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Everything posted by Oerwinde

  1. Smallville dragged on too long, although had it not we wouldn't have gotten Erica Durance's Lois Lane, which was my favorite so far. Lois and Clark was 90s cheese at its finest, and while John Shea didn't look the part, his Lex Luthor was fantastic. Had John Shea looked like Michael Rosenbaum we would have had the perfect Lex Luthor.
  2. My biggest issue with MoS was Jonathan Kent. No wonder Clark grew up so broody. And sacrificing himself for a dog, when Clark could have easily done it and survived without outing himself.
  3. Oh boy... More Batman.
  4. Dlc and expansions aren't separate library items, they show up in the DLC list of the required game.
  5. Even George RR Martin criticized the No Award strategy because many in the puppies slate were valid nominees based on their work and he's firmly in the SJW camp, he's just not an ****. Quote from him from a while back "They started this whole thing by saying the Hugo Awards were rigged to exclude them. That is completely untrue, as I believe I demonstrated conclusively in my last post. So what is happening now? The people on MY SIDE, the trufans and SMOFs and good guys, are having an endless circle jerk trying to come up with a foolproof way to RIG THE HUGOS AND EXCLUDE THEM. God DAMN, people. You are proving them right." He also talked about how voting no award just because a deserving nominee was nominated by the puppies is akin to McCarthyist guilt by association, which is exactly how SJWs operate.
  6. I think one thing that would have been better would be to recruit the NPCs for the stronghold. You build each part of it, but you need to do some small quests to recruit a weaponsmith and such. Crossroads Keep was almost perfect in its implementation, and I don't expect sieges and such in POE, securing resources and recruiting npcs to unlock new stores and items would have made it more personal and less "i pushed a button and now I have a blacksmith"
  7. I don't see why they'd own any of the art assets created by Obsidian as part of their work on the engine and game; those should all remain Obsidian's property. Also, you got that wrong. Obsidian made a demo to show to Matt and Trey, to convince them that Obsidian was the company for the job. Specifically of Stan's house, including Randy playing Guitar Hero in his underwear. Matt and Trey were blown away, and the rest is history. Matt and Trey approached them to do a demo because they were fans of their work, but SP Digital did a mock up video of what they wanted, Obsidian made it playable. And I'm pretty sure its standard practice for the publisher to own what is produced while under contract, I may be wrong on that. But Matt and Trey made the maya models and such from the show available to Obsidian along with the animation files, so the new studio nailing the look shouldn't be too difficult with the same access.
  8. I have all sorts of first world problems. Canada has the highest wireless rates in the world. I pay $190 a month for two lines with 6gb of shared data. I don't even have caller ID and only have 3 voicemail slots! Barbaric!
  9. I see you have lots of money to spend on frivolous things like TV series ...do you realize that the majority of African people have never ever seen Netflix...dont you feel guilty? CraveTV, Bell's streaming service is $4 a month and has all the Star Trek series. I would cancel the cable and just have the streaming services but the wife gives me the death stare if I bring that up.
  10. Reading the Mistborn books. Started a little slow but I think I'm almost done the first book (have a digital copy of the full trilogy) and its picked up incredibly.
  11. shomi, Rogers and Shaw's answer to Netflix in Canada opened up to non-Rogers and Shaw customers yesterday. Its got a pretty good library, but the service has a way to go. Its slow to navigate and playback quality is only so-so. All the Star Trek talk has made me want to go back and watch some. Been eating my way slowly through DS9, its incredible the jump in quality the first 3 episodes of season 2 had over season 1. Once I'm done that I'll probably go back and do TNG, then Voyager. Enterprise I already binged a couple years ago, while the others I hadn't really watched since they originally aired.
  12. While DA2 does have its issues (reused areas... A lot of reused areas, weak 3rd act, some of the NPCs make weird decisions that make no sense... Orsino I'm looking at you), I found it enjoyable. Yes DAO was way better, but DA2 was a pretty solid 6.5-7 out of 10 for me.
  13. If you do, I think romancing Solas is worth considering, because of his ties to the story and you get some alternate dialogues through the romance vs the friendship IIRC. I dropped my human mage playthrough and dwarven fighter and started a female elven mage. Might try to romance Sera just to see how much that pisses off Solas though... That was the plan. With the Mythal stuff and the elves, I wanted to play a character that was all about delving into the elven past. Might be mostly headcanon stuff, but still.
