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Everything posted by Oerwinde

  1. Not as ridiculous as he did in the comics: (only pic I could find)
  2. Fixed.
  3. It says something about Pixar when the worst you can say about their worst film is that its merely "pretty good" (not Up, which was one of their better flicks, Cars I thought was their worst, and was still very enjoyable)
  4. Well when you think of what some directors like Guillermo Del Toro or Joss Whedon can do with a 30 million dollar budget, then you see what people are doing with 200 million it just baffles the mind why they feel the need to dish out that kind of money. I mean Hellboy 2 was made for 60 million, Serenity for 30, and they're gorgeous. Then you see Superman Returns. Put those 3 together and ask which one cost 200 million and without any background knowledge I'd put my money on Hellboy.
  5. Ah. I think it made quite a bit more globally, but I guess if it can't even recoup costs via US sales than it's a bust. 200 million to make a movie. It still boggles my mind. Edit: I watched 'Men of a Certain Age' last night. I loved it. Ray Ramano is always a bit whiny but overall the 1st episode was awesome. 125 million domestic, 246 overseas. So it tanked domestically but did well overseas, but studios don't really pay much attention to overseas since a large chunk of that goes to overseas distributors. For example: The Golden Compass made 70 million domestic and 300 million overseas, but New Line got something like 10% of the overseas gross due to foreign distribution agreements. This was one of the reasons for Warner Bros absorbing New Line, in order to invalidate overseas distribution agreements for the possible sequels. And if 200 million boggles your mind, Avatar is reportedly costing nearly 500 once the cost of R&D and constructing the new cameras and such in included. (its using a lot of cameras and other equipment that was developed specifically for Avatar.) http://www.slashfilm.com/2009/11/08/avatar...-make-a-profit/
  6. Socialism favors the workers to the point of crippling business, capitalism favors business to the point of crippling workers. Ideally there should be a balance.
  7. Please rephrase your question. I think he means something like how would a communist society achieve and maintain absolute equality? With no individual or group establishing greater power over other individuals or groups.
  8. That kinda surprises me too...I can see it not making as much as they were hoping, but seems like it should've made enough to make a sequel. T5 seemed to be in a development stage in mid-year...was that canceled, or just a rumor? P.S. I like T-Salvation much better than T3...but still think T1 & T2 are better (as a duo). They were more self-contained, for one thing...and whole time travel/paradox/changes stuff was dealt with a lot better. Well I think T:S cost like 200 million, and made like 180, so based on that I don't think a sequel is likely. Plus theres a rumor whoever owns the rights to the franchise is trying to sell it off.
  9. I thought Terminator: Salvation was the best terminator flick and am disappointed it didn't make enough money for the full planned trilogy to happen.
  10. Once its done make sure to check out the wikipedia articles. Theres a ridiculous amount of depth to the series that we don't even get to see because it got shut down. And apparently it didn't even get shut down because of low ratings, it was the same reason as Rome, each episode cost so much to make that it wasn't feasible to continue to make it.
  11. Is there any sort of real reason for the ban? Its not like there are safety or asthetics issues, as minarets are visually pleasing. It seems rather arbitrary.
  12. So some more casting. Mostly no names except one a lot of you will know. Jason Momoa, Ronon Dex from Stargate: Atlantis will be playing Khal Drogo. Check georgerrmartin.com in the "not a blog" section for more detailed casting news. They're currently wrapping up filming of the pilot in Morocco, which is where they're setting the Free Cities then I believe they're going to Ireland for the rest.
  13. I thought the first use of Gattling Guns were against those damn Saskatchewanians. Shows how awesome our history is up here.
  14. Sweet, -0.7 meters. edit: -1.8!!
  15. It surprised me for sure. NWN2 was superior in pretty much every way, especially when you take Mask of the Betrayer into account. The only thing that NWN1 got better was the ease of adding new character graphics like armor and heads.
  16. Does that being past tense mean you already beat the game once? If so, what is your overall impression? Holy crap! Thats go make a sammich and let the dog out amount of time. While the loading times are long, are they also frequent? Past tense was a typo. I just got to the point where I can actually adventure on my own instead of it being on rails. Loading times aren't too frequent. Loaded twice during my origin story, which took me about 2 hours to get through, but then there was a part during my trials to become a grey warden where
  17. So far I'm enjoying the game. Played a Human Noble Warrior. Next playthrough will be a Dwarf noble. Only real gripe so far is the loading times. Worst of any game I've played. At least give a status bar so we know how much loading is left. Average load times are about 1.5 to 3 minutes.
  18. The major health problems with pot comes from its tar levels, which are, if I remember right, about 25 times higher than tobacco. Aside from that, its not a big deal. Unless of course you're a dumbass. I have a friend who used his inheritance to buy a house, then all his friends moved in and started paying rent. At one point he decided that he would just raise everyone's rent, and quit his job so he had more time to smoke pot. Dumbass.
  19. The problem with GI Joe and Transformers is that while there are decades of great stories in comics and such, the people making the movies just see them as a toy line and pay no attention to the stories behind them.
  20. Aliens goofy yes, CG dodgy no. The CG was some of the best I've seen.
  21. Not to mention it isn't his land.
  22. Yes, cars are expensive too, therefore I should just go out and steal one. Also I don't think you need a lawyer if you go through the lottery like you're supposed to. It's not like Mexican immigrants aren't able to fill their legal quota because of cost. Cars were a bad example. New cars are expensive, but there are more affordable alternatives such as used vehicles or public transit. Theres no cheap alternative for immigration.
  23. Does anyone here understand the cost of legal immigration? The application alone is something like $2500, and that doesn't guarantee you entry. Plus there's immigration lawyers, and savings requirements. A few years back I was in a serious relationship with a girl in the US and she wanted me to look into moving down there. It was going to cost me between 6 and 10 thousand just to be allowed to live there. Not counting moving costs. Plus the steep requirements if you don't have a job offer or sponsor. I don't blame the mexicans for bypassing that crap and just jumping the fence. The relationship ended because I never wanted to move down there in the first place. I'm not giving up my socialised medicine and other such things even if I have to pay twice as much for food and booze. And a note on illegals taking jobs: Change tax and benefits laws. One of my friends has a boyfriend from California, he moved up here illegally and we were trying to find him a job. No one would hire him under the table for more than small jobs or temp work because even if they paid him 4-6 bucks an hour (minimum wage is 8 ) what they lose out in government benefits from not hiring someone with a Social Insurance Number outweighed what they wouldn't have to pay him. Not to mention liabilities in the case of an accident.
  24. It is worth seeing, Oerwinde? As a fellow purist (and purveyor of good taste) I've resisted watching it 'till now. I enjoyed it. But it may have been because everyone bad mouthing it may have lowered my expectations. The action was better than the first, and Starscream had a bit more screen time. Overall they repeated the major mistake of the first one and enhanced it, being not enough time was devoted to the robot characters. They had a lot more screen time, but it was all action scenes. Ironhide had the most dialogue out of all the autobots besides Prime, and he had like 4 lines.
  25. I'm glad they had more Boyd this episode. With Ballard joining the Dollhouse there hasn't been enough of him and I like his character much more than Ballard's.
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