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Everything posted by Azure79

  1. you mean aim a rifle and pull the trigger? my wife is a better shot than me by miles. she would be 10x the soldier i would be, and i'm an adult male who is over 6 feet tall. So what we've learned from this is.. entrerix is a wimp. ..and we need pics of his wife. Pronto. no joke, she is 5'2 and only weighs 115 lbs, but her single rep max squat is about 40 pounds more than mine.... she has been lifting weights for a few years though, i dont think most women lift anything other than those little pink dumbbells. if you want pics just google AJ Lee, but change her face for someone who looks a lot like the actress from the xfiles. i dont think the wife wants me posting her pics online If you're tall, your body mechanics/leverages are probably working against you. If you work on your flexibility and squat more, you'd probably overtake her in a short period of time. It really is the best exercise for overall strength, if you're interested in that sort of thing. What is your wife's one rep max, if you don't mind my asking? I work out with a girl that is approaching a 2 plate (225 Ilbs or 102kg) squat. She is a tiny asian girl, but has impressive leg and hip strength.
  2. MGS5 looks really good. I like the slo-mo/heightened awareness thing when Snake runs across unexpected enemies.
  3. 500 GB SSD? Nice. I desperately need an upgrade myself but my money needs to be used elsewhere at the moment. I am jealous of your purchase. I'm not playing anything right now due to other responsibilities. Next game I play will probably be Arkham Origins in October. Looking forward to that one.
  4. EA gives out bonuses that are affected by studio and project performance, coupled by employee performance. My largest one came the year DA2 was released, a slightly smaller one last year (ME3's release), and a smaller one (though still decent and certainly appreciated) this year (no major revenue streams for BWE aside from some DLC and MP). I'd be surprised if none of the success of GTA 5 didn't trickle back to the team in some capacity. That's good to hear. And wow, $800 million in 24 hours. I never really got into the GTA games, so I wasn't even aware the game was released until saw lines of people outside a game store on my way to work. What is it about the game that makes is so alluring? I've played GTA 3 and 4 until midgame (I think) and I never found the story that interesting, or the missions particularly fun. I've gone the carmeggedon route of trying to get my wanted level as high as possible and maintain it, which was fun for a while. I dabbled in some of the side missions, but I usually shelved the game before I finished the story missions. There must be something I'm missing.
  5. I thought demons were just the spirits in the fade that represented the selfish aspects of mortals, hence Desire, Hunger, Pride and Rage demons. Dragons just seemed to be natural animals though with some relationship to the Old Gods.
  6. I liked what I saw in the PAX video. The Isocam is back which is great and it looks improved even from DAO. I liked the 2 handed attack animation, which has some significant weight behind it, but also isn't comically slow as in DAO. There seem to be a lot of options and skills for controlling the battlefield, like the ice wall and other traps. I also like the more deliberate pace of the fighting. I like how Cassandra had a special dash skill that she could use to close in on enemies. I'm a bit wary of the roll mechanic if it is necessary to avoid powerful enemy attacks that can significantly alter the balance of a combat engagement. If I have to constantly switch back and forth between my fighter and other characters just to avoid attacks, I think it might get annoying. There were some elements of this in DA2, and it didn't add that much to the game and I did find it cumbersome. How much of combat is number crunching in the background and how much is it action-based? Will there be attacks that my character will defend/avoid/save/ against due to numbers and also attacks that I have to actively avoid? How will I be able to tell the difference? I'm curious.
  7. I like what I read every update. I really enjoyed the BG2 fighter stronghold and hope to see similar things pop up, from dealing with larger matters such as taxation, merchant caravan routes and bandits to smaller matters like stealing within the keep, local matters of justice etc. Taking prisoners sounds really cool and I'm excited that the overall keep gameplay is being integrated into the main story. Hoping to see if you can even turn prisoners over to your side, make attacking attacking an enemy later more satisfying.
  8. @Anubite. Will have to disagree that ME3 gunplay is like every other gun game. Though shooters are not my preferred genre, I don't really know of any other game with the different classes and abilities that ME2/ME3 offers and the corresponding change in gameplay. Vanguards play differently from Sentinels which play differently from Biotics etc. That combined with using companion abilities in tandem to create biotic explosions or electrical overloads or sending frozen enemies hurtling through space etc, was a lot fun. I thought it offered a lot of variety. The Dragon Age Keep sounds like a great idea. I've long since lost track of my save games and don't really relish playing through both games again. Well maybe DAO, but not DA2 that much.
