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Everything posted by Oerwinde

  1. I enjoyed YDMWTZ a lot, watched it 3 or 4 times. Its funny in how over the top ridiculous it is. Summed up perfectly by Zohan's infiltration of the terrorist hideout and battle with Phantom. Phantom was walking on the god damned ceiling. You can't look for more than stupid humor in this movie, and if you are you're watching the wrong movie. I just sat back and enjoyed.
  2. Its on DVD as well. My friend got it. http://www.amazon.com/Watchmen-Directors-T...6319&sr=8-2
  3. I disagree.
  4. Lucifer is superior to Sandman in every way.
  5. Saw GI Joe, enjoyed it for the most part. Note to studios: If you're going to screw with established characters, let people know how you're screwing it up months in advance so we can get used to it before seeing it. Thats what GI Joe did. I had already got all my whining out about Baroness being Cobra Commander's sister and Scarlett being Ripcord's love interest and Cobra Commander's costume being a complete abortion that I didn't care once I was able to see it. Well... I still cared about Cobra Commander's costume being terrible. It not even just terrible compared to classic CC's look, its one of the worst villain costumes in the history of film. Also, Joseph Gordon Levitt had a perfect Cobra Commander voice, and they ruined it when they put him in his mask and made it all deep.
  6. And with the original cast! Despite the casting call for replacements.
  7. Never heard it either. QoS - Maybe, they did use the same type of stunt/film work since they used the same people, but to me it got back to the character in the books more than anything. Emotion, no gadgets blah......Oh and you might say that bourne copied from bond more than the other way around since Bond has been around longer and invented the action/spy film genre. What I mean is that Bond, at least the movies, has mostly been about over the top fun. Gadgets, cheesy villains, that sort of thing. Where the Bourne movies were about cool fights and the hero getting by with just the things around him. QoS didn't have any of the things that make a Bond flick to me, but had all the makings of a Bourne flick.
  8. Its surprising you hadn't heard online. Its everywhere. Anyway, Quantum of Solace was a Bourne flick with Bond in it.
  9. So I just read the final issue of Ultimatum. I was one of the many that hoped the final issue would redeem the rest of the awful awful series. Our hopes were dashed. It was the worst of the 5 issues. Again Jeph Loeb pisses all over continuity, the big shocker for Magneto having it revealed that Humans created mutants. This leads Magneto to despair at what he's done and give up. Oh wait... his parents were part of the group of scientists who created mutants and Magneto, disgusted by the whole thing released Wolverine from the project, so unless they come up with some sort of lame amnesia BS... Oh and who was behind the whole thing!? Quicksilver! He faked his death manipulating Magneto into attempting to kill humanity! Wait... isn't Quicksilver a good guy? Oh, his constant questioning of Magneto's harsh methods and eventual defection to the Ultimates for not wanting to take part in terrorist activities was just a ruse in order to cause Magneto to kill MORE people! And since when is Ben Grimm a murderer? And since when can he singlehandedly take on Doom without so much as a fight? And to make it all peachy, they list some characters as dead who didn't die such as Psylocke and Toad, and didn't mention dead characters like Valkyrie(unless she survived having her throat slit then left there while everyone else dealt with magneto) in the casualties list at the end. Jeph Loeb is the Uwe Boll of comics.
  10. I find the replacing only a few icons tends to work better. Most people I've tried this with tend to figure it out pretty quickly when none of the icons work, but when it's only a couple icons they tend to get tripped up much more. Takes longer before they get hit by it, but the delay is worth it. And this is why you always lock your desktop when you leave your desk, people. When I was in school we did a lot of stuff to people who didn't lock their machine. Mostly switching their desktop to tubgirl or something equally horrifying, but one time one guy went on another guy's MSN and told his girlfriend the sex was lousy. Revenge was had when the perpetrator left his machine unlocked and the victim came out of the closet to random people on MSN for him in some pretty convincing conversations.
  11. Because the whole of american TV and movie business is completely out of original ideas? HBO is above the rest, Deadwood was good but apparently not good enough when you can make "The Sopranos in Middle Earth". Because just like in video games, its easier to make money off a license than it is to come up with an original IP.
