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Everything posted by Oerwinde

  1. I voted Liberal, who are currently annihilating all competition in Atlantic Canada. Quebec and Ontario polls closed, should be a lot more of a fight there.
  2. Polls closed in Atlantic Canada (Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick). So we're going to start seeing some results. I worked an election years ago and its amazing how simple the ballot process is, especially when you hear about all the BS in the US. When we vote there are paper ballots attached to a serial number, when you get to your polling station they look up to see if you are registered, write the number next to your name, have you sign next to it, and separate the ballot from the number, this ensures you can only vote once. You go behind the screen, put a mark beside the name of the candidate you support, and place the ballot in the ballot box, which has the slot covered until you do. Each party generally has a volunteer, called a scrutineer to witness the process and ensure no party is stuffing ballots and making sure the election employees don't screw up. Once the polls close the box is opened and each ballot is read aloud and recorded. Each polling station usually has 6 boxes or so with a group of 3 election employees overseeing each box. Each box usually has only a couple hundred ballots so the count doesn't take much time, and any errors are usually caught by the scrutineers and a recount can be done quickly. The ballots are then returned to the box and the box is sealed so there isn't any tampering in the case there may be a need for a recount. The numbers are then phoned to a central election office that collects from all the polling stations in the riding and tallies final numbers. It takes a lot of manpower but is simple, efficient and accurate.
  3. The Liberals don't have an official stance on the TPP, though they say they are pro-trade. The only thing they have said about the TPP is that they want to see what is in the agreement before they decide to support or oppose it, while the Conservatives support it and NDP oppose it. The only info we really have on the TPP and its effects on Canada is that the Copyright chapter is pretty awful for Canada. There is literally nothing of benefit for Canada or Canadians in it. Allowing some foreign dairy may have a slight effect on milk and cheese prices, but with the subsidies that will be offered to dairy farmers that will likely be offset by higher taxes. Our beef industry will benefit greatly, but at the cost of our auto industry. Overall, it seems to be pretty par the course for Harper, emphasize our resource industries at the cost of our manufacturing.
  4. The Liberals are economically moderate and socially progressive. At least by Canadian standards. They established the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and tend to champion cultural liberty such as freedom of speech/religion/etc. and Trudeau's Liberals are the first party to commit to the legalization of marijuana. On the economic side they tend to be pretty free market, but support higher taxes for social programs. They also like to tout that they use "evidence based policy", looking at what has worked elsewhere or what studies indicates works rather than just blindly following ideology. What they do tends to work too. On the right/left scale they are slightly left of the Democrats in the US, which is considered the centre in Canada. They've been the governing party of Canada for like 80 of the last 100 years, with the Conservatives (or Progressive Conservatives pre-merger with the Canadian Alliance, formerly the Reform Party), coming in for one term here or there before getting kicked back down. Harper can claim one thing, that he is the longest serving Conservative PM since Sir John A. MacDonald.
  5. And the Liberals officially have the best ad of the campaign: Final Nanos poll of the campaign: Liberals 39.1%, Conservatives 30.5%, NDP 19.7%, Green Party 4.6%, Bloc 5.5% Nanos is usually considered the most accurate polling group in Canada. Sauder school of business prediction market's final numbers are: Liberals: 39.3%, Conservatives: 32.4%, NDP 19.4%, Green: 4.1% and Bloc Quebecois: 4.1% And here are John Oliver's thoughts:
  6. For me it's everywhere. The first 2 1/2 - 3 hours I played I got real lucky, it only crashed once, but since then it's just been ridiculous, I had to save before every screen load because it seemed like there's was about a 35-40% chance that it would CTD every time it loaded a new area. For you does it crash in the middle of gameplay or just on area loads, like for me? General gameplay. Opening inventory, levelling up, swapping characters, entering conversation. Hasn't crashed outside of Ag Center once, but in the entire process of completing Ag Center I had 12-15 CTDs.
  7. The Ag Center is so bugged to crap in the DC. Everywhere else has been fine, but in the Ag Center it seems like every other thing I do results in a CTD.