  9. I always thought the rogue had his own place in DAO. The rogus was a great damage dealer to a single target with momentum, coup de grace and backstabs. Definitely distinctive from a dual wield warrior which I found more effective in dealing damage to a large group of enemies.
  10. I always though Alan was an Asian man with the name Alan S. Chu, for some reason. I'm Asian so I must see them everywhere. I echo ranged and dual wield weapons for warriors please!
  11. I actually preferred Witcher 1 combat to W2. It was simply clicking at the right times, but the three different styles and the two different swords along with the use of potions and spells made it fun. Also Geralt felt powerful, even when you weren't directly controlling his every movement. When he fought against several opponents and went into this dizzying animation with heads flying off, I could really see him as a master swordsman. From what I've gathered playing the games, Geralt is one of the best swordsmen in the Witcher world. In W2 and I've said this before, overall controls felt unresponsive and unpredictable. I also hated the constant rolling around mechanic as a defensive movement. It took away from the Geralt's great swordsman persona. I had much more fun just using magic. I'm all for action combat so if CDP can a more responsive system with better parry/counter systems I'm all for it.
  12. I enjoyed the Dark Elf and Icewind Dale trilogies when I was younger. The story moved at a good pace and kept my interest. I was unfamiliar with the whole D&D world in general at the time, so everything was new and interesting. This was just after I had read Dragonlance Chronicles and Legends. I think I was in 6th or 7th grade. I still have my old copies around for nostalgia's sake.
  13. A return to BG style exploration? I like what I'm hearing. I prefer that type of exploration to total open world since it offers distinct and discrete areas with their own stories and questlines and little interesting encounters and quests. I tend to wander around and get bored in open world games and stop playing without finishing the main questline, but the BG maps always kept my interest because I knew there would probably be something interesting happening in every map. Also they seem more earnest and sincere in this video, probably due to lack of marketing buzzwords and I liked that. The further they move away from 'This is the new ****' and 'awesome button', the better.
  14. Is the story going to be that it was Not that the story was ever the main selling point of the series but it got a little ridiculous in D3.
  15. Sten was the best.
  16. I like those screen shots. I could beat the game (easily, mind you, far easier than any other make-up) with four mages. Also, what was that pic about on the previous page, Sawyer said that in what context exactly? I've been saying for a while now that tactics requires thinking, there's no such thing as 'fast paced tactical combat' because fast paced implies, 'you have no ****ing time to think' and tactics come about without thinking (the last thing you do is in an action game is think). Nevermind that a game that is fast paced usually means enemies fall over quickly. If your enemies die quickly, what tactics must you employ to succeed? It'll always be easier just to sit there and take it, or at best, we've just made kiting the most effective strategy to beating the game. If by tactical gameplay, they mean, "Use these spells against these enemies oh and use that chain whip thing to stun people a lot" then it's just an action game. You can't call an action game tactical/strategic, because that's not what people mean when they call a game tactical/strategic. You can't make round/turn based combat "look" fun to people who have a stigma against it. I get it, RPGs are still viewed by the masses as "slow and dull" but going full action game isn't the solution, it's avoiding the real problem. And since DA3 is now just a full-on action game, it is going to be closely competing with other action games in 2014, like, Dark Souls 2, ot whatever. It needs to be as good or better than those next-gen titles a year from now. If DA3 doesn't sell well, I think we can pin some of the blame on this factor, that DA3's experience isn't unique enough to drive sales. Which, I guess, to Bioware/EA, might be a better explanation than, at least in their minds, "Well, roleplaying games just don't sell anymore." I don't necessarily agree that faced paced combat is devoid of tactics or strategy. Games like Ninja Gaiden require you to be tactical in your positioning, which enemies to take out first, which attacks are most effective against what enemy types etc. I am more concerned that it won't work in a hack and slash party setting. I remain optimistic though. I think a really good overview camera will alleviate a lot the frustration I had with DA2.