  12. I think based on the last Dr Who finale, Martha Jones and Mickey were supposed to join to fill Owen and Tosh's roles respectively. I would have enjoyed that. But apparently they didn't do Children of Earth because of scheduling conflicts. I don't know what the plans are now.
  13. Only thing that gets me for Children of Earth is that it doesn't look promising for another season story-wise, but they just moved to BBC1 and it apparently got fantastic ratings, so it seemed like it was for sure. I thought the mini was just to delay until the whole David Tennant Dr regeneration thing happened and they could get the two series back in sync.
  14. Dark Age England, with a slight toss of magic, ****ty romances, long drawn and overly descriptive narrations of food, and dragons. Someone once said it was like War of the Roses take that for what its worth. That said it's pretty good, I read all the books in one week when I first got a hold of them. I've found that they don't do well on second reads because he wastes so much time describing things that you end up skipping pages of description or useless fluff. I found them better on a second reading. Anyway, the series should appeal more to you than the books then because instead of describing it all it will just show you. I just wish the old bastard would finish the damn books already. Its been like 8 years since a Storm of Swords, and then A Dance with Dragons was sposed to come a couple years after, instead we got half the book with A Feast for Crows and its been like 3 years since that. How can a professional writer take 9 years to write a damn book?
  15. I'm surprised you hadn't had the death spoiled already from the book being released like 2 years ago.
  16. I caught the first few episodes, but couldn't really get into it. Oddly enough, I'm watching a show that's even less impressive: Torchwood. Think the X-Files meets Angel, with a bit of homosexuality thrown in. I'm a quarter of the way through season two, and while it's watchable, it's not anything that you haven't seen already. I loved Torchwood, the series 2 finale is pretty shocking, and the recent Children of Earth miniseries is pretty ballsy.
  17. http://www.warrenellis.com/?p=7579 Warren Ellis is working on a remake of the 80's flick Excalibur. **** yes. Excalibur is still my favorite Arthurian legend flick, but it definitely could benefit from an update. Maybe so the entire army isn't done up in full plate? I am eagerly awaiting this along with the clash of the titans one.
  18. Have you seen the series it is a continuation of, Firefly? If not I highly recommend you do so. It only lasted one season before being cancelled and the movie ties up most of the loose ends. I wish more cancelled shows got movies to tie up sudden cancellations. Sarah Connor Chronicles is left dangling in the wind after an awesome season finale. You can catch most, if not all of the episodes of Firefly on Hulu.com. ....Or you could support a great series by buying it on DVD. Seriously, you think I want to hear someone saying pirate one of my favourite shows ever? To be fair, Hulu isn't really pirating as its supported by the major networks.
  19. And thats far from his best flick too. The Game, Se7en, Fight Club... tons of win.
  20. What really gets me about this season of Eureka, is its not a new season of Eureka. Its the last 10 or so episodes of last season, and they're still calling it season 3... but it went on midseason hiatus like a year ago.
  21. Of the characters I played with, I liked my Fighter/Cleric/Warpriest the best.
  22. http://www.flynnlives.com/media/video/0xendgame.aspx Trailer for the long in development Tron sequel. Does not disappoint.
  23. Its an HBO series based on the book series A Song of Ice and Fire. Each season is going to be based on one of the books of the series, the first season being A Game of Thrones. It hasn't been picked up for a season yet, its still in the pilot phase, but there are high hopes. Being a low magic world there shouldn't be a lot of expensive visual effects except maybe the direwolves, and hopefully they learned their lesson from Rome to keep costs down so the show can keep going if it has good ratings(Rome had great ratings but was too expensive to keep going) Why ratings matter on a commercial free network I have no idea.
  24. Well you don't have to miss out on Lucasarts adventure games any more, a bunch of them are released/are being released over Steam.
  25. So theres been some movement on the ASOIAF series at HBO, a pilot is currently in production and has some fantastic casting so far. The Cast So Far: Sean Bean - Eddard Stark Peter Dinklage - Tyrion Lannister Mark Addy - Robert Baratheon Kit Harrington - Jon Snow Harry Lloyd - Viserys Targaryen Jack Gleeson - Joffrey Baratheon Well, I pictured someone a little more deformed than Peter Dinklage as Tyrion, but I guess we'll have to wait to see him in costume. Sean Bean's casting had me jumping for joy. The other two... we'll have to see.
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