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Everything posted by BruceVC

  1. I know Volo doesn't represent your standard supporter of GG ( well I hope he doesn't ) but his comment demonstrates the issue I raised earlier. There is no interest or recognition in any opinion unless it supports his view Completely unhelpful when we talk about the importance of constructive debate Also what SJW diatribe are you talking about, links ?
  2. Thanks for this. It's why I recused myself from arguing with him about this matter, because I felt my frustration get the better of me. I recall that several times I've asked people to be more civil to Bruce. At the same time... If this is still your view of #GamerGate after all this time, it lends credence to accusations that you're just yes-manning what other "SJW" oriented people have said since not a single actual, demonstrable fact supports this claim and many speak against it. #GamerGate is very quickly becoming the best thing for empowering and defending talented female developers that this industry has ever seen. Are you aware that at this time the vast majority of #GamerGate figureheads are women? Many women, like Georgina Young from TechRaptr and game developer Jennifer Dawe. I mean, literally we have, what, just TotalBiscuit as male representation at this point? Other than random Twitter spam. #GamerGate actively encourages its female (and minority) voices to come and speak. The few things that have remained constant in #GamerGate is that we are against harassment, biased and nepotist gaming media and support women in gaming. Are you aware that the opposition of #GamerGate has been actively boycotting female developers (Jennifer Dawe) and bullying women who have the audacity to, oh, just ask questions off the internet (Claire Schumann)? That almost all of the oppositions critcism falls towards games with female characters designed by women (Rhianna Pratchett who wrote the latest Tomb Raider, Mari Shimazaki who designed the character of Bayonetta) to be empowering? Have you seen the BroPill interviews with anonymous female developers who are scared to reveal their names because if they reveal they are pro-GamerGate, the opposition will harass them and their companies until they quit? If there was misogyny in #GamerGate in the first place (and I still question that there ever was as every single source of this claim has had a vested interest in keeping the status quo regarding games media) it's long been chased off and has joined the opposition. Are a lot of people in #GamerGate disagreeing with third wave, intersectional feminists? Yes. Does that equal misogyny? I'll let TotalBiscuit answer that for me. Either #GamerGate is the least effective hate movement ever conceived, or it's very devious in letting the opposition commit its misogyny for it. I appreciate the effort you put into your posts. It does appear that GG is making strides in its attempts to be seen as a movement that doesn't discriminate against minorities in the gaming industry But if the opinions of GG are reflected in these forums and views then there is still loads of work to do I'll give you an example, this video was a posted in this thread about a week ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E47-FMmMLy0 This video didn't even attack GG but raised valid issues that still exist in the industry and discussed something that we should all recognise But the majority of people in this thread initially dismissed it immediately saying it was nonsense and some people expressed " outrage" This was despite the fact video clearly stated that men are also the victims of harassment. There were of course a few people like yourself, Namutree and Amentep who did support the concept of the video So now we go back to the question " do GG and its members really want to engage in real debate around this issue " All I seem to see is contempt from the majority of people on this thread around any point that seems to be different to theirs. So I would encourage people to practice what they preach and try to more open minded about a different part of the narrative around harassment in the gaming industry. This video and the reaction to it is a good example of this contempt So I would say work still needs to be done on both sides to get people to be accepting of other opinions and less dismissive
  3. Nice post Keyrock, I agree with your general sentiment. We should always try to maintain a certain level of decorum
  4. Volo what worries me the most about that statement is not how fatuous and unrealistic it sounds but rather if you actually believe it... It would demonstrate you are suffering from a form of dementia and that would personally really worry me :ermm: Here's an idea, instead of hurling random ad hominems; prove that all SJWs actually care about women. Well that's an easy one to answer, I am a SJW and I definitely care about how women are treated No, you don't. You showed time and time again you only care to be percieved as a good carrying guy and don't actually care one bit for women. Wow, that's a serous accusation against my character. Its just slanderous really I don't suppose you can give a example of where " I don't actually care about women "
  5. Volo what worries me the most about that statement is not how fatuous and unrealistic it sounds but rather if you actually believe it... It would demonstrate you are suffering from a form of dementia and that would personally really worry me Here's an idea, instead of hurling random ad hominems; prove that all SJWs actually care about women. Well that's an easy one to answer, I am a SJW and I definitely care about how women are treated
