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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. If case you did not noticed I decided to address SW:TSL as munchkin since they noted epic levels were in ... so "The Munchkin One"=the character we play in the game (its also a stab at "The Nameless One" of Planescape:Torment).
  2. Actually the easier way is simply throw the character in and dont give a damn about explaining levels. People only get confused when they are supposed to be playing some kind of "powerful somthing" and start as lv1, if they start as a nobody they dont care.
  3. The question is simply "why". The Jedi Order is not a buch of Nazis that prevent anyone that is capable of using the Force of doing so if they dont join up with then. Ulic case was extreme and not the norm, people forget that Ulic was Exar Kun right hand man and a war criminal. In Revan case he had his mind shattered and he was not blocked from using the Force he simply did not knew how until he retained and awaken memories. There is no reason why The Munchkin One in SW:TML have to have a "mind wipe" or "force blocking" effect since he cannot done anything to put him on such position unless OE is pulling another "Revan" with quite frankly would be a really stupid move, they already stated that The Muchkin One suffers for no memory loss and the like.
  4. Depends on sexual harrasement being possible or not.
  5. In the original triology we had Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine, only one Darth that Anakin Skywalker. It was with the prequels that George Lucas (Darth Flannel) make the whole "Darth" title thing so ... there was no convention to start with.
  6. It does, being a Jedi is the same as joining the army. Forcing any class choice is a restriction, forcing a choice is even a bigger restriction. Besides people would want to play without having to use the force and lightsabers and when they force the character to join a organization and then make the game for jedi characters. If you cannot see the restictions of a forced jedi character then you are blind.
  7. Funny thing it was only found when PS2 had a price cut to hurt Xbox sale figures. It also shown when the DC was abandoned and prices naturaly dropped and there was some influx in sales, enough for some people were looking at restart the DC but ... BTW I would not give much credit from what comes from Square Enix mouth, some time ago they said something about how important the PAL market was for then and we still have s***ty conversions.
  8. Add Nintendo to that. The money they lose in hardware sales they make up with software sales, when GameCube cut prices to 99.00 they cut it from what each console costed to make to a loss and they had in some cases a 200% boost on sales.
  9. Sorry, Half Life 2 is not a PS2 title. I confused Far Cry that will have PS2 and Xbox console versions as Far Cry Instincts (likely scaled down because I simply cannot belive such a DirectX 9 engine can work in Xbox and PS2 without major rework)
  10. Half Life 2 is a PC,PS2 and Xbox title.
  11. Doom 3 is a PC game, its going to be a PC ported to the Xbox or (worst case) a XBox game ported to the PC. FPS dont go well with consoles since they have to use "auto aim" help as in PCs we use mouse cursor aim.
  12. It matters little. Dreamcast was released before PlayStation 2 and the moment PS2 was released DC died. The Xbox release suffered from a violent attack from Sony that lowered their PS2 price that boosted PS2 sales also Xbox suffered from a bad aception in the largest (and key) market that is the JPN region with is were the large number of console developers are publishers are located,as it stands if you not getting support from there you can close up shop. The Xbox is not comming a "comeback" (not in MS plans since Xbox Next is their central for their market implementation), the only thing that is happening is Xbox prices are reaching a point were people can buy it as a second console for people that already own a PS2. For every "Xbox success" I point 3 PlayStation 2 sucess ... more people care about GTA:SA,FF XII and MGS3:SE that Fable,Halo 2 or SW:TSL.
  13. Actually that is one definition. Munchkin have several, when I use it is to descrive powergamers that cheat and have no idea of what roleplaying actually is. That is why I started to use it when Epic levels were confirmed.
  14. No, its simply a matter of adding a extra command of destroying the spawn point when all enemies spawn by that point are destroyed. The diference is such command does not exist on respawn enemies, take Morrowind that only respawns enemies after a certain amount of time passes. Most enemies are basic grunts and require no much effort besides of being balanced.
  15. Final Fantasy games have good scripts, even FF X-2 that (due to his theme) makes me wonder about why the heck I am playing it does a good job of what its trying to be. A game is only or bad if it is able to be what it was intended to be, just like movies ... to like the game or not is just as movies a matter of personal taste (of course games are more complicated due to the player interaction). Also I disagree with Blizzard being more involved because Blizzard does FMV the same way Square does, they both use then to maximun effect but as Blizzard does RTS games and so such scenes are limited were Square uses the more times, the Moon Waltz scene of FF VIII for example that displays a lot of Squall emotions and feelings.
  16. Its already is, you think they enemies are placed in the map by the grace of the holy spirit? Each map have spawn points when loading spawn enemies, in SW:KotOR case they also had a level list that simply spawns the enemies acording to the player level.
  17. And my point is they respawn, it does not matter if 95% do not respawn if 5% respawn since the fact SW:KotOR have respawn points ... even if they are rarely used. I found something wrong that was talking to the tuskan raiders guarding the entry to their area would actually trigger the "blow cover" script and the guard you talk would go hostile, if you kill him it simply respawn a replacement and they use a level list (that means they adapt to the the party level) so its simply a matter of a easier XP farming using a exploit.
  18. FF X have far less FMV that FF IX and FF X-2 FMV are even fewer. Cutscenes were (and are) used when the game engine cannot render it, before CDs cutscenes were rarely used because of space considerations, seeing how PS One have many limitations Squaresoft used 2D painted backgrounds with 3d sprites for creatures used FMV to show key points of the story, with PS2 technology they can use the 3d models for most scenes as as such FMV are simply used when they are trying to make a complex scene were the engine (such as Sin being bombarded) is still unsuitable.
  19. last time I checked Troika have not included that option yet ...
  20. And seletable breast size ... lets not forget about one.
  21. Malak was BioWare End Boss ... That means it had far higher stats that normal (if not in error only Dex was not 20+) and a "dispell" lightsaber. If level progression was aimed at a lower ending level Malak would have lower levels and lower stats (but in the BioWare End Boss tradiction he would still cheat, like Sarevok in BG1) but unfortunatly the Dioblows mentality ended the idea of lower level RPGs were chances of aim of end the game with a character that have not reached double digits in levels are slim to none.
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