  8. Interstellar, its like 2001 and Sunshine put together, but good.
  9. My kid broke the TV because he didn't like the song his sister was dancing to in Just Dance. Since I won't have money to replace it until my 3 check month in December, he just gave up all his christmas presents to buy a new TV.
  10. Liberals polling 7-8 points ahead of the Conservatives,with the NDP taking up the rear with a distant 3rd. People are expecting a bit of a Shy Tory effect (people embarassed to admit to supporting the Cons when polled, but vote for them anyway resulting in a larger vote total than polls indicated), but with a 10 point lead in Ontario, and the CPC in 4th place in Quebec, a Liberal minority is all but inevitable unless something drastic happens this weekend. If the Cons lose, Harper will step down as leader. There are rumors Mulcair will step down too, to be replaced with Nathan Cullen, the deputy leader who in his leadership bid campaigned for cooperation with the Liberals. Possibly a coalition government would result from that.
  11. At 10 cents each I never get enough to buy anything.
  12. I appreciate your honesty, I have never been to Canada. I must say you guys seem to have a great place. I know South Africans who have immigrated there, they love it Its a bit cold for me We have some South African neighbours. Their daughter babysits my kids. I always had an issue with the term Patriot due to its origins. The patriots rebelled against their country and tarred and feathered, stole the property of, and exiled the people who were loyal to theirs. These exiles were the founding Anglophone population of Canada.
  13. Well, if Capitalism worked as it should then there wouldn't be any need for affirmative action. Not always ..sometimes AA is needed to address historical injustices ...like Apartheid ? Not really, in the idyllic world of Capitalism where the Free Market will fix everything it means that a segregated society will split into two societies. Except that it doesn't because of government regulation. Sure thats the theory but what if the one segmented society is dehumanized and undermined due to a legal system of bigotry to the point where the majority of that society lose there identity and confidence in themselves ? Then you get City Elves
  14. Another new Liberal ad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoTsne3QxM8 New NDP one too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaTEMnKn9fs
  15. Conservatives placing ads in ethnic newspapers claiming the Liberals will open brothels in their neighbourhoods and sell pot to their kids
  16. I heard the antis drove a gater to suicide, but I think thats unconfirmed. Only violence so far I believe was a guy was attacked and driven from his apartment when his roommate's friends found out he was a gater.
  17. Now, I hear the genocide claim a lot, but were the natives actually systematically killed? I know like 2/3 of the population in north america was wiped out by plague, but surely they aren't counting that as that happened before colonization.
  18. I like that the latest Conservative ad plays right into Trudeau's narrative
  19. Also, latest Liberal ad
  20. Looks like Madame Mask is the big villain for Agent Carter season 2
  21. Announcement appears to be a new game from the guys who made Scribblenauts
  22. I believe 2017 is when the MCU Spider-Man movie hits too, but I guess they left it out because its a Sony production
  23. Finished my first game of EU4. 550+ hours logged, and it was the first game I actually got to 1821
  24. Ha, yeah its UBC's business school I believe. New ads. The conservative ones are particularly hilarious https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k38Yv8kfOec Deficits are infrastructure spending, during a recession, while interest rates are low. This is pretty standard economics as far as I know. "Payroll tax" is a supplementary pension program of which you can opt out, and cancelling child care cheques, to replace them with larger tax free cheques based on income. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JHMjguZBQGA NDP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqsFgMmmAMM So official stances on TPP now Conservative: Pass 100% Liberal: Wait until we see whats in it NDP: Tear it up.
  25. The Sauder School of Business Election Market has the Liberals closing on majority territory. The election market is a small scale stock market where people can buy and sell stock in political parties with low limits of investment and return to avoid unnecessary risk. This produces an alternative to election polls that has been consistently more accurate than standard polls and reacts to changing opinions faster. For example, the last BC election had the Liberals 10 points behind the NDP in polls on election day, but the election market was predicting a huge comeback by the Liberals. The liberals got a majority in that election.
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