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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. None are much of a Jedi. Heck even in the prequels the Jedi were in missions areound the galaxy to bring peace ... either by words or lightsaber. Extreme pacifism is wrong, the Jedi could not be the protectors of the Republic if all they did was sit around and talk, refusing to get involved beyond thet is not much of a help. If we look at it the Republic it becames the Empire because it was too dependent of the Jedi, the Galaxy might need the Jedi but not be dependent of then. I agree its unability to understand the Exile that makes then act that way, they are wrong in doing so and by trying to kill then it just shows the lack of faith they have in the Force, if the Force was to be destroyed by him there would be nothing they could do about it, like Anakin that brought balance to the Force despite being turned to the Dark Side.
  2. Actually they dont ... true that are ususally less bugs in console titles that in PC but people that got Morrowind Xbox version got the same as the PC version and could not even patch the game. Anyway in case of the problem ... Modern games have a copy protection that scans youir computer looking for virtual drives and CD/DVD burn software and if they find it, the game will not run.
  3. Its not a *bug*. Things work like this, there is a apperance refence line that says what model is used when wearing a certain type of item, its possible (I done it for KotOR) to set it in a way it always use the clothing model when using anything. Kreia is a dificult model because she have a hood and so its likely her head model have the hood attacked to it since its part of the character concept and the models work that way in the game.
  4. *Sign* Classes are part of the rule system balance point. People said Morrowind (well The Elder Scrolls games) dont have classes but that is false, there are classes in the game since the system is set that level up is based on the class major (and perhaps ninor) skill progression but the classes exist only to set the character skills type (major, ninor, misc.) are. In VtM system there are no levels and so there are no classes, XP is used intead to raise skills.
  5. Jedi are unbalanced in KotOR, the force system was never much to my liking. Yes the flaws were in KotOR but they were made worst in KotOR II. It have a huge effect outside combat that end up being the point, after the battle the party heals and so wastes resources that can be used in combat. With regeneration its just "sit there and wait". BioWare make up the Implant system out of tin air, I disliked its slot system and its feat requirement ... reminded me too much of 2nd ed AD&D "because we said so" reasoning.
  6. Women are equal in THE LAW. You think we guys have it better ... HA, we have the same bullsh*t over steriotypes that women have, only diference lies on the steriotype. Dont give me crap about how women are not equal, THERE IS NO EQUALITY AND IT NEVER WILL, what it matters is how the LAW view its citizens and in western countries we are all equal in the eyes of the law, no matter what race, gender, religion and sexual orientation we are.
  7. The basic rules are fine, idiotic changes to then (giving feats up, regeneration of vitality and force points, overpowerful feats, etc ...) and unablity to give enemies decent attack scripts is always going to hurt combat. This game changed the rules to the worst, I cannot know who was the "genious" behind such idiotices (even if I am looking at LucasArts direction I cannot forget PS:T combat) but saying the rules must be changed when if fact they CHANGED the rules from KotOR and to the WORST makes me little hope what the new rules would be about .. perhaps even more broken were we be playing a adventure game with half-baked "lite" RPG elements.
  8. I rather make my own company. But I have no illusions that it would be hell and compromises would never allow me to make the games as I wanted to be like in the end.
  9. Well in ToEE they stick with the original D&D module as close as possible so its not a suprise that its nothing but a dungeon crawl, back then all D&D modules are dungeon crawls. There are worst choices that "Temple of Elemental Evil", "Against the Giants" module series for example. If I was Troika and had a choice I would used "Ravenloft" module instead.
  10. It was not. I am very cynic over KotOR storylines since they make enoug references to those comics character to give the idea they actually know who they are and then pretty much ignore the same comics. As for Vima ... let me put this way, she was in the Tales of the Jedi comics that show a much diferent Jedi Order (not the prequels knock-off Jedi Order) and would simply not work in KotOR.
  11. The Sith empire was destroyed during the great Hyperspace war, there was not much left out of it. Reason of why Korriban is somewhat intact is because it was just a tomb world at that time and the Republic Fleet ignored it because of it, the rest was utterly destroyed by the Republic Fleet. As for potencial survivers ... Problem is that the Sith had a very clear chain of command and had to follow the current Dark Lord of the Sith, before the Republic started to destroy then there was already two Sith Lords fighting for the title of Dark Lord of the Sith. So chances of anyone survive their civil war and the Republic counter attack is very small. I remenber that Canderous said they were contacted by the Sith to attack the Republic (leading to the Mandalorians Wars) that is true except he got the wrong war, Exar Kun used the Mandalorians in his war with the Republic so it makes little sense that Canderous would not mention that as well.
  12. I said KotOR fanboys are anoying. A lot of people that really dont know much of how Star Wars works in relation to EU make some mistakes over what *is* considered part of EU and what is not, problem with KotOR is at points it simply disreguard everything that is part of the EU and we have people defending the wierd notion that KotOR is more "official" that something else written 5 years ago. Yes its a queston but its better directed to LucasArts, LucasFilms or LucasBooks since they know what its considered canon or not. I would guess from the same place were he got the: "At the beginning of the game, the
  13. George does not consider anything besides his work. That does not nean EU material is not used by him, after all in the special editions there were several Eu references, such as the Outrider in "A New Hope" and a lot we see in the prequels comes from EU (Coruscant). As many of us know how "Shadow of the Empire" was a great effort and its not consider by Geoge Lucas to be official so why would SW:KotOR be? In a way I am sad seeing SW:KotOR faboys being so anyoing ... the only reason the Star Wars Database had KotOR entries is because they were pretty much spammed into include then.