  6. The last official comparisons placed US health care in the same category as Cuba. And Cuba has been living under a US enforced embargo and in poverty for over 50 years. Which is why Obama is trying to implement a form of NHS, there is a recognition that changes need to happen to the American healthcare system
  7. Volo what worries me the most about that statement is not how fatuous and unrealistic it sounds but rather if you actually believe it... It would demonstrate you are suffering from a form of dementia and that would personally really worry me
  8. They aren't running around harassing, assaulting, or killing people and getting away with it on a daily basis.... It's hard to have a reasonable conversation when you throw out hyperbole like this. I support law enforcement reform, I want to see way more accountability, I want a dramatic shift in the way police interact with their communities. Do you support these things? How do you expect to achieve any of them if you treat every police officer as some thug who goes around harassing, assaulting, and killing people on a daily basis? Do you recognize how hostile (and frankly unrealistic) that sounds? It's weird to me that the same people that want to yell at the police for not respecting the ideals of innocent until proven guilty are so fast to condemn an entire police force without evidence. Hurlshot is 100 % correct, you guys are generalizing and making sweeping and unproven statements and making them sound like "facts " Its very hypocritical and sounds silly
  9. It's now become a catchall phrase meaning someone who doesn't share a SJW's point of view. In fairness, the term "social justice warrior" is itself a catchall that lumps together a spectrum of radical far-left-wingers. To be fair, my definition of SJW was the extreme Social Justice activists who would ignore facts and just scream and paint people who politely disagreed and posted facts to back up their arguments ass horrible oppressors who deserve death. As GamerGate moves on people who fit that definition seemed to become the norm on the anti-gg side rather than the fringe element that it started as. A misogynist is someone who dislikes women and has a prejudice towards them. This dislike of women can be overt or covert What you see mostly nowadays is the covert display of misogyny, like GG where real misogynists mask there bigotry around other issues. So this gives them the opportunity to be sexist but pretend they not as they say they are doing it other reasons like " integrity in the gaming industry " And as usual this doesn't apply to all people who support GG
  10. So it seems many people have played this game and I'm keen to hear some overall impressions and a score of 100 Are you disappointed? Impressed ? Satisfied ? And don't forget your overall score out of 100
  11. What about Western (Yank) aggression and interference? No such thing in Bruce's world. And he doesn't feel sorry either, he feels the Serbs deserved the NATO bombing and by association would probably prefer if Moscow was a smoking crater. Germany (and the EU) is the biggest loser here. Taking a hit almost as bad as the Russians are to their economy... to support US policies and destabilization of europe. Perpetuating NATO presence in europe instead of building up an independent EU armed force. Nothing to gain out of the Ukrainian war and everything to lose in the long run. The EU actually let the US block the south stream gas project. It left Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria and others holding their **** instead of tying the continent together and helping avoid future conflict. Weak the lot of them. Yes you are correct, I do feel Serbia bought the bombing campaign on themselves by there aggressive military actions in Bosnia and Kosovo But I don't support the idea of a country being bombed to ashes, this is normally not necessary as most countries change there political and military objectives when these punitive actions start And as far as the West is concerned around "interfering " in Ukraine. Its not on the same degree as the obvious military action perpetuated by Russia. The West "interfered " politically in Ukraine. Russia illegally annexed a whole region in Ukraine, Crimea, and is now blatantly supplying armaments and personnel to allow parts of Eastern Ukraine to breakaway from Ukraine. Its not the same as the West supporting a pro-EU Ukrainian government and this is going to have serious economic consequences for Russia as we are already seeing with the devaluation of the Rubel and the massive flight of foreign investment in the Russian economy The falling Oil price is also negatively impacting the Russian economy but end of the day its the decision of the Putin government that is the direct cause for the state of the Russian economy. Its one of the major advantage of living in a global world, the right type of sanctions do have an impact on any country
  12. I've just found the most AMAZING food combination which I'll share with you guys cause I like you Slices of Avocado and Ostrich steak....OMG.....its delicious and healthy You should marinade the Ostrich before cooking and try to cook it medium-rare
  13. You seem to have an issue with gay Romance options in any particular game...or am I misunderstanding you ?
  14. It is not often I say this but I agree with you Malc, what I don't get about the criticism around the GTA series is you don't have to go around killing people. You can choose to kill relatively few people, outside the main quest line, if you choose to.
