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Everything posted by sorophx

  1. you can actually see how she's having trouble handling these weapons. another trash movie like Machete. I'd rather watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZ8-m1nIx-Q
  2. c'mon, if you had said Rhona Mitra, I'd have probably agreed. look, she basically IS Motoko: but Jessica Biel? she's not a kick-ass.
  3. probably, because she's considered the only action star capable of generating enough buzz around the movie (after starring in Avengers and Lucy). I'd prefer Kate Beckinsale, personally, if I could choose.
  4. actually, RPG Codex would love it, probably
  5. log in from another device and change all the passwords you changed after the incident, just to be safe.
  6. yes, you should. if you did launch something when you clicked on that file, you probably installed a keylogger, so changing your password won't do much good. change it on another computer. then download Malware Bytes or something and run a full scan with it, just in case
  7. the location wasn't central to the plot in the movie, because Oshii just didn't have enough screen time to put all the plot hooks, that are present in the manga, in. in the original manga Shirow focuses more on the world and global political and economic processes, than on the story. every chapter is pretty much its own story, save for a few plot lines (like the one with the Puppeteer) that go through multiple chapters. seriously, guys, I don't expect you to drop everything and read the manga, but IMO it's rather pointless to bring up the movie, since it's so different from Shirow's vision. Oshii had to work within strict time constraints of a feature film so he cut everything that wasn't central to the Puppeteer plot. that almost killed the movie, and it certainly would've if done by a lesser director. some scenes just don't make sense without reading the manga first and knowing Shirow's sources of inspiration.
  8. it would make more sense to make the story take place somewhere other than in Newport City/Japan
  9. hmmm, I thought Alabama was closer to Louisiana, but still, maybe they're just close enough for that
  10. this is why I love these forums btw, I have a bunch of unredeemed Origin keys I got with one of Humble bundles: Dead Space Burnout Paradise Crysis 2 Medal of Honor Mirror's Edge C&C Red Alert 3 Uprising I did redeem these games on Steam. I am not sure if Origin and Steam keys to the same games are linked somehow, but in case someone wants to try and redeem one of these, PM me with your request. EDIT: also, if anyone has Pillars of Eternity keys he doesn't need (or if he/she will get them once the game is released), poke me, I'll gladly take one off your hands
  11. Haters. Viconia is awesome
  12. You're probably right about that
  13. She doesn't in the manga, though. I guess you're thinking of the SAC version of Motoko. Like I said, the 1995 movie gets a lot of stuff "wrong" (I'm sure that was Oshii's intention), in terms of the original's themes and tone. That movie recreates the GITS universe almost perfectly, but it's trying to tell a complex story inside one+ hour. The original wasn't really about the stories it told, but about the world these stories took place in.
  14. For me that's easy: it's the best spy thriller I've ever laid my eyes on. Granted, I don't read much sci-fi, so I don't have much to compare it to. Still, it's my favorite cyberpunk work by any writer.
  15. I see a lot of people say that, giving different reasons why it wouldn't work. And I can't help but disagree. Most of the comments revolve around the fact that this new movie will be competing against the 1995 anime (with some bringing up the TV series, which I can't stand). I think people should forget about Oshii's movies. They're completely different in tone and style when compared with the original manga. Depending on who's doing the script and directing, the new movie could be very good. My only wish is they'd actually cast Asians for primary roles (Kusanagi, Togusa, Aramaki etc.)
  16. CRAP! I was really hoping they'd go with Margot Robbie
  17. what game is that?
  18. are you saying all women in Finland look like her? guess it's time to move to Finland then
  19. ahah, she must be a minor celebrity over there
  20. whoa, she's cute. what country does she skate for?
  21. the site forbids hotlinking, just right-click the icon and open the source in a new tab
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