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Everything posted by Drakron

  1. Well I dont expect everthing Star Wars, expecialy things outside the movies. This is one of the dangers of making a Star Wars game and I think as BioWare was careful over how to explain everything they put on the game so players dont have to hunt down the information on their own, OE relied too much on the idea people played KotOR before to fill in details. Also they come out with things they did not explained at all, the Exile might not have ammesia but there sould been a way to tell the Exile past intead of us guessing what happened.
  2. This is a follow up. One thing is writting a book and another making a game plot. R.A. Salvatore that is a "prolifric and published" written the story on that Forgotten Realms:Demon Stone" and reading the reviews of that game it seens that the story is weak. I am not going to debate R.A. Salvatore abilities as a writter but it seens that in Demon Stone he simply failed acording to professional reviewers and the lack of success of that game futher reinforces their opinion.
  3. Excuse me ... For god sake, not the damn Vorg cameo again. I know a lot of people dont know what I am talking about but that convertation of Canderous is just a "easter egg" of the Vorg and no, they are not Sith and cannot be used until the New Jedi Order timeline.
  4. That is not true. Young Jedi Knights series are children books.
  5. I think people reported that the trigger for the second part does not happen since it usually triggers after we complete a planet after going there the first time but I can be mistaken over that.
  6. No, its a programer joke during testing to indicate that something was broken. Another thing, the loading screens say to save often and in diferent slots, sad fact is the game was rushed and there are several issues that can lead to corrupted saves and dead ends (like doing Oderon last).
  7. For god sake just dont post then as .bmp files.
  8. Nerfs is more like goats, if you played Star Wars Battlegounds they are used as food resources.
  9. Ah but Live is a closed network, MS controls its content and use. I belive TSL failed to meet Live standarts and that is why its not Live enabled, also even if you put then in a DVD you cannot download its contents into the Xbox without some sort of installer program that allows for that since we have no control over the Xbox hard drive. I dont think MS would allow such a program anymore it allows modded Xboxes. I own a Xbox and understand very well you guys having all the rights to be mad, expecialy when LucasArts recently published Mercenaries that appears to be bug free (or at least as bug free as console titles usually are) with the only diference of TSL and Mercenaries is that one is for PC and Xbox and the other for Xbox and PS2.
  10. Well the redeption theme was abused by the EU, as much as the "super weapon of the week". Heck its still being used, I give OE writters credit for not making it a center part of this game story. Its dificult to make a game were if the player goes down a certain path he cannot back down because they know most players dont want that, the only Star Wars game I remenber forced that was "Dark Forces II, Jedi Knight" were at a point the gane would look at certain hidden statistics and force down a path to the end.
  11. Kreia is wrong, she is capable of error as well as anyone. This sould be keep in mind since many are thinking she holds the truth over the Force but she does not, her knowledge is warped by her perceptions and she holds no absolute truths. Taking Kreia apple is not taking Eden apple, she is as blind to the Force as the Jedi Masters and the Sith Lords. Vergere also have her "unique" views on the Force, it does not make her right ...
  12. Xbox been out how long? How many Xbox games had patches? (no, Morrowind GotY is not a patch) Understand this, MS does NOT ALLOW XBOX LIVE TO BE USED TO PATCH GAMES, that service was designed for multiplayer purposes in the first place and they know if they allowed to be used in such way that means publishers would do the same as they do in PC, release first-patch later. If you see a Xbox game that also have a PC version (but not a PS2 or CG version) be careful since likely its going to be as bugged as the PC version.
  13. That is true, I think only thing that Lucas did was saying the Sith are the inbalance on the Force but that can be interpetarted in many ways, expecialy since he used "Sith" and not "dark side".
  14. Well in Visas case she is quite clear why she joined and follows him. She sees in the Exile the same pain she carries, seeing a planet dead and that nakes the Exile the only person that can understand and relate to her pain. She also felt the Exile before he could meet her and made her choice before they meet, there is no question that her choice was made before the Force bound.
  15. Well not exactly. Kreia wanted to destroy the Force because she did not like the idea of being ruled by a destiny. Right or wrong as she might been she does have a point in thinking that way, the Jedi many times consider thenselves to be "servents of the Force". Think as this way, in religion there is usually the idea we have a destiny and that everything that happens is because some deity decided it. Eventually we broken away from such concepts and belive in "free will" and "choice", no matter how much that is conditionated by sociaty morality and rules. True that "choice" have been used before, its the focus of "The Matrix" triology for example.
  16. The Hammerhead cruiser are in KotOR, both the Ender Spire and the Harbinger are Hammerhead cruisers. The Ravenger is new, its a "Star Destroyer wannabe mk XXII" and from references I seen it looks to been one of the ships at Malachor V so its either a Mandalorian design or a Republic design.
  17. The Ebon Hawk was resued by the Harbinger from a Sith Ship, later (I suspect when Sion wakes up) T3, Kreia, HK-50 and the Exile escape to the Ebon Hawk that was still damaged. You can piece that much from going over the logs in the Harbinger. The Ebon Hawk was send back with T3 for the Exile, I dont understand if it was for him to deal with the "new Sith" or for the Exile to return to Revan to help against whatever he was doing.
  18. Well not exactly. When arriving at Citadel Station Kreia says something that for a Jedi being cut from the Force is like lossing all their senses. I think Visas makes a good point later one when she says she follows the Exile because she wants to. I think it deep down goes to will, the Force might have a "destiny" but in the end its the will that matters, Anakin rejected the Dark Side because he chose to do, not because it was his destiny. I also think the Jedi Masters are wrong over the Exile being a wound to the Force, the Exile cut himself from the Force because of the force bounds he have and I think his force bounds did not vanished in Malachor V but remained and not only that he made a force bound with Malachor V itself, what the Jedi Masters were seeing was Malachor V and its dead, not the Exile.
  19. One I think the one that was in KotOR I, I dont think there is anything on it (or even if its still there. The other is under a bunk were Visas stays, there is nothing there of inportance ... I got some credits and medpacks.
  20. I got a lot of influence with her and no, what she wants is someone that is not blinded by the force. The Exile can feel the Force but is at the same time cut from it but not the danger the Jedi Masters seen in him, I think the Jedi Masters acted out of ignorance. The danger is that the Exile was like a blind man that could see and a deft man that could hear, he could teach others to use the Force without being ruled by it.
  21. Perhaps at one point. Do you know that Atris have a portrait and apperance.2da is ready for her to be used as a party menber as well? I suspect that when he go to Telos secret academy again it would have set who would be the final enemy, Kreia or Atris and we could fill Kreia empty slot with Atris after we beaten her (making her very Bastilla like). What I suspect is that they created content as the same time they were reviewing the story and so we have a lot of resources that are not used and cannot be used, changing Kreia role would destroy the story intregity since she is the key and even if Atris can be expanded we cannot alter that much to make the Exile-Atris confrontation and resolution pointless.
  22. Must have missed Atris using force powers during those 3 flurry attacks ...
  23. Kreia did not started the Mandalorians Wars. Canderous comment is over a BioWare oversight by allowing a reference to how the Sith contacted the Mandalorians to attack the Republic to get out of the timeline (I belive the game was to be set much closer to Kun War and so his comments were over Kun Sith). In KotOR Kreia states this are new Sith that dont follow the same ideals of the Sith, meaning Revan gone looking for the Sith that started the Mandalorian Wars.
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