  17. So, umm, yeah. I'm going to be one of those few people that thinks they should just go the full Shepard for combat. Obviously isometric, IE-style full party control combat ain't gonna happen, as much as most of us would like that. If they go all the way third-person actiony combat and have your companions act like squad-mates in ME, I think that would actually work. I'm totally ok with this if they can manage to pull it off. I really enjoy Mass Effect combat. I don't know if ranged cover based combat will translate well into hack and slash, but I'm all for a good action combat and not a mish mash.
  18. Just moving on in general Volo. Watched the combat video. I can't really tell if it looks good or not. The Get Over Here! Spear is nothing new in games, so I hope it one of many skills warriors will have access to. I was hoping to see how far the camera panned out, didn't show that. DA2's camera was frustrating and I don't know why they felt they had to change DAO's. Full Party Control is good, but to what extent? I want all my party members to be able to move independently across the entire map, travel in formation when out of combat but in an combat environment, not run after the leader willy nilly or teleport to each other when too far apart. I've really disliked this type of party movement as it just limits what I can do tactically. I hope they give enemies and players access to the same skills this time around. Combat in DA2 really got tedious when every mage you encountered had like 3 spells. I would like enemy warriors to pull in player mages if the player has that option. Maybe even use that tactically if mages have a sunburst type of spell. Also I'm iffy about mixing actiony combat with a party based RPG. I mean it works in games like the Witcher because you are controlling only one character, but with a party, I'm afraid it'll be more frustrating than fun, much like the boss battle in the deep road tunnels at the end of act 1 in DA2.
  19. I for one hope the majority of DA2 characters don't appear. Not due to any aversions to their sexual makeup or epilogues, but because I find most of them incredibly annoying. Most came off as petty, petulant children except for Varric and Aveline. Granted, I would probably be annoying too if I had been enslaved all my life, or persecuted as a mage, etc but do you really have to talk about it all the time with no room for forgiveness or compromise? Not sure if the writing was good and meant to annoy to some degree or if it was bad and they just ended up with unlikable characters.
  20. I liked the drab DAO aesthetic. I thought it fit the mood and the atmosphere as well as the music. I don't have the same feelings towards DA2 as it felt confined and not at all immersive. I'm glad they have an extra year to polish and add to DAI.
  21. Haven't played JRPGs in so long. I can't seem to take them seriously if they have that anime art style. I feel shallow and sad. I'm sure I'm missing out. Though one of my favorite rpgs to this day is FF6. I still play it from time to time.
  22. I wish it was 2014 already.
  23. I like the new elven models. Never much liked the elven models in DAO and DA2. I think they found a nice balance.
  24. You'll have fun with that party. It looks like you have all your bases covered. Look around carefully in the starting town, you might get some nice help later! I've played through IWD a lot of times and I really like a 4 man party the best. Fighter, Paladin, Mage/Thief and something usually Cleric or Druid, maybe ranger/cleric. Turn Undead is really useful! Be careful of traps! Have fun!
  25. The list sounds promising. For combat I like the changes they are implementing. I would definitely like some party-enemy skill and hp parity. DA2 had so much disparity here that the combat ultimately became routine and unsatisfying. Not sure is DLC fixed this, since I didn't purchase. Storywise, I'm glad the major story arcs are coming to a close, though I remain wary they will be largely unsatisfying from my experience with ME3 and DA2. I'm also uncertain why suddenly there is this Inquisition faction that is powerful enough to take on the Chantry and the Templars in Orlais where they are most powerful. Where did they come from and why is your character leading them? At least with the Grey Wardens, they were renowned heroes of ages past and your character could feel some motivation to join them. Exploration is always good. I like that party skills can give you neat sidequests and access to other areas. No/limited level scaling I really like. I love trotting off to places I shouldn't be and getting killed. I did this in New Vegas fighting my way hard through the Cazdores and Deathclaws and reached New Vegas really early. I didn't even know there was a whole natural quest path to the game until my 2nd playthrough. It was awesome. I don't expect in DA:I, but the option to run into things way more powerful than you is something I always enjoyed. Adds suspense! This year was pretty slow for games. I'm looking forward to all the RPGs hitting the market next year including DA:I
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