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Everything posted by Aldereth

  1. Does this mean you're asking for assless chaps? This is just a "no a$$h0les request" There are just too many Nathan Drake, Commander Shepard, Kratos, Snake in games (as well as movie) that I think a good old fashion "boring" hero would be interesting now.
  2. World of Ultima: Savage Empire from Origin did it in the 1980s : ) back on topic, here is a couple of items that I don't think was done or done well before in cRPG. 1. Good guys that are cool without being either badass or smart ass. 2. Conversation system integrated fully into combat system. I don't mean taunting or combat shouts. I mean talking as combat action that produce tactical result as well as a tool to drive the plot. eg. Darth Vader just say the "I am your father." and our hero run like a little girl
  3. Have about just enough of the dark and gritty realism.
  4. While food is essential in real life, and for many, very enjoyable. But in cRPG It is usually used as a either a buff or debuff. Fact is, it feel like a chore and anything but fun. Yes, there are system with cooking and ingredient matching to create food that act like potion but seriously one may as well call that skill alchemy and the whole "cooking" skill would sound a lot cooler. I suppose this problem could probably attribute to the medium's limitation (more like exclusion) in the department of taste and smell, computer food is never going to be as fun as the real thing. So if one really want the "realism" bit, there is simply the "strategic" element of if you don't eat, you die thing. So it may be a lot simpler just to use food or ration as a limiter to the range the PC party can stray from population center. This could have some place in a Fallout like survival setting. But high fantasy, I don't know, probably a resource sink with questionable gain. On another note, the only instance I may argue that "food" was done reasonably well may very well be drinking blood in that old vampire masquerad cRPG.
  5. With the late medival setting with firearms emerging, I think it is a guarentee there would be pretty big settlement.
  6. I see MP not as a stretched goal but rather expansion or a separate game entirely post release. The Kickstarter pitch is to build an RPG along the line of PS:T, BG 1 and 2, FO series...etc. Writing a MP plot is different from a SP experience. I think there is not any question that all of us, backers and fans alike, would like to see the best single player game possible. I believe some of us would also like an excellent multiplayer experience (if not the best MP experience) using the same game mechanics and in the rich game world of Project Eternity. But wouldn't the best MP experience would be something design from grounds up as an MP and not an half baked add on that could potentially detract from the SP game. A lot of people love IWD MP, myself included. That was a fun game using Infinity Engine. And it is designed with MP in mind. It took place in the Forgotten Realm and even happen around the same time as BGII but it was not a MP add on of BG.
  7. It seems like the people who are against multiplayer never tried BG and company's multiplayer. It wasn't perfect, for sure, but you can see all the posts in here from people who played and enjoyed IE multiplayer and want some more. I think the expectation for Eternity have more emphasis on plot more along the line of BG, PS:T than IWD. I tried and like IWD multiplayer but voted against have multiplayer for Eternity. There is not really a nice way to implement multiplayer that would not make it feel out of place and detract from the story.
  8. Voted for Others because I don't think player house is ever properly implemented. Most are some extended version of additional storage with some quest attached to it sometime. I would like to see more along the line of a player's home. Some place where characters PC care about live and create some game mechanics other than plot requirement that encourage the player return to it and use it as a home. Dragon Age 2 player house is closer to this line. Would like to see more reason for the players to return to the place other than plot sensitive element.
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