  14. And capitalism is not? If you use the word capitalism to refer to the worst manifestations of the mixed-economy corporatism of today's Western world, then sure. If you use it to refer to an actual free-market system, then no, it would not be those things. Same to you. Corporatocracy and repressive monopolies are possible today because of a large government and its oversized jungle of rules and regulation, not in spite of it. Without regulation companies just get bigger and bigger, and explot their workers more and more. Wages get pushed lower and lower in order to compete, and people can't just buy from a smaller company that does things better because wages have been pushed so low that the only option is the cheaper prices of the giant company that can afford to sell for cheaper. I don't believe that economies should be planned, but I do think there need to be safeguards in place to protect workers and prevent monopolies, but at the same time, essential services such as power and health care should have a public option so everyone can afford it regardless of income or social status. Sure I don't disagree but no one wants that type of Capitalism I also agree that there needs to be a balance between profitability and working conditions but in my country we have a issue where the trade unions have become an aberration and are directly impacting the economic transformation. Our public sector is under huge pressure and many parastatals are dysfunctional but the private sector where I work is profitable and is actually what is keeping the country economically afloat But I do believe you should get paid what you contribute ...an uneducated mine worker despite the hard conditions can't expect a huge salary especially when you consider the global falling commodity prices and the Chinese economic slowdown Someone working a full time job shouldn't have to live in poverty either. I agree that someone who works longer with more education should make more, but a full time worker should be able to afford both food AND shelter.
  15. And capitalism is not? If you use the word capitalism to refer to the worst manifestations of the mixed-economy corporatism of today's Western world, then sure. If you use it to refer to an actual free-market system, then no, it would not be those things. Same to you. Corporatocracy and repressive monopolies are possible today because of a large government and its oversized jungle of rules and regulation, not in spite of it. Without regulation companies just get bigger and bigger, and explot their workers more and more. Wages get pushed lower and lower in order to compete, and people can't just buy from a smaller company that does things better because wages have been pushed so low that the only option is the cheaper prices of the giant company that can afford to sell for cheaper. I don't believe that economies should be planned, but I do think there need to be safeguards in place to protect workers and prevent monopolies, but at the same time, essential services such as power and health care should have a public option so everyone can afford it regardless of income or social status.
  16. I'm about to start my first play through...I'm very excited A hint, when Leliana asks you if she should kill the spy, saying yes makes her a murderqueen later in the game.
  17. Beat Dragon Age Inquisition. The epilogue was interesting. On one hand it sucks they didn't go into what happened to your companions, but makes sense so they don't have to retcon what happens to them if they want to reuse them. Going to do a 2nd playthrough at some point with a female elven mage. Seems like that would make for some interesting developments.
  18. A balance is necessary. Giving full reign to capitalism leads to monopolies, and eventually a corporatocracy, giving full reign to government control leads to oppressive totalitarian regimes. If Democracy 3 has taught me anything, balancing the two and offering a choice leads to overflowing government coffers and an advanced happy, healthy, and prosperous populace.
  19. So I tried hooking my kid up with an xbox live account today. Turns out you can't create a new gamertag with an existing child profile. Contacted tech support about it and they confirmed, the only options with a child are to remain offline, create a new online child account, or promote her account to an adult account and create a gamertag from that. She says its ok that she starts over, but she can't access any of her save games, including tons of stuff she did in minecraft, and loses all her achievements and gamerscore while using her new profile. That seems kind of messed up.
  20. I loved Dead Man's Switch, was psyched for Dragonfall and was annihilated in the first battle, which demoralized me and I haven't picked it up again. Its on my list of things to play when I'm done DA:I along with Divinity Original sin, Wasteland 2, Dead State, and Shadows of Mordor.
  21. I post a lot on my phone, and it looks like a huge block of text and when I get home to my PC it turns out its like 2 lines.
  22. The Liberals, Greens, Communist, NDP, and Bloc are all socially progressive parties, then vary on their economic policies. Not listed is the Rhinoceros party, who have stated they will nationalize Tim Hortons and provide one guaranteed orgasm to every Canadian per month if elected. There's also this guy
  23. I'm undecided but leaning more and more Liberal. They turned me off after backing c-51, but Mulcair is no Layton and hes pulled the NDP too far right to the point that Trudeau's policies are more to my liking. If anyone is curious https://canada.isidewith.com/ I got 90% Liberal, 86% NDP and 43% Conservative.
  24. OMG !!! If that is your typical Canadian Conservative then I truly fear for the Conservative future....how rude was that guy....its like he is some ranting loon, why insult the media in such a way? Half the Conservative cabinet ministers are like that. The media get attacked by conservatives in every election. Harper limits the number of questions allowed to be asked and last election he only allowed one at a rally, so the journalists got together and agreed on the question, not sure what it was, but a CBC reporter asked it and was shouted down by the crowd because he was from the CBC.
  25. DAI is probably the buggiest game I've played. Its the first where the bugs actually impacted my enjoyment of the game at least. Two major bugs I've encountered, one where periodically during combat something happens and its like there are invisible obstacles on the ground. I can move until I hit one then have to jump over it to continue. It continues after combat and I can't loot bodies or chests. Saving and reloading fixes it. The other one was when sitting in judgement it will load for up to 5 minutes then let me run around with the assembly and the one I'm judging standing in the room rather than starting the cutscene. I really enjoy the game but the last few patches have been almost exclusively multiplayer garbage, yet bugs like that still happen.
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