  15. Several of the 25 points are actually the same point (I think there's at least three that have to do with not being seen as a gamer due to gender). And point 25 is at least inauthentic because unless they disclose the gender of the "writer" of the list, how would you know what that gender was in order to take it more/less seriously due to gender bias? That said, I can actually speak to some of them (22 in particular). Back when people thought I was a woman I did get hit on, did get asked about sexual things and was sent some **** shots by some nameless fellows*. So it does happen. *I'm assuming they were fellows - due to the nature of the internet they could have actually been women sending **** pictures they had from other men to a man they thought was a woman, which kind of speaks to the difficulty of gender identity based reasoning in dealing with anonymous persons on the internet since you only have the word of the person you're talking to** about who they actually are. **Which means that despite the picture claiming to be "me" from the BIS days and my claims in this post that I'm not a woman, there's only two people on this board who've met me in real life and who have any ability to actually say that I am or am not what I represent on the internet.*** This also speaks to one of the inherent problems with the "real name" policies of some places, where I've registered under a real name, just not my real name. Because going back to the point of being able to post your real information online with no fear because you're a dude is wrong. ***Assuming they remember me at all, of course, which is unlikely. I'm not terribly memorable IRL. Interesting post, so you have been harassed when people thought you were a women. So I assume you also agree that video isn't complete nonsense?
  16. Not really clear to me, he could be doing graphic design work?
  17. Wowzers, that abuse you received from some feminists for trying to help is completely unacceptable But I'm glad you realize that doesn't represent the broader movement or what people who believe in gender equality aspire to achieve
  18. What type of business is it Woldan?
  19. This is a very relevant point, maybe the lack of apparent concern is that men feel they are harassed equally the same as women but this seems to be ignored? I can only speak from my experience and others I know but if you look at that video and the 25 points I have never ever been subjected any of those points of harassment. Also I have never been criticised for being a man, but I have criticised for being a SJW
  20. Sure, and I can believe that really happened. I would condemn that because I am firmly of the opinion that Bioware has done more for inclusivity than any other software company. Just the fact they have tackled same-sex relationships is a big step in the realm of truly trying to appeal to the whole fanbase in there games
  21. You right, you don't have to prove anything. But I thought we were trying to have a reasonable, constructive and mature debate about this topic So if you make a point doesn't it make sense you substantiate it with a link if someone asks you for further information so that they can review it?
  22. So going back to the video then would you agree its not utter nonsense because the video discusses how women are harassed on the Internet?
  23. Volo I have asked for links so I can confirm what you are saying? Can you not provide them, I can't find anything ?
  24. F Funny you mention this but I was going to ask you the same question. You have shared with us harassment that your girlfriend has been subjected to, like that older man wanting to meet her, so I would assume you will agree with my point that its a real problem how women are sometimes, and I would argue fairly regularly, harassed on the Internet And that's all I really want to achieve from my original point that the video highlights. Harassment of women is real and prevalent and we need to condemn it
  25. Because the entire thing is [citation needed]. That's what I thought, you don't really have a reason to dismiss it. Its just a knee-jerk reaction because it raises the reality of harassment of women on the Internet and it appears that this view is not something that certain people who support GG want to really accept or acknowledge...or even discuss Do you think this then undermines the objectives of GG somehow? Is it not possible to support GG but also support a video like this and the message it is trying to convey ? I think some of it is perfectly reasonable, and some of it is nonsense. Benefit 3 is nonsense. You release your contact information online and you run the risk of being stalked; male or not. That said the video wasn't terrible. I did notice one thing though. At the beginning the guy clearly used the word, "gamer". I guess the idea that gamers are dead has been dropped by feminist frequency. To me, that counts as a tiny win for GG. EDIT: Am I the only one who thinks the guy on benefit 12 has a fake mustache? It seems like the wrong color, and it also appears to be slanted like it was hastily put on. Thank you for your honesty Let us just forget for a second GG and Leigh Alexander and any other contentious issues since this whole Zoe Quinn incident started ( wow saying her name feels so weird and outdated now because so much has happened since then ) All I was expecting is people to watch the video and acknowledge that these are valid issues, for me its a no-brainer but to just dismiss the whole video as nonsense is not helpful to the overall discussion ?
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