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Everything posted by Labadal

  1. Read that there's a 250 save slot limit. I'm guessing save anywhere as long as there is no combat.
  2. My game still hasn't shipped.
  3. I have seen bodies hanging from more than one tree. There's a body hanging from one in the pre-order trailer. Say they got the "trees" part right.
  4. You gotta stop missing those shots!
  5. Not true for BG2. You are not only Bhaalspawn. You don't need to close anything. Your goal is to stop a madman or become God, nothing to do with saving everyone. Only same is that you start as prisoner and that you seek power (seeking power is in all RPG games).Eh, you being able to become a God isn't much different.
  6. Most of those fit in Baldur's Gate II. In Planescape: Torment, too. Maybe even Neverwinter Nights 2: MotB. I'm not even trying to defend BioWare. Most video games, especially role playing games make you the "chosen one". In Oblivion, you're sort of the side kick, despite doing all of the stuff you do.
  7. Reading impressions of the game while I am
  8. Toast and beans. 7 of them.
  9. Divine Divinity in windowed mode. When I get a bit bored, I browse the net for a while and then keep on slaughtering stuff.
  10. From what I gather looking thru the forums, general consensus seems to be it's ok, but isn't the pinnacle of achievement many were hoping for, and that combat is rough. My initial issue is that I haven't played a game like this in so long I'm having mental-overload. I'm half-afraid to click on anyone for fear I'll have to make ... a decision. I'm sad, I know. No, no, it was the last sentence that was funny (but not in a bad way). Yes, the game needs some improvements but I think I will like it no matter what as long as the overall story, quests, writing and such is good. Also: Good choices and consequences, please.
  11. If only you were the only person in the world with the beta and those were your initial impressions. What a tease that would have been.
  12. Cool! When do I start? ___________ Finally set up the picture of the new TVs. Set up Apple TV upstairs and ViaPlay downstairs when I feel like connecting the PC to the TV. I am still a bit stressed out about not having both presents for anyone yet. It will probably end up like the last few years, no one buys anyone anything and we just hang out instead. I was also asked if I wanted to up my work time from 64% to 80-100%, but I declined for now. Why would I, now that Rosbjerg is going to make me rich? Why would I, now that I am doing decent profits on the stock market? I also went to the library and got the fifth book in the Dark Tower series.
  13. You need to take a cut from every successful person you meet. 5% should suffice. I should get 10% of your 5% cut because we both know it's a good idea.
  14. I think something like that would work for turn-based games but not for a game like Pillars of Eternity.
  15. My copy got delayed. I know this even before the European release date is here. i guess I can focus on other games. I'll be happy if I get my copy before the end of the month.
  16. 18 days has passed since the bet with my brother. Finally noticing some wieght loss. Nothing major, but it's a step in the right direction.
  17. Don't worry, I'll be sure to post as many spoilers as I can before you return.
  18. I really liked Stacking even if it gets a bit repetitive by the end. More Divine Divinity, slaughtered an entire camp of soldiers and just killing stuff in general.
  19. On one hand, welcome back, LC. On the other hand, one more mod to worry about. I was actually wondering where the crazy lady was hiding.
  20. Same here. Do we know if performance is better on the PS4 or Xbox One? I suppose the difference is negligible at this point. It seems there might be a slight improvement on the PS4 version but I'm not sure the difference is very noticeable. The scuttlebutt is that PS4 has better resolution, but Xbone has more consistent framerate. I don't want anyone taking my word though. It could be the case. I've mostly stayed out of DA:I threads on most boards to avoid spoilers. (Still read some, but not much about impressions on the technical side, though.)
  21. Same here. Do we know if performance is better on the PS4 or Xbox One? I suppose the difference is negligible at this point. It seems there might be a slight improvement on the PS4 version but I'm not sure the difference is very noticeable.
  22. Dayum, it's like an entire essay is needed to explain importing your character.
  23. You picked a *tv* over a computer? What is wrong with people??? People's computer works. Both of their TVs barely did.
  24. Yes! One mod less to worry about!
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