  14. Thats is what Ubisoft is claiming. Now Ubisoft is a french based company and the french goverment is very protective when it comes to take overs from non french companies so I doubt Ubisoft is going to have a problem with EA as long the French goverment wants to keep it as a French company. Personaly I dont want to see EA get control of Ubisoft, it would kill a lot of games (expecialy adventure games) and make EA a too powerful pubisher in the console market ... also Ubisoft is one of the few publishers that takes risks when it comes to inovative games.
  15. Well that is the problem, I also view the force as something that is a tool but some autors disagree and show the Force with intent, like George Lucas with that "balance to the force" and "will of the Force" thing. Of course things deep down goes to points of view and what people belive to be true, I know that the NJO goes more that a bit into "there is no Dark Side" and a reasoning that the Dark Side of the Force is caused by people being good and evil ... naturaly that contradicts with a lot that been done by other autors. I think in TSL case people are just taking things too literaly and assume things some characters say to be true. Lets look at the Exile being a "wound in the Force", now he uses the force and its not something that can be stolen with that ease (only thing that I remenber able to do something like that is Marka Ragnos Staff) but not being present in the Force also means nothing in relation to be able to use it, after all a Vorg is using it. Perhaps the Exile simple is cut from the Force in a way that he no longer can be seen as a Force user and have a force presence but still be able to manipulate it and be a part of it (its being affected by it after all) but what can be said ... making him Vorg like would make him unaffected by most Force powers and so not a good idea from a balance point of view to the combat system and naturaly giving the plot away the moment players see their character cannot be affected by Force powers.
  16. Right now they would just wipe out another powerful foe that was planning an all-out assault in the Known Space. I mean we already have the Vorg and it looks the next story arc is the "Vorg-like except with force powers" (they are even making Troy Dennings write it ... Troy Dennings ...) and even if they are using another race the "True Sith" it cannot be, they all died over 1000 years before the game started and those WERE the Sith, they cannot make new Sith without end up looking as just another Sith since its impossible to use the original Sith without end up being fan service of the worst kind and ignore (even more) the material they are using as background to a point that makes the original material and what it was meant to achive useless.
  17. Star Wars (like any universe with too many people making things for it) have a lot of ideas that conflict. I played Jedi Knights game and people are forgetting (or not remenbering) that people were turned into force users by either the Valley of the Jedi or Marka Ragnos staff/sword. Remenber that Kyle removed himself from the Force after MotS and had to use the Valley of the Jedi to accelerate his connection to it, problem is the force is overpresent in Star Wars and everything is linked to it sort of some notable exceptions but that does not mean you feel the force of 3CPO but its possible to feel his presence in the force. But then we have creatures that do not exist in the Force, the Vorg for example did not had a force presence and were "force dead" but they are living creatures and one of then actually used the Force so instead of going with theories that will conflict with many concepts of the Force there are already examples of how that worked.
  18. Its a action game for the Xbox done by Techno (who are the biggest Xbox supporters in Japan). I never played it, I remenber it looked good when I unlocked the movie on DoA Beach Volleyball and it reminds me of the latest Prince of Persia games.
  19. Well they were in NWN case (I remenber that well because Atari set the release date in stone around six months before release) ... that game had no many problems during development caused by outside factors its a wonder it did that well. In JE case they are developing a Xbox exclusive game based on their own IP, Microsoft is not going to bully then since they need to titles to sell their Fire Hazard system and BioWare can just retreat their game and go to other publisher (since its 100% owned by BioWare).
  20. Interplay is dead and so is Sierra, Sierra is now VU games that are part of Vivaldi universal (that is french). Also Ubisoft and Atari are french and a major publishers, then we have Komani and Square Enix that are japanese, Eidos and Rockstar that is UK based and ... well guess not everyone is based in the US of A.
  21. I hate defending EA but in The Sims 2 there was only a serious bug (the jumping bug) they corrected in the patch and that bug taken about a month to rear his ugly head. Yes it have bugs but dont even compare it to VtM:B and TSL.
  22. Please Volourn, the Last Jedi ... Fable was to have a dragon, it got cut and even if there are many files that were to be used (such as the mural) there is no playable area for it and it does not work. Things get cut but in HK they left the area, they left the references and appears to be possible to access it on the Xbox using a cheat device. It was cut at the last second since they left the quest refences in the actual game, there is no need to dig the files to see what was cut. Also dont give me the release time, games get pushed all the time ... lets take Jade Empire for example that was moved from end of 04 to now 04/05 ... I guess that is what happens when you have your own QA department and take no bull from the publisher.
  23. Of course not ... that is why they never fixed that memory leak that is referenced on the readme ... Should I go over the "ghost" HK factory and final planet lost files? The game was rushed to meet the Xmas line, LucasArts gone back on the word of a simulatious PC and XBox release. Not that it matters to Volourn, the Last Jedi ...
  24. How many treads asking for a early release were here? Many people wanted the game NOW, of course wanting something before its actual completed means a incompleted game and so "bugs". I was not adressing bugs on that BTW, companies release games with know bugs because gamers got used to "patch then", 10 years ago if a game was released with so many problems as TSL it would been trashed on reviews.
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