quest locations. I was on one of those demon quest thing (forgot the name) where the PC got knock unconscious and wake up in another city on the other end of the map, thereby stranding all the quest I was doing around the starting city. The quest itself is fun but it completely derail my quest scheduling.
  15. +1 I don't know, Namco/Bandai lawyers may sue Obsidian and maybe even us backers for similarity to the name Soul Caliber.
  16. I would actually go so far as to say, give us a believable space ninja. Not for Project Eternity of course since PE has nothing to do with space. (I think).
  17. While a good idea but it is not a personal preference just because I do not want to be reminded of I am getting too old for this
  18. No kidding. Pathing is the first thing that come to mind when I see the words "real time". I would argue that I have never been satisfy with any game in this regard. It is the reason why I prefer turn base
  19. Considering the guys from Obsidian made planescape torment and alpha protocol, I think they are way ahead of the curve on this one. PST party character development is a benchmark and comparable to BG series and IMHO more personal. AP influence and plot branching system let the gamer have very different view of the NPC depending on the path chosen and player interaction. I fear that due to the shortcoming of other aspect of the title, this was overlooked by many. i just hope that the developers further evolve this
  20. Timed quest may not be as much a problem if failure is an option. It is just hated because when time runs out, the quest is failed and the player has to redo it if he wants the reward. Now if failure just mean and alternate path plus a slight penalty but still get something else as a reward if they contonue doen the fail path. Then the player have a real option.
  21. Similar sentiments here. The mythical RPG monk archetype is already "something" else already, no reason not to at least check out another interpretation. Buddhist monk seek to detached themselves from the illusion of the material world. The teaching/ methodology/ discipline is but a vehicle for greater wisdom. Those too would be cast away if they attached the monk to the illusion of the material world. The RPG martial/shaolin monk archetype is fixated on the discipline and the martial arts. Which is already quite far from this. I believe it is not a question of Chair and table anymore. The archetype is a throne that was called a chair and Obsidian came up with a bench and we are complaining the bench does not have the regal status a chair should have like the throne we are calling a chair. At the end of the day, if they are well made, we can all sit very comfortably on them be it a thron, a chair or a bench
  22. On a side note, I cannot help but be fascinated how much influence D&D monk and old TV show like Kung Fu mix with historical European monk has shape this expectation from the cRPG fan base regarding the "monk" class should be. This expectation is really an amalgamation of all those sources and it would deviate just as much as Obsidian take(wound mechanic and all) from the original inspiration of the martial monks from history.
  23. Here is an idea to limit summons. What if the first time you cast summon, it will summon a creature from the outer planes and you have to bind it to your service. Then subsequent summon, you will be summoning that same bound creature. Once it is killed, you have to bind another one and each time the chance of binding failure will increase. One can make things a little bit more interesting if one were to implement a kind of leveling system for the creature. With some balancing, the system provide the player the option to summon up a whole army. But chances are, player would think twice to summon their entire "collection" for fear that some of those creatures could get themselves killed when the player is not paying enough attention.
  24. From wuxia fantasy novel "heaven sword and dragon saber". One of the character practice an internal art where the act of learning/aquiring each level of power will harm the practioner's internal system. The harm he suffer is but a fraction of what he can dish out. The arts moto go something like "hurt yourself first, then (really) hurt your foe". Link here (in Chinese though): http://www.360doc.com/content/10/0114/16/736764_13540122.shtml As for real life, practitioner of "iron sand palm" as we'll as"iron shirt". Basically would do repeated palm strike on rough sand and rocks to condition their hand or have someone flog their body to condition themselves. Well, yes, but those are means for training, not for the real fight, isn't? "Seven Wound Fist", the Wuxia arts I mentioned in last post would hurt the guy each time he use it. Basically, every time the guy use it, just like during practice, the way his chi flow will harm his internals, it just that the art allow him to hurt his enemy much worse. It is just the way that art is. Through training and the nurturing of his internal chi he is condition better to take those damage. This is different from those arts that require one to hurt himself during training. The most notorious fictional example is probably the "forbidden art" recorded in the Lotus Tome featured in the novel/movie/tv Swordsman. That one, where the practitioner has to castrate himself as a requirement to learn the art. Well... yeah.. the hurting himself part is done as a mean for training only. It wouldn't make any sense or physically doable to castrate himself every time he fight. In a way the real life Iron Sand Palm would hurt the practitioner in a real fight. Newton third law, as hard as a practitioner of the Iron Sand palm can hit a guy, he get the same magnitude of reactionary force from the hit. it just that he condition his hands to take the damage better or just doesn't feel it. So basically, they are striking much harder than they should. Kind of like Football players, it's just that we don't usually get to study the long term damage suffered by long time practitioner of these "hard" Kung fu.
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